英语人>词典>汉英 : 低消耗 的英文翻译,例句
低消耗 的英文翻译、例句


low consumption
更多网络例句与低消耗相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fine blanking technology is a new method of metal stress process.


If low consumption, environmental protection, daylight operations, stability higher factor into consideration, the decision is obvious.


The difference was because of the lower cost of digestion.


Since the founding, the company has persisted in making the quality as the foundation of foothold, and making the management innovation and the technological innovation for the enterprise competition foundation and the method, managing with the strategic management guiding ideology of the tight encompassment "the science and technology, the high standard strict request, high grade quick rhythm, high benefit low consumption".


It is difficult to producing product of high quality and low consumption during the technical innovation in enterprise of Medium Density Fiberboard.


The object was to extract high quality oil and meal by isopropyl alcohol at low costs and high safety.


In recent years the rapid development of the industry mold,in particular is widely used injection mold products,mould produced the products with high precision and high complexity,high consistency,high productivity and low consumption advantages,die products both in industrial design in terms of daily necessities have been in wide use.


In addition, InP technology provides the following measurement benefits compared with other technologies available today: significantly flatter response at high frequencies; higher measurement accuracy because of the low-noise, nonconductive substrate; and higher reliability due to lower power consumption.


Having characteristics of low- consumption, low-emission and high-efficiency, the chain is a sustainable development mode of Phyllostachys pubescens Mazel.


The advantages of the microfuidic chip that include high-through, low-consumption and low-cost make it an attractive technique for both initial screening and subsequent optimization of protein crystallization conditions.


更多网络解释与低消耗相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


其广义的分类可以分成需氧(Aerobic)、嫌氧(Anaerobic)或需氧、嫌氧兼性(Aerobic-anaerobic facultative)分解. 在需氧情形下,微生物消耗溶解氧来将废物变成更多微生物及它们生存所需能量,最后的生成物是二氧化碳及水. 在低废物负荷情形下,

dotted line:虚线

电源吸入 (Sinking) 象限通常包含 1 组实线 (Hard line),可显示稳定的功率消耗;还有 1 组虚线 (Dotted line) 可显示脉冲模式所汲极的电流. 由於 SMU 的连续性功率消耗,可能大幅低於相同仪器上的脉冲功率消耗,因此该区别方式极为重要.

euglobulin lysis test:优球蛋白溶解试验

4.优球蛋白溶解试验(euglobulin lysis test) 此试验是除去血纤维蛋白系统的溶解物质,了解纤维蛋白溶解活性的. 正常值2~4h,纤溶亢进时则<120min. 6.纤维蛋白降解产物(FDP) 在消耗性低凝血期和继发纤溶期,因血小板、凝血因子消耗、纤维蛋白降解产物产生过多,

heat pump:热泵

"热泵"(Heat Pump)术语是借鉴水泵一词而来. 水泵是消耗一定的机械能,将水从低处泵送到高处的设备;而热泵则是消耗一定的机械能,将低温位热能"泵送"到高温位来供应热量需求的设备. 从热力学或工作原理上说,在本质上热泵就是制冷机,

Low Memory consumption:低内存消耗

* User Account 2 on Control Panel *用户帐户控制面板2 | * Low Memory consumption *低内存消耗 | * Enabled Glass Effect without a supported card *支持无卡启用玻璃效果

passive transport:被动运输

(1)被动运输(passive transport):指物质顺顺浓度梯度转运过程而言,此过程不消耗能量,其交换方式有两种. 1)简单扩散(simple diffusion):O2、CO2及其它脂溶性物质从高浓度侧向低浓度测穿过类脂双层而扩散,不消耗细胞能量.


接收电流低,仅为11mA,而且在轮流检测(Polling)模式时可以通过周期性暂停的方法使其更低,以延长电池寿命. 它还提供进一步降低电流消耗的待机模式. 为了使通信范围更广,无线传输模块内建的功率放大器提供的输出功率可达10mW.

reactive power:无效功率

在 0% 滑差时,发电机与电网频率同步,既不产生也不消耗能量(除了转子消耗的无效功率(reactive power)以外). 与此类似,如果发电机转速比电网频率低,则它进入电机模式,并从电网获得电流. 为限制它获取电流,在风速低於约 4 至 5m/sec (一般在涡轮机中称为切入速度)时,

Wrappage and Easily Wornout Inexpensive Articles:包装物及低值易耗品

351411委托加工物资Materials for Consigned Processing | 361412包装物及低值易耗品Wrappage and Easily Wornout Inexpensive Articles | 371421消耗性生物资产农业专用Consumptive Biological Assets

driving power consumption:功率消耗

预测控制:ultralow-power consumption | 功率消耗:driving power consumption | 低功耗:low power consumption