英语人>词典>汉英 : 伤害者 的英文翻译,例句
伤害者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
impairer  ·  injurer

更多网络例句与伤害者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to the human some minor matters are always injuring others or by others impairer, must avoid it occurring, must have to have one to be able to forgive others heart


Insight that the injured party may be comparing oneself with the injurer.


To emerge, toward the injurer; awareness of internal, emotional release Smedes, 1984


Trabeculectomy was done in two eyes only. Of the cases with optic nerve damage, 88% had well controlled IOP We think that laser iridectomy should be used no matter how severe the degree of PAS is, or how severely the optic nerve is damaged.


Secondly,* The legislative, or supreme authority, cannot assume to itself a power to rule by extemporary arbitrary decrees, but is bound to dispense justice, and decide the rights of the subject by promulgated standing laws, and known authorized judges: for the law of nature being unwritten, and so no where to be found but in the minds of men, they who through passion or interest shall miscite, or misapply it, cannot so easily be convinced of their mistake where there is no established judge: and so it serves not, as it ought, to determine the rights, and fence the properties of those that live under it, especially where every one is judge, interpreter, and executioner of it too, and that in his own case: and he that has right on his side, having ordinarily but his own single strength, hath not force enough to defend himself from injuries, or to punish delinquents.


By offering prayers and penances for those you have wronged, you should seek to atone personally for your actions.


Worst affected in this slowdown across the minnows will be foreign investors in assets such as property who will be hurt by rising interest rates even as both asset values and currency rates decline, thus exposing them to multiple sources of losses.


At the time of injury occurrence, 27 patients had initial loss of consciousness, 28 intracranial hemorrhage, 14 amnesia, 22 neurological deficients and 6 co-morbidities.


For statistical analyses, A mixed model ANOVA was used to compare the differences of the changes of bilateral malleoli distance from quiet stance to deep squat among three different conditions.


Fire, ltng, mag, cold, pois, life, mana, stam (Stamina-steal), stun (note,"stun damage" is ignored, stun uses only duration), rand (either lightning, fire, cold or poison – picked at every successful hit), burn Burning damage, bugged, gives no EXP from kills, otherwise works like poison, you need to have low HitShift to make it work properly!

EType –元素伤害类型,火,电,魔法,冰,毒,吸血,吸魔,吸耐力,打晕(注意,&打晕伤害&被忽略,打晕只是一个持续时间,rand任一电、火、冰或者毒-每一个成功的击中),燃烧(燃烧伤害,臭虫,不能从被杀者中得到经验,象毒,你需要设置低HitShift让它工作正常)冰冻(冰冻,有自己方式,比如冰伤害,你需要使用特殊的服务端伤害函数让怪物变成冰块

更多网络解释与伤害者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bodily injury:人身伤害

第三人称意外责任险包括对第三人称的人身伤害(Bodily Injury)及财产的保障,它保障你对抗第三者因为你的行为或为你行事务者所造成损害的赔偿要求,对于律师而言人身伤害表示个人的受伤,但是在保险的语汇中,其代表两件不同的事情.


我们隶属于服务无限造物者的星际联邦(Confederation of Planets), 我们很抱歉无法踏上你们的土壤, 教导一些期待我们服务的人群.但, 我的朋友, 对于那些不希望我们服务的人, 这反而是种伤害(disservice).


恒久忍耐(forbearance)是在遭遇对方顶撞或伤害时,能够控制自己的脾气而不会立刻暴跳如雷或直接反击,其目的是积极的给予对方创造出救赎挽回的时空. 这种恒久忍耐著重於受顶撞或受伤害者的自我约束,对於顶撞者或施害者不一定会有积极正面的影响.




procurer 做淫媒者,拉皮条者 | injurer伤害者 | conjurer魔术师,召唤师




securer保护者,保卫者 | procurer 做淫媒者,拉皮条者 | injurer伤害者


le) 1.启示者(Revealer) 侦测附近隐型单位2.邪魔驱散(Exorcism) 对一定区域内的召唤和幻影单位造成50点伤害 3.神圣铠甲(Holy Armour) 受神圣盔甲保护的单位每次受到的伤害不会超过20点 女巫(Witch) 1.恶咒附身(Curse) 对多个单位施展诅咒,

Spell Breaker:破魔者

破魔者(Spell Breaker)破魔者,其形态为一面德维默塔盾,乃是塔魔瑞里克最古老的神器之一. 撇开它在罗肯-沙里多之役中所扮演的重要历史角色不谈,破魔者仍然拥有相当强大的力量. 它将保护它的持有者几乎不受任何魔法的伤害,


镇压者(SUPPRESSOR)轻型冲锋枪:三个国家的制式装备. 镇压者制造适度的伤害而且只有很小的后坐力,因此能够非常精准全自动射击. 这种武器唯一潜在的缺点就是伤害偏低,但是它的射击频率和精准度经常在不利状况下发挥很大作用.