- 更多网络例句与似皮革的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Nutlets heteromorphic, 2 with leathery wings and 2 with 2 rows of glochids on disc margin.
小坚果异形,有似皮革的翅膀的2 和在光碟边上的有2排钩毛的2。
Stiff leathery-leaved fern of western North America having ovate fronds parted to the midrib.
Any of several coniferous evergreen trees of the genus Agathis,especially A.australis of New Zealand,having broad leathery leaves.
Culms to 1.8 m; culm sheaths leathery, with sparse, appressed setae; branchlets with 4–9 blades
秆到1.8米;似皮革的竿箨,有稀少,贴伏刚毛;有4-9 叶片的小枝 55 Y。
Any of various aquatic or terrestrial reptiles of the order Testudinesor Chelonia,having horny toothless jaws and a bony or leathery shell into which the head,limbs,and tail can be withdrawn in most species.
Culm sheaths leathery, without spots, gray or fulvous setose or thickly hairy
似皮革的竿箨,没有点,灰色和黄褐色具刚毛和厚厚有毛 24
Mm thick, pith lamellate; nodes slightly prominent. Culm sheaths gradually deciduous, green, about as long as internodes or slightly longer, leathery, sparsely setose, margins withered; auricles absent or small and circular; oral setae few, readily deciduous, erect; ligule truncate or arcuate, ca. 2 mm, glaucous, initially ciliolate; blade deflexed or reflexed, shortly triangular, base slightly constricted, apex acuminate.
Culm sheaths deciduous, leathery to thickly papery, usually rigid, white powdery, apex truncate or concave, sometimes with subcircular projection at base of one margin; auricles usually inconspicuous; oral setae usually developed; ligule short, truncate, margin serrulate or fimbriate; blade usually reflexed, adaxially densely hispid, apex usually involute.
Prostrate or twining woody vine with small leathery leaves and umbels of red flowers; Australia and Tasmania.
Any of various aquatic or terrestrial reptiles of the order Testudines, having horny toothless jaws and a bony or leathery ''.
- 更多网络解释与似皮革的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
alutaceous 似皮革的 | alveolar 齿槽的 | alveolate 蜂窝状的
artificial leather:人造皮革
人造皮革 (artificial leather) 又称「合成皮」或「合成皮革」系指外观﹑手感似皮皮革并可代替其使用的塑料制品. 通常以织物为底基﹐涂覆由合成树脂添加各种塑料添加剂制成的配混料制成. 20 世纪初期﹐用硝酸纤维素溶胶涂覆织物所制成的硝酸纤维素漆布是人造皮革的先驱.
leatherneck:海军陆战队员 (名)
leathern 皮革制的; 似皮革的 (形) | leatherneck 海军陆战队员 (名) | leatheroid 人造革; 假皮 (名)
skinniness:皮质; 消瘦 (名)
skinner 皮革商; 骗子; 剥皮工人 (名) | skinniness 皮质; 消瘦 (名) | skinny 皮的, 极瘦的, 似皮的 (形)
alunite 明矾石 | alure 走廊 | alutaceous 似皮革的
alustite | 蓝高岭土 | aluta | 精制软革 | alutaceous | 似皮革的
alure 走廊 | alutaceous 似皮革的 | alveolar 齿槽的
pleural friction fremitus:胸膜摩擦感
胸膜摩擦感(pleural friction fremitus)正常时胸膜脏层和壁层之间滑润,呼吸运动时不产生摩擦感. 当各种原因引起胸膜炎症时,胸膜表面粗糙,呼吸时两层胸膜互相摩擦,可触到摩擦感. 似皮革相互摩擦的感觉. 该征象于动度较大的前胸下前侧部或腋中线第5、6肋间最易触及.