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伸力 的英文翻译、例句


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The results show that the gabion meshes present good tensile characteristics in the event of the rupture of the meshes. The larger-diameter gabion mesh shows a better mechanical performance, and the mechanical performance of 80RE geogrid is superior to that of 70RE geogrid. The revised relationship curves between the tension per unit width and unit elongation also present elastic stage, yield stage and strength stage. The constraint deformation of reinforcement is influenced by factors such as secant modulus of materials, stress levels, and the length of reinforcement in active area and stable area.


Analysis and test are done to the serious problem of mechanical wave in process of big ration in front section.


It shows that when one screw is of opposite phase to the other one, the pure elongational force field is be caused by the vibration, along with the oscillating effect during the course of the surface stretch.


Based on a series of tests,the process of high temperature oxidation under tensile force was experimentally researched on 12CrMoV alloy.


A part experiencing a tensile force is said to be in tension.


The electromagnetic shielding fabric has high conducting performance, is weldble, flexible and ventilative, and can isolates sulfur in insulating material.


A cantilever is a steel leaf spring with linear elasticity.


The press are differ from tradition double drawing, single drawing, press side force does not offset to draw force.


Tensility tensility that is, the business card printing and membership card during feeding system tensile force on paper, cards and membership cards making excessive tension will make longer paper business card printing and membership card after removing the inevitable tension, paper-back, so that when the page appears with the short time scale, which in turn affects the distribution page.


If the compressive and tensile forces are greater enough to make the layers of the material slide upon each other,a shearing force results.


更多网络解释与伸力相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


23.有关牙科常用金属元素之叙述何者有误 (A) 金之延展性与韧性最强但弹性力模数最低 (B) 铬之钝化效果 (Passivating) 使其抗腐蚀性优异 (C) 钨可降低强度与伸长度(Elongation) (D) 镍取代钴可增加延展性.

extension spring:拉伸弹簧

拉伸弹簧(Extension Spring)为压缩弹簧之反向运用,运用范围大致较无具体产品类别,但操作控制较压缩弹簧高一级. 扭转弹簧:扭转弹簧分为单扭弹簧和双扭弹簧,弹簧常套入销或轴中,当受外力后,即依弹簧轴心为轴而产生一扭转力,使得弹簧捲紧或旋鬆.

tensile strain:张应变,拉伸应变

tensile force 張力 | tensile strain 張應變,拉伸應變 | tensile strength 抗張強度

tensile strength:拉伸强度

(65)拉伸强度(Tensile strength) 拉伸强度是试样拉伸至断裂时的最大拉伸应力. 这一常用术语过去很不统一,有称扯断力、扯断强度、抗张力、抗张强度,又有强力,强度之称. 按照GB 6039-85标准规定,统一称其为拉伸强度,单位为MPa.

axial tensile force:轴向拉伸力

axial symmetry 轴对称 | axial tensile force 轴向拉伸力 | axial tensile stress 轴向拉伸应力

tensility:[物]张力, 伸力, 伸长性

water terminal 码头, 港埠 | tensility [物]张力, 伸力, 伸长性 | contract research 优选法试验


tensility 伸力 | tensimeter 气体压力计 | tensiometertensometer 张力计


伸力 drawing force | 拉细(聚乙烯伸细)needing | 承线区 parallel bearing


series of trials 试验系列 | serimeter 生丝强伸力计 | serine 丝氨酸

stressed skin:承力蒙皮

stretch-formed skin panel 拉伸成型蒙皮板 | stressed skin 承力蒙皮 | multiple-element contracture 多元件构造