英语人>词典>汉英 : 作出选择 的英文翻译,例句
作出选择 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
choose  ·  chooses

更多网络例句与作出选择相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Change Request Form below and returning it to the Company's Branch Share Registrar, Tricor Standard Limited, using this aerogram.


After your election, you may choose to change your choice of language and means of receipt at any time, free of charge, by completing the Change Request Form and returning it to the Company's Branch Share Registrar, Tricor Secretaries Limited, using this aerogram.


However, if asked to make a choice, I will not hesitate to assent to the latter.


He has to make the decision by the close of this semester.


A nd these hot-house simpletons a re supposed to m a ke c a reer choices a t 18 -- on the basis of wh a t?


When you have to make a choice and don't make it, that is in itself a choice.


Believing me, Disbelieving me, you totally free. Willing you making your choise.


In fact we make choice between "fight" or "flight" and in more primitive days the choice made the difference between life and death.


A nd these hot-house simpletons a re supposed to m a ke c a reer choices a t 18 -- on the basis of wh a t?


The moral problem has not changed since the time when it was a choice between slavery and anti-slavery — from the time of the war of Secession, for example, until the present moment when one chooses between the M.R.P. and the Communists.


更多网络解释与作出选择相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

choose between:在两者中作出选择

a matter of sth. / doing sth. 需要 ...... 的问题 , 需要 ...... 的事情 | choose between 在两者中作出选择 | date from 始于

We chose to go by train:我们选择乘火车去

You'll have to choose whether to buy it or not. 买还是不买,你得作出选择... | We chose to go by train. 我们选择乘火车去. V to inf. | We chose Paul Stubbs to be chairperson. 我们选保罗 斯塔布斯当主席. V...

haven't I:继续冒险 对吗? - 我想我刚刚已作出选择了 不是吗

It's "C." Benjamin Franklin.|我选"C" Be... | - You're gonna play, huh? - I think I just have, haven't I?|- 继续冒险 对吗? - 我想我刚刚已作出选择了 不是吗 | You certainly have. "C, " right? Right?|你确实...

if you want, I could help you figure out your options:如果你愿意 我可以帮你作出选择

I figure about 80% oft hose were drug-related, so...|我想百分之... | if you want, I could help you figure out your options.|如果你愿意 我可以帮你作出选择 | So far, they told me if I cooperate,|他们告诉...

make a choice of:作出选择

small profits and quick returns 薄利多销 | make a choice of 作出选择 | a wide variety of 范围广、种类多

make a choice about:关于......作出选择

19. tear down 拆除 | 20. make a choice about 关于......作出选择 | She made a careful choice about what to wear and to eat. 她对于吃什么穿什么,选择得很仔细.

permanent resident:永久性居民

"永久性居民" (permanent resident) 指通常居住於香港的个人;"临时居民" (temporary resident) 指符合以下情况的个人:该人在作出选择的课税年度内,在香港一次或多次逗留期间总共超过180天,或在两个连续的课税年度(其中一个是作出选择的课税年度)内,

select committee:调查委员会

select 选择, 挑选; 作出选择, 挑选 (动) | select committee 调查委员会 | selected 经由选择的; 挑选的 (形)

elect vt. 1:选举,推举 2.选择,决定 vi.进行选举,作出选择

columnist n.专栏作家 | elect vt.1.选举,推举 2.选择,决定 vi.进行选举,作出选择 | election n.选举,推举,当选

elect vt. 1:选举、推举2、选择、决定 vi.进行选举,作出选择

Elder a. 年龄较大的,年长的n.长者,长辈 | Elderly a.较老的,年长的 n.上了年纪的人,较老的人 | Elect vt. 1、选举、推举2、选择、决定 vi.进行选举,作出选择