英语人>词典>汉英 : 会阴阴道的 的英文翻译,例句
会阴阴道的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In women, it is located at the posterior side of the cervix, midway between the vagina and the uterus.


Objective:To determine the incidence and treatment of postpartum perineal pain.


Results: It was necessary for puerperant to correctly make perineotomy parturition.The rational rate of perineotomy was about 37%.For the primipara,the perineotomy rate should be controlled approximately 49%.


Methods Emergency treatment should be quickly, 0.1%adrenalin hydrochloride gauze was used to oppress the lacerative position, aseptic gauze was used to tamp in order to further compression hemostasis, or used catgut to suture the lacerated vagina. For the blood loss was more, we established the venous transfusion quickly, observed vital signs and vaginal bleeding situation, kept perineum cleanly and dry, prevented infection, strengthened psychological nursing and health guidance.


Methods:during the year 2003 to 2006,3298 patients with vaginal delivery received 2 kinds of skin preparations.retrospective study was conducted to investigate the effect of skin preparation methods on the healing of mediolateral episiotomy.rerults:there was no different effect on the wound healing of mediolateral episiotomy between the 2 kinds of skin preparation.conclusions:non-shaving method has no adverse effect on the sterilization of operation field in vaginal delivery.moreover it can save the time of nuring,lower the costs,ease the uncomfortable feeling .therefore,we consider the non-shaving method has advantage over the shaving one.the former is simple and effective which is an ideal way to simplify nursery procedure and spare nursery resource.


Objective: Analyzing the indication and the mother- babyprognosis on perineotomy parturition to direct mastering the clinical technique of perineotomy correctly.


At such a rate,the suffocation incidence of the newborn was about 606%,and the incidence of complication and sequelae of the puerperaants was about 5.58%.Conclusion: The perineotomy parturitono may have remarkable significance in the second course of parturition in avoiding perineum laceration,alleviating the pressure of the pelvic tissues on fetus' head,shortening the second course of parturition,as well as in decreasing the suffocation incidence of the newborn.


The technique of transanal repair in combination with transvaginal repair for the treatment of rectovaginal fistula complicated by anterior resection is effective and safe, no requirement to divide the perineal body and anal sphincter, with less postoperative complications and no incontinence.


According to Dr. Abramov, possible explanations for the lack of benefit include the limited pain intensity with transvaginal pelvic surgery; the short duration of preemptive analgesia (no boluses were given postoperatively); and the chance that the effect was masked by patient-controlled analgesia overdose, which he said was unlikely.


Methods To observe 110 primiparas of 37~40 weeks' pregnancy,head presentation,who can deliver vaginally with distending the vagina and new protecting perineum method but not with perineal lateralis,and compare with the 108 primiparas with traditional protecting perineum method.


更多网络解释与会阴阴道的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



external genitalia:外生殖器

女性外生殖器(external genitalia)指生殖器官的外露部分,位于两股内侧间,前为耻骨联合,后为会阴,包括阴阜、大阴唇、小阴唇、阴蒂和阴道前庭,统称为外阴(vul-va)(彩图2-1) .


[阴道痉挛](vaginismus) 是指当阴茎或任何其他物体放入阴道时,阴道外1/3段肌肉以及球海绵体肌、会阴浅横肌和肛提肌均出现不自主的痉挛性收缩. 痉挛程度可能有极大差异,严重者阴茎不能纳入,以致无法性交;轻者放入时将引起患者剧烈疼痛.

ischiorectal fossa:坐骨直肠窝

会阴结构的基本概况 2921骨盆 (Pars pelvis) 的整体观 2933坐骨直肠窝 (Ischiorectal fossa)及其相关的间隙 4216阴茎 (Penile) 的实用解剖学 4437有关卵巢肿瘤 (Ovarian tumor) 的解剖学 4439阴道 (Vagina) 的应用解剖学 44710外阴(女阴,

Noninflammatory disorder of vagina unspecified:阴道的非炎性疾患,未特指

子宫非炎性疾患,未特指 Noninflammatory disorder of uter... | 阴道的非炎性疾患,未特指 Noninflammatory disorder of vagina unspecified | 外阴和会阴非炎性疾患,未特指 Noninflammatory disorder of vulva and pe...