英语人>词典>汉英 : 优秀的 的英文翻译,例句
优秀的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
excellent  ·  goodly  ·  preeminent  ·  surpassing  ·  swell  ·  bonzer  ·  superexcellent  ·  goodlier  ·  swells  ·  bonza

first-class · first-string · pre-eminent · way up · first-rank
更多网络例句与优秀的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At the same time, marriage has always been adhering to the protection of network quality, insist on the right heritage, healthy and good, traditional concept of love marriage and the promotion of culture, adhere to the recommendation of the Chinese women combination with good quality western white, yellow, brown or black race, to make them have a dream home and happy life.


It is not sufficient for having a successful liver transplantation. to have a good surgery, you should have, at the same time, a good hepatologist, a good surgeon, a good intensivist, a good immunologist.


When I run into outstanding you, I can more outstanding .......


I would remember that a good skater never tries to skate in two 的 directions at once.


I born from a family with very cultural atmosphere,parents work outside,I grow up with grandpa and grandma,they teach me goodness and tolerance,parents educate me to behave with honesty,act with sureness,and take things rationally as they come, when is time to marriage,god give me the fine husband and his families are goodness also.We never quarrel because the housework.Only for different opinion about someting,we would altercate to sympathize. The son birth make me feel the god bounty. The smart and sensible son is my pride. I educate him that excellence should turn into habit,excellent man represent in all aspects. I don't want that he be very success, just want he is a ordinary people,healthy and happy,and find his land to base on.


It is not sufficient for having a successful liver transplantation. to have a good surgery, you should have, at the same time, a good hepatologist, a good surgeon, a good intensivist, a good immunologist.


The excellent college students are always been considered as the good students of excellence in moral character and study.


Balance of Nature 自然的均衡 128K Classic New Age meets Native American flute. Dulin's keyboard work propels the music with lush undercurrents of sound, over which Offutt's haunting Native American flute soars. Healing, soothing music. Ancient wisdom for a modern world.

译:新世纪音乐里最优秀的印地安人长笛,达林的钢琴高亢悠远,而其中他的合作者Offutt's 的长笛令人难以忘怀,充满了对人的心灵治疗和精神安慰,完全是现代和古老智慧的艺术结合。

X 的读音为 IPA His English is exc ellent.

K.K 他的英文是优秀的

As one of the established pianist in Russia, Mr. Egorov has performed all over the world in all major music concert halls. He has given master classes in Korea, Taiwan, Italy, Sweden, The Netherlands, and has published over 100 recordings worldwide. His repertoires including solo performance, chamber music, and orchestral concertos, consisting works of Bach, Chopin, Hayden, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Handel, Brahms, Mussorgsky, Rachmaninoff, Skriabin, Prokofiev.

Pavel Egorov 作为俄罗斯当代最优秀的钢琴演奏家,他的演奏会遍及整个欧洲,以及加拿大、美国、中国、日本,其中多数举行在世界上最优秀的音乐厅当中,他应邀到韩国、台湾、意大利、瑞士、荷兰举行过大师班讲座,在全世界范围内出版超过100张 CD ,所演奏曲目囊括了独奏、室内乐以及交响乐协奏,包含了巴赫、海顿、莫扎特、贝多芬、舒伯特、肖邦、舒曼、门得尔松、亨得尔、勃拉姆斯、穆索尔斯基、柴科夫斯基、拉赫玛尼诺夫、斯克里亚宾、普罗科菲耶夫等几乎所有时代最优秀作曲家的作品。

更多网络解释与优秀的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Exceptional Performance:非同寻常的表现!例外优秀的表现

32. Excellent job 优秀的成果或是工作! | 33. Exceptional performance 非同寻常的表现!例外优秀的表现! | 34. You are real trooper 你是一个真正(勇敢)的骑兵!

formidable: a.1:可怕的,令人畏慎的 2.难以克服(对付)的 3.令人钦佩的,优秀的

befuddle ment: n.1.糊涂,迷惑不解,昏沉 2.烂醉 | formidable: a.1.可怕的,令人畏慎的 2.难以克服(对付)的 3.令人钦佩的,优秀的 | genuine: a.1.真的,名副其实的 2.真诚的,真实的

goodly:优秀的; 优美的 (形)

goodish 尚好的; 相当大的; 颇大的 (形) | goodly 优秀的; 优美的 (形) | goodman 主人; 夫; 男人敬称 (名)

out of this world: delicious:十全十美的,极优秀的;非凡的,妙到极点的;好得难以形容,好得不可思议

to be on edge: nervous: irritable紧张不安... | out of this world: delicious十全十美的,极优秀的;非凡的,妙到极点的;好得难以形容,好得不可思议 | to pig out: to eat greedily; to stuff oneself贪婪地大吃;暴饮;...


surpass /胜过.../优于/凌驾/超/超过/轶/ | surpassing /胜过的/卓越的/优秀的/非凡的/非凡地/卓越地/ | surpassingly /卓越地/优秀地/

very good:优秀的

在规定时间内出色完成文件撰写工作且文法正确,用词精准橙色 (401-450) 考生具备优秀的普通英语能力以及优秀的(VERY GOOD)法律英语能力. . 掌握法律专业词汇水平出众并能在法律文件写作中加以熟练运用 .


stark 明显的 | whiz-bang 杰出的,优秀的 | dreary 沉闷的

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Taj Gibson 优秀的角色球员到暖板凳球员 他的犯规数过多 到了联盟受制于身材可能劣势还会扩大 | Marcus Thornton 普通的类优秀角色球员 投射能力出众 自我创造机会... | Toney Douglas 普通的角色球员到优秀的角色球员...

Toney Douglas:普通的角色球员到优秀的角色球员 防守好 投篮准

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