英语人>词典>汉英 : 佛陀的 的英文翻译,例句
佛陀的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Buddhistic  ·  Buddhistical

更多网络例句与佛陀的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The maximum you could be was a disciple of the Buddha, an arhat, someone who can transform entirely the afflictions and get free from all suffering, but that the Buddha was the only one who could be a Buddha.


Finally, having given some reflections and shake-ups, I'll take the opportunity to call the virtues of the Buddha, the teachings of the Buddha and the good qualities of the Arahant-disciples of the Buddha, to be the fruit and inspiration to all laypeople, may you meet with the mind that is clean, bright and peaceful, in this life.


He scattered 12 television sets throughout the exhibit space and used them to create unexpected effects in the images being received. Later exhibits included the use of magnets to manipulate or alter the image on TV sets and create patterns of light.He moved to New York in 1964 and started working with classical cellist Charlotte Moorman to combine video, music and performance.In TV Cello'' they stacked television sets that formed the shape of a cello. When she drew the bow across the television sets, there were images of her playing, video collages of other cellists and live images of the performance.—Laura Wides-Munoz, Associated Press

利用 SONY 录影设备至做出封闭循环录影作品,其中以电视佛陀最具代表性,白南准拿出他的古董收藏,一个佛陀的佛像再摆放了一个极具现代风格的球体型制的电视,结合及时的录影影像,让实体的大佛看著电视萤幕中产生的另一个大佛,一幅极为冲突但又透露出禅意的作品,让人不断去思考东方与西方、过去与现在、真实与再现等等议题,当然白南准陆续制作过类似的主题,但是这件电视佛陀堪称经典。

Bamboo Grove Monastery is more than 2000 years old, dating to the time of the devout King Bimbisara, who consecrated this garden to help Gautama Buddha establish the Sangha.


Buddha word "Buddha" is abbreviated, is a transliteration of Buddha (if used in today's Chinese transliteration, it should be "Buda"), the Buddha is the meaning of "consciousness" or "wise men."


This very precious method from Buddha, from the Buddha's teaching in the Kangyur "The Dharani Called Possessing the Limbs of All the Buddhas" and is extremely worthwhile to try to do.


This very precious method from Buddha, from the Buddha's teaching in the Kangyur " The Dharani Called Possessing the Limbs of All the Buddhas " and is extremely worthwhile to try to do.


Whosoever reviles the Enlightened One, or a disciple of the Buddha, recluse or a householder — know him as an outcast.


The terraces that make up the stupa are covered with narrative scenes from the Buddha's life and from the jatakas , the folklore-style literature about the Buddha's previous lives.


The maximum you could be was a disciple of the Buddha, an arhat, someone who can transform entirely the afflictions and get free from all suffering, but that the Buddha was the only one who could be a Buddha.


更多网络解释与佛陀的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


他娶阿弥达(Amita)为妻,生了巴达伽加那.耶输陀罗(Bhaddakaccana-Yasodhara)及提婆达多(Devadatta). 耶输陀罗嫁给悉达多太子为妻,因此他是佛陀的岳父. 据说他因为佛陀抛弃他的女儿及对提婆达多不友善而受到触怒. 有一天,


brotherhood n. 手足情谊,兄第关系 | buddhahood 成为佛陀的状态 | childhood n. 童年,幼年


Buddhist 佛教徒 | Buddhistic 佛陀的 | Buddhistical 佛陀的

Buddhistic:佛陀的, 佛教的

buddhism /佛教/佛法/ | buddhistic /佛陀的/佛教的/ | buddhistical /佛陀的/佛教的/


Buddhistic 佛陀的 | Buddhistical 佛陀的 | buddie 兄弟

Buddhistical:佛陀的, 佛教的

buddhistic /佛陀的/佛教的/ | buddhistical /佛陀的/佛教的/ | budding /萌芽的/蕻/

Max Factor:蜜丝佛陀

此外,曾经美国排名第一的家庭装饰连锁店"Home Depot Expo"、宝洁集团(Procter & Gamble)下属的化妆品牌"蜜丝佛陀"(Max Factor)、微软电子百科全书"Encarta"、以及被众多美国家庭主妇奉为宝典的>(Gourmet)杂志,都在今年"消失".


而其舍利瓶为加尔各答博物馆保管. 一九五八年从毗舍离故地所掘出的舍利瓶上没有碑文,但仍被判定是佛陀遗骨. 可见>「八王分骨」的记载是历史的事实. 于是这些舍利塔(stupa)受仰慕佛陀的人所礼拜,为后来佛塔信仰盛行的滥觞.


他最有名的弟子包括迦叶(Kashyapa)、舍利弗(Shariputra)、和阿难陀(nanda). 佛陀后来又接受女性出家为比丘尼,并设立比丘尼寺院. 在这地区,佛陀还有很多其它追随者和寺院. 佛陀的堂兄弟提婆达多(Devadatta)对佛陀的成就心怀嫉妬.

Max Factor:蜜丝佛陀

此外,曾经美国排名第一的家庭装饰连锁店"Home Depot Expo"、宝洁集团(Procter & Gamble)下属的化妆品牌"蜜丝佛陀"(Max Factor)、微软电子百科全书"Encarta"、以及被众多美国家庭主妇奉为宝典的<<美食家>>(Gourmet)杂志,都在今年"消失".