英语人>词典>汉英 : 伴随过程 的英文翻译,例句
伴随过程 的英文翻译、例句


adjoint process
更多网络例句与伴随过程相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Frechet derivative of the cost function is determined via the solution of an adjoint partial differential equation, and the boundary shape is then modified in a direction of descent. This process is repeated until an optimum solution is approached. The advantage is that the cost function variation is independent of the flow field variation, with the result that the gradient of cost function with respect to arbitrary number of design variables can be determined without the need for additional flow-field evaluations. So each design cycle requires the numerical solution of both the flow and the adjoint equations leading to a computational cost roughly equal to the cost of two flow solutions.


How to establish the adjoint medel is discussed by using the Gateaux differential of function and the concepts of the adjoint operators in Hibert space. At the same time it is verified that selecting proper finite difference scheme can ensure discrete form remaining the same adjoint r...


It takesthe weighted average of the L2 norm of the difference of the observation and thesolution of the system and the L2 norm of the difference of conormal derivativeat the different sides of the interface for every subdomain as cost functional andthe smooth coefficients of the subproblem and the value of solution of the originalproblem at interface as identification parameters;Using the property of continu-ous functional defined on compact set,the existence of the optimal solution of theidentification problem is proved;The necessary conditions of optimality charac-terized by the system equation,the adjoit equation and the variational inequalitysimultaneously are given by introducing the conception ofdifferential andadjoit variable;An algorithm is devised and its flow graph is given.


Opinions vary on the genesis of this type of gold deposits. On the basis of observation and study in this area, with information up to date from other researchers, the authors bring forward that the formation of Muruntau-type of gold deposits in South Tianshan area is closely related to giant nappe structures, especially to the ductile shear zone.


After reviewing the previous dissertation on quantitative characteristic trait of recalcitrant seeds, three aspects of quantitative characteristic trait of seed recalcitrant were defined, which are interspecific aspect, intraspecific aspect and individual developmental aspect. And it was supposed that seed recalcitrance was a compound characteristic, with its core composed of desiccation tolerance, low-temperature tolerance and storage tolerance at least, and its concomitants composed of seed size, 1000-seed weight, moisture content at shedding, non-dormancy, systemic taxonomy, ecological and biochemical aspects. Because these core and concomitants are all gradual, transitional and quantitative, it was inferred that seed recalcitrance was a compound quantitative trait.


Resultantly, the individual warm/cold events in ENSO cycle appear to be partially locked to the annual cycle, and also exhibit obvious irregularity both in amplitude and in lasting time.


Accompany with the subduction of Pacific and Indian plates, upper mantle convected more violently, and new upwelling astheosphere replaced and eroded the lithosphere, and resulted in irregular thinning of cloud-like mantle along reticulated or dondroid weak zones. The thinning was dominated by replacement of lithosphere with new upwelling astheosphere, and accompanied possibly by delamination.


The television advertisement feminine image's role is a historical, the development process, is follows the television advertisement the appearance to appear, also follows the television advertisement prosperous, but finalizes gradually.


The results show that CaCO3 nucleates along with the nucleus growth.


From about 206 Ma there occurred arc-continent collision accompanied by compressional contraction and shearing deformation of the arc crust and development of syn-collision granites. In the late Yanshanian epoch (138-73 Ma) post-orogenic extension came into action and resulted in the generation of A-type granites. During the Himalayan (65-15 Ma) intra-continental orogenic movement a large-scale strike-slip thrusting induced the intrusion of granites and development of pull-apart basins.

据此,再造了造山带的形成过程与演化历史:印支期的大规模俯冲造山作用(238~210 Ma),形成义敦火山岩浆弧;大约自206 Ma始,发生弧-陆碰撞,伴随岛弧地壳挤压收缩和剪切变形,发育同碰撞花岗岩;进入燕山晚期(138~73 Ma),岛弧碰撞造山带发生造山后伸展作用,形成A型花岗岩带;喜马拉雅期发生陆内造山作用(65~15 Ma),岛弧碰撞造山带出现逆冲-推覆和大规模走滑平移,伴随喜马拉雅期花岗岩的侵位和拉分盆地的形成。

更多网络解释与伴随过程相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



adjoint process:伴随过程

adjoint operator 伴随算子 | adjoint process 伴随过程 | adjoint representation 伴随表示

attainable yield:可得到的产量

attached in-line emitter 在制作过程中胶合或焊接在滴灌带(或软管)上的内置式喷头(滴头) | attainable yield 可得到的产量 | attendant 伴随的


职业的发展是伴随个人一生的一个过程,这个过程包含了个人所选择的工作、职业以及各种相应的活动,它受到个人家庭状况、学校教育、宗教信仰以及其他各种社会因素的影响. 有关"职位"(Professional Position)、"工作"(Job)、"职业"(Occupation)和"职业

kinesthetic sense:动觉

动觉( 动觉(kinesthetic sense)为我们提供运动过程中身体状态的反馈信息. ) 运动信息的来源:位于关节中的感受器 关节中的感受器和位于肌肉和腱中的感受器 肌肉和腱中的感受器. 关节中的感受器 肌肉和腱中的感受器 关节中的感受器对伴随不同肢体位置和关节运动的压力变化起反应.

muscle tone:肌张力

" 肌张力(muscle tone)可以视为肌肉被动拉长或牵伸时的阻力,在检查和评定过程中,评定者通过被动活动患者肢体而感到这种阻力. (1)巴彬斯基反射(babillski reflex) 为痉挛性张力过强的特征性伴随表现,巴彬斯基反射阳性时足大趾背屈.


职业的发展是伴随个人一生的一个过程,这个过程包含了个人所选择的工作、职业以及各种相应的活动,它受到个人家庭状况、学校教育、宗教信仰以及其他各种社会因素的影响. 有关"职位"(Professional Position)、"工作"(Job)、"职业"(Occupation)和"职业


如疟疾的"带虫免疫"(premunition)和血吸虫诱导的"伴随免疫"(concomitant免疫应答(immune response)是指宿主对特异的寄生虫抗原产生的免疫反应过程,包括抗原的处理与呈递,T细胞的激活和淋巴因子的产生,以及发生体液免疫和细胞免疫效应.




暴胀结束伴随著真空能量转换成粒子,使得之前被暴胀过冷(supercooling)过程弄得了无生气(但纷扰暗生)的宇宙变得生气蓬勃. 而暴胀时产生的小小扰动亦转为粒子能量密度扰动,潜伏於早期宇宙,伺机成长茁壮. 此过程人称Reheating「再加热」.