英语人>词典>汉英 : 体格检查 的英文翻译,例句
体格检查 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
medical  ·  physical  ·  checkups  ·  physicals  ·  somatoscopy

check-up · medical examination · physical checkup
更多网络例句与体格检查相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

How the findings of the physical exam fit into context with other data in the case is a key item in assessing the exam's reliability.


How the findings of the physical exam fit into context with other data in the case is a key item in assessing the exam's reliability.68


The medical record、check-up、laboratorial examination and early treatment were keys of this disease.


"The United States Navy, for instance, recently examined a very large number of men working on aircraft carriers: the study was known as Project Anehin."


Analysis of the medical history in association with the positive physical and laboratory findings suggested a clinical diagnosis of exophthalmia thyrotoxicosis.


132 patients with PICH between June 1999 and June 2001 in the Tongji Hospital were included in the present study. Patients with hemorrhage secondary to traumatism, brain tumor, thrombolytic treatment, vascular malformation or with hemorrhagic infarction were excluded.


Complete blood count, urinalysis, abdominal x-ray examination, and an ECG are done initially.


On admission, he was alert and fully oriented. His temperature was 38°C, pulse was regular (90/min), blood pressure was 150/80mmHg. His speech was severely dysarthric but he could name, repeat, read, and follow instructions. His cranial nerves and fundoscopic examination were normal. His gait was wide based and unsteady. He had four sided mild weakness, which was prominent on the right.

入院时体格检查示:T 38°C,脉搏规律90次/分,血压150/80mmHg;双下肢前方见暗红色疼痛性结节性红斑;眼科检查未见眼葡萄膜炎;患者主诉阴囊发热、疼痛,检查时见双侧附睾肿胀、质硬、明显触痛,呈附睾炎表现。

After entrance onto China, validation Certificate of Health Examination Record of Foreigners to local hygienic and quarantine department.


METHODS:DHF patients and the systolic heart failurepatients were selected by questionnaires, medical checkup and ultrasonocardiograph, and they were divided into DHF group, SHF group and normal


更多网络解释与体格检查相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

check up:体格检查;核对,检查

check up 体格检查;核对,检查 | clean up 扫除,清洗干净;收拾干净;搬空;肃清;扫除; | clear away 消除;收拾


5,ANAMNESE = HISTOIRE de la MALADIE.现病史 | 6. EXAMEN CLINIQUE 体格检查 | - examen cardio-vasculaire 心血管系统

physical examination:体格检查

(四)体格检查(physical examination)是医生用自己的感官或传统的辅助器具对患者进行系统的观察和检查,揭示机体正常和异常征象的临床诊断方法. (五)实验室检查(Labratory examination)通过物理学生物学等实验室方法对病人的血液、体液、分泌物、排泄物、组织标本、细胞取样等进行检查,

physical examination:身体检查;体格检查

走读生;通学生|extern; non-resident student | 身体检查;体格检查|physical examination | 巡回教育展览会|traveling educational exhibition

medical examiner:<主美>验尸员, 体格检查医生, 医生资格考核者

negative OR circuit 负"或"电路 | medical examiner 验尸员, 体格检查医生, 医生资格考核者 | cataphonic 回音学的

medical check-up:体格检查

梯度曲线gradient curve | 体格检查medical check-up | 条件常数conditional constant

medical examination:体格检查

examination n. 检查;考试 | medical examination 体格检查 | reality n. 现实

a medical examination:体格检查

a free medical care 公费医疗 | a medical examination 体格检查 | remedy 医治,补救的方法

Regular Physical Examination:定期体格检查

按时预防接种 Vaccination on time | 定期体格检查 Regular Physical Examination | 营养障碍性疾病 Dystrophy

PE Physical examination:体格检查,物理检查

PDE progressive dialytic encephalopathy 进行性透析性脑病 | PE physical examination 体格检查,物理检查 | PE prenature ejaculation 早泄,过早射精