英语人>词典>汉英 : 伊朗人 的英文翻译,例句
伊朗人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Irani  ·  Iranian  ·  Iranians

更多网络例句与伊朗人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That the various Shi'ite groups have Iranian support should be a surprise to no one. The Iranians have cannily exploited their sectarian ties to the various Shi'ite factions and, as best as I can tell, are playing the groups against one another.


"The only incentive that would be offered to the Iranians would be a reduction, a diminishment, of that pressure if they were to change their behavior, if they were to abandon their pursuit of a nuclear program and stop destabilizing the region in which they live," said Geoff Morrell.


He could offer full-throated or even material support to the opposition, but this would probably backfire: the regime would then be able to portray its opponents as stooges of the Great Satan.


However, modern day Azerbaijanis are believed to be primarily the descendants of the Caucasian Albanian[59][60] and Iranic peoples who lived in the areas of the Caucasus and northern Iran, respectively, prior to Turkification.

56[57][58]然而,现今的阿塞拜疆人被认为是在突厥化之前居住在高加索的高加索阿尔巴尼亚人和居住在伊朗北部的伊朗人的后裔[59][60] 。

Iranians are no doubt proud of their scientific triumphs, despite the international sanctions that are unfairly, in their eyes, imposed on them, for their country's obdurate pursuit of nuclear technology.


This dissertation has selected one of the most important periods in the Shi'a history in Iran, which is from the Mongol invasion to the establishment of the Safavids, and the announcement Twelver Shiism as the official religion in Iran, in order to find out the reasons why the Iranians have chosen the Shi'a belief.


The Iranians will also likely retaliate by attacking Israel's cities with ballistic missiles (possibly topped with chemical or biological warheads); by prodding its local clients, Hezbollah and Hamas, to unleash their own armories against Israel; and by activating international Muslim terrorist networks against Israeli and Jewish - and possibly American - targets worldwide (though the Iranians may at the last moment be wary of provoking American military involvement).


The Iranians will also likely retaliate by attacking Israel's cities with ballistic missiles (possibly topped with chemical or biological warheads); by prodding its local clients, Hezbollah and Hamas, to unleash their own armories against Israel; and by activating international Muslim terrorist networks against Israeli and Jewish - and possibly American - targets worldwide (though the Iranians may at the last moment be wary of provoking American military involvement).


As Supreme Leader, he supported the students behind the 1979 Iran hostage crisis, stalemated Saddam Hussein in the Iran-Iraq War, issued a fatwa for the death of author Salman Rushdie, and suppressed political and religious opposition. He died in 1989 and two million Iranians attended his funeral.


So it is with America in the eyes of Iranians and with Iran in the eyes of Americans.


更多网络解释与伊朗人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a. Indic:印度人

1. Tocharian. 吐火罗人 | 2a. Indic. 印度人 | 2b. South Iranian. 东伊朗人


从语词来源上来看,"伊朗"(Iran)来源于"雅利安"(Aryan),而波斯(Persia)来源于法尔斯(Fars). 根据伊朗的神话传说和古籍,伊朗人源于雅利安人,伊朗族阿维斯陀语中称为Airya,古波斯语中称为Ariya,随着语言的变化,帕提亚时期的巴列维语称为Aryan,


Kimmerria-辛美利亚人(公元初斯基泰人的一支) | Irani-伊朗语人(斯基泰人的分支) | Slaavit-斯拉夫人


伊朗帝国 Irani Empire | 伊朗人 Irani | 伊玛目-伊-阿迪尔(正直的领袖)Imam-i-A'dil

Irani Empire:伊朗帝国

伊朗(地名)Iran | 伊朗帝国 Irani Empire | 伊朗人 Irani


萨尔马提亚人是一个伊朗人(Iranian)的松散的联盟,他们在500年前从斯基泰人手里夺得了这片草原. 关于萨尔马提亚人我们知道不少,因为一些萨尔马提亚人的艺术瑰宝在西伯利亚西部被发现并被送到俄国的彼得大帝(PetertheGreat)29手里.

Hundreds of lranians finally overran the embassy compound:数百个伊朗人最终还是占领了大使馆

but that wasn't enough.|但是那远远... | Hundreds of lranians finally overran the embassy compound,|数百个伊朗人最终还是占领了大使馆 | seizing about 90 people, mostly Americans.|劫持了大约90个人质, 大部...


IWW Industrial Workers of the World 世界产业工人组织 | Sogdian 古索格代亚纳人(居住在索格代亚纳的伊朗人) | fly aerobatics 特技飞行


Romanian罗马尼亚人 | Tasmanian塔斯马尼亚人 | Iranian 伊朗人

I liked the Iranians:我喜欢伊朗人

monitoring Soviet military transmissions. It was kind of fun, actually.|其实很好玩 | I liked the Iranians.|我喜欢伊朗人 | Back in Tehran, the hard-liners seized the embassy,|强硬派占领德黑兰的美国使馆