英语人>词典>汉英 : 低温学的 的英文翻译,例句
低温学的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The second part of the 19th century witnessed several major discoveries in the field of cryogenics, including adiabatic expansion systems for cooling gases, that led to the liquefaction of oxygen, air, and nitrogen, vacuum flask, which facilitated storage and handling of liquefied gases and the Joule-Thomson effect to produce continuously operating air liquefiers, triggered a resurgence of cryosurgery

19世纪后叶,低温学领域有几项重要发现,包括将纯氧、空气和氮气液化绝热膨胀系统,能储存和处理液化气的真空瓶,以及应用Joule-Thomson 效应产生持续液化气体流,这些均促进了冷冻疗法的发展

Cryogenics:The production of low temperature s or the study of low- temperature phenomena.


Cryogenics:The production of low temperature s or the study of low-temperature phenomena.


Cryogenics:The production of low temperatures or the study of low-temperature phenomena.


Phys. The science of matter and energy and of interactions between the two, grouped in traditional fields such as acoustics, optics, mechanics, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism, as well as in modern extensions including atomic and nuclear physics, cryogenics, solid-state physics, particle physics, and plasma physics.


Research exceeds a general designation of science and technology below cold condition this kind to learn for microtherm.


Objective: In order to study the influence of hypothermia on the hemorheology,a clamped hypothermia rabbit model was designed .


NMR with cryoprobe, hybrid Fourier transform tandem mass spectrometer and various hyphenated techniqes will be the key techniques for studying, metabonomics.


A study on polyphasic taxonomy and phylogenetic diversity of cold-adapted bacteria;;Characterization and purification of cold-adapted protease


In this study, by applying technology of plant physiology and biochemistry, combined with proteomics technology we analyzed effect of the low temperature stress on the physiological and biochemical responses on 4 week-old buffalograss treated at 5℃for 6 h and 24 h, and carried out the analysis of differential proteomics on leaf total protein under 5℃for 24 h. The aim of this study is to explore the mechanism of cold resistance on buffalograss.

本研究利用植物生理生化的研究手段,并结合蛋白质组学研究技术(双向电泳技术、质谱技术),分析了在5℃低温胁迫6 h和24 h的条件下,野牛草生理生化的响应机制;对低温胁迫24 h的野牛草幼苗叶片总蛋白进行了差异蛋白质组的比较分析,以探索野牛草低温胁迫的抗性机制。

更多网络解释与低温学的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

crux noun:关键,症结所在

crutch noun. 拐杖;支撑 | crux noun. 关键,症结所在 | cryogenic adjective. 低温的,制冷的;低温学的


crush 压碎 | cryogenic 低温学的 | crystal 结晶状的


低温学(cryogenics) 是产生和维持极低温度的科学. 第二次世界大战之前,由于必需的气体液化及有关设备的建立、运转和维修需花费大量的时间和金钱,所以只有少数专业化的实验室开展了极低温度下的科学研究工作. 然而,从战前的年代里就开始认识到,在某些加工


临床药效学的基本概念和药动-药效结合分析;对映体特异性的药代动力学和药效学......冷冻疗法,又称冷冻外科,是近30年来兴起的一门新兴医学和边缘科学,它是从实用物理学的低温物理学(Cryogenics) 、低温化学(Cr

dispel: v.1:驱散(云、雾等) 2.消除(疑虑等)

siren: n.1.汽笛,警报器 2.(希神)海妖塞壬 3.迷人的女人,妖妇 | dispel: v.1.驱散(云、雾等) 2.消除(疑虑等) | cryogenic: a.低温(学)的


植物响应低温胁迫有三个不同阶段,即冷驯(cold-acclimation)、冷冻(freezing)和冻融(post-freezing recovery). 该研究利用组学方法,详细和有规模的解析了两种生态型和四种基因型的拟南芥膜脂分子在三个低温胁迫阶段中的变化,

heat transfer:传热学

传热学 (heat transfer) 研究热量传递规律的学科. 传热是自然界和工程实践中普通存在的现象之一. 热力学第二定律指出,热量总是自发地由高温传向低温,传热学正是研究这-现象的一门科学. 基本传热方式有三种:热传导、热对流和热辐射.

obsequious:谄媚的, 奉承的, 拍马屁的

Pubol castle 普柏堡 | obsequious 谄媚的, 奉承的, 拍马屁的 | cryoelectronics [复]n.[用作单][电子]低温电子(元件)学


Crombie | 克龙比式大衣(或上衣、茄克衫等),克龙比式 | Cromerian | 克劳默文化的,克劳默人的 | crometry | 低温计量学, 低温测量


cryopedology 低温土壤学 | cryophilic 喜低温的 | cryophorus 凝冰器