英语人>词典>汉英 : 作为分词 的英文翻译,例句
作为分词 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与作为分词相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As an intransitive verb in the sense "to be wanting or deficient," lack is used chiefly in the present participle with in

作为一个不及物动词,用于"缺乏或缺少"之意的 lack 主要和 in一起用于现在分词中

"Jagger," he said,"grabs a half-gallon jug of water and runs along the front platform, sprinkling its contents over the first few rows of sweltering listener---"


We found the system with Maximum Entropy Model, and test word feature and HNC concept primitive feature respectively.


To use these keywords as segmentation, the initial address segmentation may be completed.


This is a language where 'cleave' can mean to cut in half or to hold two halves together; where the simple word 'set' has 126 different meanings as a verb, 58 as a noun, and 10 as a participial adjective; where if you can run fast you are moving swiftly, but if you are stuck fast you are not moving at all; where 'colonel,' 'freight,' 'once,' and 'ache' are strikingly at odds with their spellings.

在英语里,"劈"既可以是指一切为二的意思,又有把两样东西粘合在一起的意思;一个简简单单的"SET",作动词时,就有126种不同的意思,而作名词用时,又有58个意思,作为分词形容词是,则又有10种意思了;英语里,如果说你跑地快,说明你移动的迅速,但是快这个次在与粘用在一起时,这时的快就不是原来那个意思了;名词colonel、 freight和once则与它们的拼写形成鲜明的对比。

Participles and participial phrases can function as adjectives, uh, now what I want to look at here is a particular case


" A participial form of .ed- in this sense was .dent-,"biting," which came to mean "tooth.

作为这个意思的-ed 的分词形式是 dent-,意为"咬",后来转变成"牙齿"的意思。

The question's semantic comprehension model combines many natural language processing techniques, including Segmentation and Part-Of-Speech Tagging, the confirmation of the question type, the extarction of keywords and extending, the confirmation of the knowledge unit, Through these works, the intention of the user is holded, which greatly helped the last work of this system. The FAQ-based question similarity match model is implemented by sematic sentence similarity computation, which is improved by our system, this model can answer frequently-asked question fastly and concisely.The document warehouse-base automatic answer fetching model fistly deal with the document warehouse beforehand and construct inversed index, then use high efficient information retrieval model to search in the base and return some relevant documents, lastly, we use answer extraction technique to get the answer from these relevant documents and present it to users.

问句理解分析模块采用分词和词性标注、关键词提取及扩展、问句类型类别确定等自然语言理解技术,实现对用户提问意图的准确理解;FAQ 库问句匹配模块主要采用本系统改进的句子相似度计算方法来实现用户问句的解答,该模块主要用于实现用户常问问题的快速、准确解答;学科文档库答案自动获取模块在对学科文档库建立倒排索引的基础上,采用高效的信息检索模型对索引库进行检索,返回与用户查询表达式相似度较高的文档作为候选文档,针对从文档中直接获取答案难度较大这一问题,本系统采用答案抽取技术来实现问题的最终回答。

Most of the rooms in this hotel are panelled.


Adjectives and participles are also sometimes used as qualifiers, usually in combination with other words.


更多网络解释与作为分词相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


101 现在分词(present participle)作为形容词10.那位垂死(dying)的病人是我的老师. 102 过去分词(past participle)作为形容词英文中,现在式(present tense)好像是最容易的,其实现在式都是我们常常用错的时式.


英文IMC的"整合"(Integrated)是一个过去分词. 在>里,Integrate作为动词的解释有: (1)combine(parts)into awhole,complete by adding parts:连接各个部分使成为一个整体,结合成一体;

maximum matching:最大匹配

基于字符串的最大匹配,这种方法现在仍比较常用,最大匹配(Maximum Matching)分为正向和逆向两种最大匹配,正向匹配的基本思想是:假设词典中最大词条所含的汉字个数为n个,取待处理字符串的前n个字作为匹配字段,查找分词词典.

past participle:过去分词

10 2 过去分词(past participle)作为形容词这个国家的法律已经崩溃(break down)了. 三个人死于(get killed)这场车祸. 10 3 不定词(Infinitives)作为形容词和副词我们都有保持缄默(remain silent)的权利. 第十一章 词组(Phrases)和子句(Clauses)2.

present tense:现在时态

都是在动词尾加一、用分词作为定语(Attributive)/形容词(Adjective)基本上,虚拟语气可分为虚拟现在(Subjunctive Present)和虚拟过去(SubjunctivePast)两种;但它们和时态(Tenses)上所指的现在时态(Present Tense)和过去时态四、在现在时态句里,