英语人>词典>汉英 : 伦理上 的英文翻译,例句
伦理上 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In truth, there is not much that is ethically dubious about making a bacterium from scratch.


The research of economic ethics is at the cross point of economics and ethics, and is founded along with the development of economics.


The research of economic ethic s is at the cross point of economics and ethic s, and is founded along with the development of economics.


Until now, our rules have focused on evaluating actions by determining what is ethically permissible, what must be prohibited, and what must be done de rigueur.


The quality of ethical and moral purity that prevents one from falling away from the eightfold path.


Ethically, we have nothing to be ashamed about.


The virtue of adversity is fortitude:which in morals is the more heroical virtue.


Did he find the problems of the inhabitability of the planets and their satellites by a race, given in species, and of the possible social and moral redemption of said race by a redeemer, easier of solution?


For example, including the complete genetic dynamics of in- and outbreeding might lead to completely different conclusions in the above-mentioned theories of the adaptive nature of racism.


But in mode-rn China,the concept of values also has serious deficiency anddefectiveness.On the part of the disputations on obligationand utilitarianism,the incompleteness on utilitarianism makesit mooching among law of utility and theory of duty.


更多网络解释与伦理上相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在这种意义上,作者谈论到建筑的伦理功能,"伦理的"(Ethical)衍生自"精神气质"(ethos). 于是2.相对于伦理态度,人们对建筑的另一种认识可称为美学态度,即认为建筑作品实质上是带有美学附加成分的实用房屋. 其创作方式为:建筑作品=房屋+装饰.


ethical 道德的 | ethically 伦理上 | ethicals 处方药品

ethically wrong:道德上或伦理上是错误的

在线犯罪online crime | 道德上或伦理上是错误的ethically wrong | 违背自然规律violation of the law of nature

be morally and ethically wrong:伦理和道德上都是错的

51.sth. requires某事需要. . . | 52.distinguish A from B 区别AB | 53.be morally and ethically wrong伦理和道德上都是错的

business ethics:企业伦理

特别在此提出的是近年来在企管课程中对"企业家精神"(entrepreneurship)与"企业伦理" (business ethics)之重视. 就前者而言, 由于传统上是假定企管专业人才主要在已成立之企业工作,并不参与事实上之创业过程,故未视为主要探讨领域. 然而,

professional ethics:职业伦理

在法治相对健全、行会可以有效监管从业企业的欧美发达国家(后及台湾、香港地区),从上世纪90年代起就高度重视行业的职业伦理(professional ethics)教育,有关于职业道德、执业伦理的研究机构,在工程、医学等高等教育中开设有针对本行业执业伦理课程,

Ethical objectivism:伦理客观主义

但是,如果自然法论者能够证明存在统一评价体系的"伦理客观主义"(ethical objectivism)的成立,????那么其理论就会成为道德哲学的组成部分,这将会从根本上颠覆凯尔森法律实证主义者的身份. 所以,凯尔森的实证主义理论仍然存在内在的理论困难,

Window box:窗台上的花盆箱

inhabitant 居民,居住者 | window box 窗台上的花盆箱 | moral and ethical conception 道德伦理观念


logically 伦理上、逻辑上 | variably 易变的、不定的 | persistently 持久稳固的

The Three Caballeros:(三伦理电影骑士)

1943/02/06 Saludos Amigos (致候吾友) | 1945/02/03 The Three Caballeros (三伦理电影骑士) | 1946/04/20 Make Mine Music (为我谱上乐章)