- 更多网络例句与位操作相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
When the card is installed in an 8- bit slot, 8- bit operation will
当卡被安装在 8-位槽中,8-位操作
This paper extends the concept of multi level bitmap catalogue proposed in paper 〔1〕,by introducing multi word bit operation into the algorithms related to the catalogue structure .
Bitwise operators follow the same precedence as C with regard to other operators.
Dual operation function of platform and turntable. Turntable Console can transcend platforms, which ensure operation safe and reliable.
Using the extended Hoare calculus we can derive true Hoare formulas which contain while statements free of loop invariants.
Firstly,the wavelet-based contourlet coding using an SPIHT-like algorithm is utilized on the plain image,and as a result,the compressed datum stream could be achieved which is then mapped to a 3D bit matrix. Afterward,a chaotic sequence is generated by Lorenz chaotic map,and it is preprocessed to a bit sequence which is used to permute and substitute the elements of the 3D bit matrix achieved above. In the end,the processed 3D matrix is mapped back to datum stream,and the encrypted compressed image could be achieved if decoding and inverse transform are performed on the datum stream.
The article gave out a few concrete union at education example, include a sign several education, language of operation instruction education, C compiles parameter of program of the teacher and student that makes assembly language, master to deliver education and mix make up technical education to wait.
Reasoning: The C standard does not specify the underlying format of signed data (for example, 2's complement) and leaves the effect of some bit-wise operators to be defined by the compiler author.
理由:标准C并没有指定一个有符号数的底层实现(如二补数 2's complement),位操作的效果是由编译器作者来定义的。
The crossover operation in the traditional GA operating is that choose two chromosome cross only at random also you can cross a bit, match and cross partly, cross order and cross cycle etc.
The crossover operation in the traditional GA operating is that choose two chromosome cross only at random also you can cross a bit, match and cross partly, cross order and cross cycle etc.
- 更多网络解释与位操作相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
bit operation:位操作
bit mapped graphics 位映像图 | bit operation 位操作 | bit padding 位填充
bit string operation:位串操作
bit string 位串 | bit string operation 位串操作 | bit string operator 位串操
Bitmap Functions:位图操作
Scrolling Functions:滚动操作 | *Bitmap Functions:位图操作 | *Region Functions:区域操作
bitwise operator:位操作符
n. 位操作 bit manipulation | n. 位操作符 bitwise operator | n. 空白终态 blank final
Bitwise Operators:位操作符
int x; x=100; printf("%d",x>10); 2.6.4 位操作符 与其它语言不同, C语言支持全部的位操作符( Bitwise Operators) .因为C语言的设计目 的是取代汇编语言,所以它必须支持汇编语言所具有的运算能力.位操作是对字节或字中的位(bit)进行测试,
第0位 - C - 进位(Carry)标记: 这个是所有算术运算中最重要的一个标记.然而在减法操作中,如果需要借位,则这个标记被清除,即被置0.进位标记同时也常被用于移位和旋转逻辑操作.第1位 - Z - 零(Zero)标记: 当算术或逻辑运算的结果为0时,
overflow operation:溢位操作
溢位逻辑 overflow logic | 溢位操作 overflow operation | 溢位页面 overflow page
operator control address vector table:操作員控制位址向量表
操作員控制 operator control | 操作員控制位址向量表 operator control address vector table | 操作員控制命令 operator control command,OCC
unit operation:單位操作
unit cell 單位晶胞 =單胞 | unit operation 單位操作 | unitarity 么正性