英语人>词典>汉英 : 位势 的英文翻译,例句
位势 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与位势相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Introduce the concept of random regular function and random potential function at first, a necessary and sufficient condition of random potential function for denumerable Markov chain in random environment is provided, and the unique decomposition property of nonnegative random super-regular function is discussed.


The traditional virtual boundary integral expression is based on the extension of single layer potential, for the integral formulas related to single layer potential for parabolic problem, the numerical computation of the exponential integral function is unavoidable.


Firstly, the eigenvalue problem of a class of second order elliptic equation with critical potential and indefinite weights is considered. Then, using critical point theory, Trudinger-Moser inequality and the properties of the first eigenvalue, we prove the existence of a nontrivial solution for a class of nonlinear elliptic with critical potentialand indefinite weights in R~2. Secondly, we prove the existence of nontrivial solutions for a class of subcritical and critical elliptic systems with indefinite part in R~2 byusing a generalized linking theorem, Trudinger-Moser inequality and concentration-compactness principle.5. The existence of at least three weak solutions for discrete boundary value problem is established by using a three critical point theorem introduced by Ricceri.


The structure of potential wells and some properties of depth function of potential well are given.


This article introduced the grey potential energy theory and achieved a new method of fault diagnosis in transformer.


The Variation of Atmospheric Latitudinal wind and disturbed geopotency of one class stems from the hearting of Ocean to Atmosphere and Kelvin wave. Latitudinal wind and disturbed geopotency of second class are affected by direct heating and short Rossby wave.


Chapter 5 and 6 are concentrated on the fundamental problem how to con-struct finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional Liouville integrable Hamiltonsystem.Starting from two isospectral problems,Tu's scheme is applied to gen-erate the corresponding CKdV hierarohy and coupled Burgers hievachy,andthey are shown to be Liouville integrable Hamilton systems.Two spectral prob-lems,which contain three and four potentials respectively,are also studied byTu's scheme.Two new Liouville integrable Hamilton hierarchy are estab-lished.A new general approach using Lenard's gradient sequence is presentedto obtain Lax integrable hierarchy and their zero curvature representation,andsome examples are given.The nonlinearization procedure is applied to theeigenvalue problem of coupled Burgerrs hierarchy.It is shown that underBargmann constraint,the spatial part of the Lax pairs is nonlimearized to be afinite-dimensional Liouville completeiy integrable Hamilton system.


In this paper, we use 500hPa geopotential height to study the abnormal disturbance for the North-ern Hemisphere poleward of 20°N summertime from 1957 to 1979, special focusing on persistent anom-alies which persistent time are longer than that of synoptic scale variability.


The competition ability of a port is mainly decided by its capability of transhipping the hinterland cargoes.


We also used the latent heat daily data、sensible heat daily data、relative humidity data and OLR daily data from NCEP-DOE Reanalysis2 which formed as 2.5-degree latitude x 2.5-degree longitude global grid with 144x73 points(1982~2005). The data of subtropic high ridge offered by Bational Climate Center . With singular value decomposition analysis, we studied key region of ocean-atmosphere interaction in the mid-latitudes in the Pacific. Second, by using wavelet analysis to study the character of the key regions of SST.Moreover the correlation analysis can help us to understand the reason of the cold water formed and the physical process of ocean-atmosphere interaction in the mid-latitudes in the Pacific. There are three mostly SVD modes which contribution reach to 70%,So the three mostly modes can reflect the mostly structure in the key region.


更多网络解释与位势相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

complex velocity potential:复速度位势

complex vector bundle 复向量丛 | complex velocity potential 复速度位势 | complexity 复杂性

double layer potential:双层位势

double layer 双层 | double layer potential 双层位势 | double limit 二重极限

logarithmic potential:对数位势

logarithmic paper 对数坐标纸 | logarithmic potential 对数位势 | logarithmic residue 对数残数

newton potential:牛顿位势

newton method 牛顿法 | newton potential 牛顿位势 | newtonian mechanics 牛顿力学

osmotic potential:渗透位势

渗透平衡 osmotic equilibrium | 渗透位势 osmotic potential | 渗透压力 osmotic pressure

potential field:位势场

potential energy 势能 | potential field 位势场 | potential flow 位势

potential function:位势函数

位势分布 potential distribution | 位势函数 potential function | 位势积分 potential integral

Newtonian potential function:牛顿位势函数

Newtonian potential 牛顿位势 | Newtonian potential function 牛顿位势函数 | Newtonian reference frame 牛顿参考坐标系

potential theoretical:位势论的

potential scattering 位势散射 | potential theoretical 位势论的 | potential theory 位势


单层位势:Single layer | 单层位势:Single-layer potential | 独塔斜拉桥:single-tower cable-stayed bridge