英语人>词典>汉英 : 优哉游哉 的英文翻译,例句
优哉游哉 的英文翻译、例句


leisurely and carefree
更多网络例句与优哉游哉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Foot-binding old woman This foot-binding old woman is almost 100 years old but still can walk here and there.

36《裹脚的老太太》最后的裹脚老太太,快 100 岁了!还到处优哉游哉

The cloud peduncle, John and the rice high may play happy originally in the illusion island the amusement, with slightly flies the variant and the small female celestial two mystical friend's joyful life, leisurely, who would imagine, stops at no evil pirate iron hook captain leads his group of pirate to come to destroy wantonly.


Roddy is a 3refined rat, living a life of comfort and 4luxury in a comfortable flat in London.


Visitors can pedal along the 17-kilometer bike path that meanders around Tree Valley's 2477 hectares of land.


Bit of a lad is Mr Bryan, running round fancy-free for years.


Slag from a metal furnace.Bit of a lad is Mr Bryan, running round fancy-free for years.


Weird, colorful and Chinatown nations successively as ShaDian fish factory workers, security and taxi drivers, sureness not dream of life, good for pets at Jane.


" The film relates the best animal star lion Alex of the central park in New York with zoo most the friend who be good friends with zebra Marty, giraffe Melman and hippo Glorias live originally the excellent swims the , high-fed life, but the Marty of the disposition unwilling to remain out of the limelight hits upon a sudden idea however this day, suddenly and outward the world of feel very strange, but after he see collective break out of in a group of penguins zoo, the decision also comes out outdoor, the world of sensual pleasures that knowledge experience him and did not see from the beginning."

请谁给我翻译一下啊&影片讲述纽约中央公园的头号动物明星狮子Alex和动物园里最要好的朋友斑马Marty、长颈鹿Melman 以及河马Gloria原来过着优哉游哉、养尊处优的生活,但是天性不甘寂寞的Marty这一天却心血来潮,突然对外面的世界感到好奇,但他看到一群企鹅集体逃出动物园之后,决定也走出户外,见识见识他从来没看过的花花世界。&谢谢了我急请快一点啊再次感谢

Without any hesitation and contemplation, this illusion turns into a beautiful landscape immediately just by using the sharp, one-stroke knife, so he can sit there leisurely to enjoy his landscape.


更多网络解释与优哉游哉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(1).霍布森(Hobson)是英国的一位养马人. 话说霍布森养了一群马,租马人很多,可谁都要租那匹跑得最快的马,结果,最快的马天天"加班加点",累得口吐白沫、身心俱疲,而其他的马却整天优哉游哉,养尊处优,跑得越来越慢. 霍布森看在眼里,




Agiatamente(意)舒适地,优哉游哉. | Agil(西)轻巧,敏捷. | Agilement[法]同上.