英语人>词典>汉英 : 伤感情 的英文翻译,例句
伤感情 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与伤感情相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The price is too high,the continuous argy-bargy will hurt our relations.let's meet each other half way.


We have a good relationship except for this. I'm afraid of hurting his feeling,but the dog is driving me bonkers.


My father's clumsy explanation hurt my feelings.


It's hard to depersonalize these things," says NAHB CEO Jerry Howard."It's hard to step back.


With all your friends saying they work in dumpy offices with peeling paint and computers that were made in 1964, they won't want to hear about your shiny now palatial setting, so don't rub it in!


More seriously, she says, prohibiting gossip that isn't 'kind' may be a way of 'avoiding unpleasantness, of fence-sitting, of not rocking the boat. If we only tell kind stories about people, then we may be avoiding holding people responsible for their actions.


More seriously, she says, prohibiting gossip that isn't 'kind' may be a way of 'avoiding unpleasantness, of fence-sitting, of not rocking the boat. If we only tell kind stories about people, then we may be avoidingholding people responsible for their actions.


Her teases were unappropriate and hurtful.


After Oh, and This feeling is using my words to understand Calls, wounding memories of painful things..........


Nate: No offense, but don't you think you're a little outmatched?

offense:伤感情,攻击 outmatch:胜过,超过没其他意思,但是你不觉得自己有点太好胜了。

更多网络解释与伤感情相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

emotionally damaging:伤感情的

37、人际交往能力 interpersonalskill | 38、伤感情的 emotionally damaging | 39、适应性强的 be more adaptable

held held:支持, 保持, 控制, 保留

hold把握, 把持力, 柄, 控制, 监禁, 掌握, | 支持, 保持, 控制, 保留 held held | hurt刺痛, 伤害, (使)痛心, (使)伤感情, 危害, 损害, 受伤 hurt hurt

hurt hurt:刺痛, 伤害, (使)痛心, (使)伤感情, 危害, 损害, 受伤

支持, 保持, 控制, 保留 held held | hurt刺痛, 伤害, (使)痛心, (使)伤感情, 危害, 损害, 受伤 hurt hurt | keep保持, 保养, 保存, 遵守, 经营,, 维持, 继续不断 kept kept


接近、靠近;处理;方法 approach | 伤感情的;刻薄的 hurtful | 争论;论据 argument

kept kept:保持, 保养, 保存, 遵守, 经营,, 维持, 继续不断

hurt刺痛, 伤害, (使)痛心, (使)伤感情, 危害, 损害, 受伤 hurt hurt | keep保持, 保养, 保存, 遵守, 经营,, 维持, 继续不断 kept kept | know知道, 了解, 认识, 熟悉, 认出, 分辨, 确信 knew known


61.Lifer 无期徒刑犯 | 62.Litter-bug 乱扔废物的人 | 63.Lovey-dovey 伤感情


occur 发生 | offend 触怒,伤......感情 | offensive 攻击


pain-suffering 痛楚 | pained 伤感情的 | painite 硅硼钙铝石


pain-suffering /痛楚/ | pained /痛的/苦恼的/伤感情的/ | painfully /痛苦地/苦恼地/费力地/

is the truest love:也总是那些最真的感情

伤得最深的 being hurt most | 也总是那些最真的感情 is the truest love | 我想我是不懂爱情 i think i don't understand love