- 更多网络例句与传统法律相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The basic intension of this course,shown as and developed what is useful and discard what is not the traditional legal system,on the basis of attracting the western legal theory and legal principle,set up the new legal system with modern significance The forfeiture of the extraterritoriality,not only has destroyed the judicial sovereignty of China seriously,and the national pride and self-confidence with Chinese serious injury.
The basic intension of this course, shown as and developed what is useful and discard what is not the traditional legal system, on the basis of attracting the western legal theory and legal principle, set up the new legal system with modern significanceThe forfeiture of the extraterritoriality, not only has destroyed the judicial sovereignty of China seriously, and the national pride and self-confidence with Chinese serious injury.
But in Tang, Song, Ming and Qing dynasty, daughters can inherit 'marriage portion' and family estate according to the common law and customs, which indicates that there is conflict between the traditional and the common on women's estate heritance.
The moral argument of law will be interrupted by Munchhausen - Trilemma and Hume s problem. Although the linguistic argumentation has many difficulties such as complex concept meaning, the linguistic rules provide a new possibility for legal argumentation. However, as an argumentation theory, which is different from the traditional legal argumentation theory, the explanation viewpoints and judging standard it provided are valuable.
However, because of the lagging of the law itself, the traditional law has not been carried on supplementally and revising to this new-type trade way of the trade of the network yet, which causes a lot of legal questions derived unable to carry on standardizing and adjust with the current
However, because of the lagging of the law itself, the traditional law has not been carried on supplementally and revising to this new-type trade way of the trade of the network yet, which causes a lot of legal questions derived unable to carry on standardizing and adjust with the current law.
However, because of the lagging of the law itself, the traditional law has not been carried on supplementally and revising to this new-type trade way of the trade of the work yet, which causes a lot of legal questions derived unable to carry on standardizing and adjust with the current law.
Along the thread, the author analyzes new legal characters of Economic Law in legal substance、legal reasoning、legal profession and legal institution, which are distinguished from traditionalistic law such as Civil Law、Administrative Law, etc.
Therefore, how to treat self tradition legal culture, and how to realize the traditional legal culture into a creative transformation is the time entrusts with our important issue.
Chinas legal consciousness was shaped by contributions of traditional legal culture as the basis and of the western legal thinking as the absorption and it takes on the outlook of intertwining multiplicity and contradiction which could be further explained by the following four twains.
- 更多网络解释与传统法律相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
大陆法系的法典法传统是罗马法传统与近代理性传统相结合的产物. 大陆法系是以罗马法为基础发展起来的资本主义法系. 古罗马自>以来就形成了编纂成文法的风气. 帝国中期以后出现了被称为"法典"(codex)的各种各样的法律汇编,如<<狄
common law:习惯法
相对而言,习惯法(common law)传统国家比民法 (civil law)传统国家更容易采取预防性的措施,因为习惯法的法律框架提供了基本的原则和指导,而这些基本原则又通过判例和经验而得到丰富,所以在习惯法传统国家的监管者可以在发现银行的行为不审慎的时候,
其中的一种我称之为"传统主义"(conventionalism)的理念否认对法是什么进行回答与道德原则相关联. 另外一种我称之"实用主义"(pragmatism)的理念坚持认为法官们应该完全受"政策"的引导. 我论证了一种我所持的与前述两种均不相同的法律理念,
copyright law:版权法
在近300年模拟技术时代中,版权传统和作者权传统(注:调整作品的创作和传播过程中的社会关系的法律,在世界范围内,存在两大历史传统,一是在美国、 英国等普通法系的国家被称为"版权法"(Copyright law)的传统,二是在法国和德国等民法法系
我们所听说的下一件事,便是在公元前621年某个德拉古(Draco)颁布了法典. 法律以前是传统和习俗的事务,而战胜君主制的贵族阶层则既是这种传统法律的守护者,也是其执行者. 赫西奥德曾经猛烈地抨击过:"王爷贪赃枉法.
在西方的史学传统中,各种法律隐喻是司空见惯的:如历史的"规律"(laws),历史的"审判台"(tribunal)以及把历史学家类比为侦探与法官. 这里谈论的法律可以是罗马法,也可以是普通法. 但用来和史学体系进行类比的法律体系总是道道地地的西方法律体系.
positive law:制定法
对于法律的本质,历来存在两个相互对立的传统:一个是实在法或制定法(positive law)传统,它认为法律是主权者或最高权威意志的理性表达,是主权者用以建立秩序的规则体系;另一个是自然法传统,它认为法律是独立于任何个人意志而存在的自足的规则体系,
沿着这一思路,产生了一批对法院审理案件的推理方式(即法律推理)进行批判性研究的怀疑论者(Skeptics). 以卢埃林(K.N.Llewellyn)为代表的"规则怀疑论者"对法律规则能指引法官判决的传统观点表示怀疑,认为法律推理的大前提(法律规则)具有不确定性,