英语人>词典>汉英 : 低温实验法 的英文翻译,例句
低温实验法 的英文翻译、例句


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The results show that caramel produced by liquefaction of high temperature, saccharification of low temperature and ammoniation of ammonium sulfate has excellent colour rate and high p roduction efficiency.


Many influential factors of this method were analyzed. The experimental results indicated: the mole ratio of urea, sodium hypochiorite and sodium hydroxide was controlled within the range of (1.10~1.12):1:(2.30~2.42), the temperature of low temperature reaction must be controlled under 20℃, the high temperature should intensify fast to backset current temperature while reacting and the time for raising temperature only within 5min, and the yield of hydrazine hydrate can be reach about 75.1%.


The model of heat and mass transfer of a biological sample in cryopreservation was solved by perturbation and integral methods.


Simulation experiments make sure that the dilatometer is able to detect the expansion changes in low temperature. The high temperature reheating process with dilatometer analysis indicate that the firing temperature are little higher than 900℃ for one sample and lower than 900℃ for other five samples with firing temperature ranges of 550~650℃, 650~750℃ and 750~900℃. The results from mineral composition analysis of the samples by X-ray diffraction provide further evidence of the reliability of the thermal expansion measurement.


Methods: four male volunteers were recruited to live in a disabled submarine simulator which is close, dark and algid for 10 days. they were supplied 1.5 l water and one portion of saving life dry provision everyday. the body weight was detected before the experiment and on day 3, day 4, day 5 and day 10 after exposure. at the same time, venous blood taken suction from elbow was used to detect the level of blood glucose, which was centrifuged to take the upper serum to detect the level of ffa at low temperature by colorimetric.

4名男性受试人员在封闭、黑暗、寒冷的试验舱体中进行为期10 d的模拟失事潜艇环境实验,每人每天供水1.5 l和1盒救生压缩干粮,实验前和第3、4、5、10天出舱的晨起测定体质量,抽取肘部静脉血,测定血糖;低温离心留取上层血清,采用一次提取比色法测定游离脂肪酸。

In this thesis, by the means of calefactive oxidation test of coal samples, the characteristics of different samples spontaneous combustion are analyzed; the infrared spectrum is assimilated to review the rule that coal function corps change in the process of coal low-temperature oxidation ; by the means of thermal analysis by differential scanning calorimeter, thermogravimeter, the kinetic function of coal low-temperature oxidation in spontaneous combustion process are analyzed , depend on the device, the mathematical model of coal spontaneous combustion is developed, the model are dealt with, Finally, the temperature field and the velocity field with velocity of the entry flow is got.


To overcome the shortcomings of the ammonia-alcohol method, this paper experimentally studied the green deacidification technology of diesel by the ammonia-alcohol method, which used low-temperature coalescence filtration in a self-made experimental device.


Methods: Develop insecticide by emulsification test in laboratory.Results: In storage tests at high and low temperature, the emulsifiable concentrate and emulsion was very steady and it reached standard of FAO. Conclusion: Physical property of LW-special efficacy insecticide against cockroach is steady. It is convenient in use ad it has little smell and mark.


There are experimental results as follows:(1) Eriophorum comosum Nees shows strong cold resistance in plasmalemma permeability research. The lethal temperature of Eriophorum comosum Nees is the lowest LT_(50 in comparison with another two plants and is lower than -11.5℃ in August 2005 and December 2005; Soluble protein content of each plant is rising before or after cold hardiness. By SDS-PAGE, Protein band is analysed. Band quantity of Eriophorum comosum Nees is the most and its band color is darkest.(2) Soluble sugar content of three plants after cold hardiness are higher than before cold hardiness, moreover soluble sugar content after cold hardiness shows a decline and there is a narrow range in Eriophorum comosum Nees; Free Proline accumulation is changed by cold stress, and cold resistance is relative to free Proline accumulation; chlorophyll content of both three plants, including chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and chlorophyll a/b, show a decline tendency along with the descent of temperature. Cynodon dactylon is highly sensitive to cold stress.(3) The soil POD and urease activities' absolute value of Erioophorum comosum Nees and Pogonatherum panideumHack were more than that of Cynodon dactylon before or after low temperature stress, especially POD activities.


The mian works are as follows:(1)By coprecipitation technique and coprecipitation- gel technique the nano zirconia powder was produced, factors affecting the properties of nano zirconia powder such as pH and the content of stabilizator are analyzed;(2)By the new pressless sintering process, the nano zirconia ceramic was produced, factors which can affecting the properties of nano zirconia sinter body such as moulding press and the sinter temperature are analyzed;(3)By the microtherm pressless sintering process, the nano copper added functional zirconia ceramic composite was produced, microscopic dimensionality and electric properties of such sinter body and the factors affecting such sinter body are analyzed;(4)By the self-invented "external albumen coating" technique the zirconia powder was successfully coated by carbon in the corresponding sinter body, which can help solve the traditional aggregation problem to some degree;(5)Based on analyze the characteristics in the nano powder sinter process, the "three-ball sinter model" was proposed, for the relationship between the relative density and porosity of sinter body, by mathematical fitting, such model was successfully verified.


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cryogenic target 冷冻靶 | cryogenics 低温学,低温实验法 | cryolite 冰晶石


在他的理论指导下,英国人杜瓦(Dewar)于1898年实现了氢的液化. 他所在的荷兰莱顿大学发展了低温实验技术,建立了低温研究所. 这个研究所的创始人就是著名低温物理学家昂纳斯(Onnes,1853一1926). 氦的液化 自从1813年法拉第第一次观察到疲化氯以来,

crustose lichen:壳状地衣

crusting 外皮形成 | crustose lichen 壳状地衣 | crygenics 低温实验法