英语人>词典>汉英 : 以白为黑 的英文翻译,例句
以白为黑 的英文翻译、例句


confound black and white
更多网络例句与以白为黑相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Means to solve the problem of insufficient contact between paper and plate surface upon printing and to improve printability have been reported in Japanese Patent Application Laid-open No. 2000-345493 in which a matte paper is produced by forming a coating layer with a pigment having a volumetric particle size distribution of more than 65% within the range of 0.4 to 4.2 μm on a base paper containing 10 parts or more by weight of mechanical pulp as a pulp for paper making and 3 to 12% by weight of paper of amorphous silica as a filler and then treating using a soft nip calender at 150° C. or higher; and in Japanese Patent No. 3093200 in which a bulky coated paper is produced by admixing a polyhydric alcohol and fatty acid ester compound or a polyhydric alcohol ester compound, said ester compound having alkylene groups having 2 to 4 carbons in less than 12 moles per mole of said ester compound to base paper for coating.

手段来解决不足的问题之间的联系的文件和钢板表面后,印刷及改善印刷适性已报道,在日本专利申请的下岗公开号2000-345493 ,当中一名磨砂纸所产生的形成层与色素有容积颗粒尺寸分布的65 %以上的内部范围0.4至4.2 μ m的对基地文件,其中载有十个部分或以上按重量计算机械浆为纸浆造纸和第3至12 %,按重量计算的文件白炭黑作为填料和治疗,然后用软债券发行计划的日历在150 ℃或更高;和在日本专利号3093200 ,当中一名笨重的涂布纸是由掺1多元醇与脂肪酸酯化合物或1多元醇酯复合说,酯化合物具有alkylene组有2至4活性炭在不少于12痣每摩尔说,酯化合物以原纸为涂层。

The paper briefly introduced new preparation technology of the wider application of white carbon black which is made by the material of water glass and ammonium hydrogen carbonate.


A complete set of collection centered on the principal series of jeans with mixed colors of jean blue, grey, white and black.

JEANS 是以牛仔为主线延伸出的完整系列。色彩上采用了牛仔兰、灰、白、黑相搭配。

Yet the cut of the mouth is stoic, not toylike, and the light-and-shadow coloring conveys the ambiguity of being neither white nor black but both, like sunshine falling through a forest—a camouflage therefore reverberant of grief, since the forests are mostly gone.


Day 2 Early morning private jeep tour to the White Desert, in your way to their you will see the old White Desert, the new White Desert, Flower Stones, Salt Lack and Springs, in the evening you will have your tent in the White Desert, enjoying the most magic sunset you can imagine and discover the secrets of the desert at night, at night our Bedouin friends they will do for you food by fire and over night there in tent in the White Desert, Day 3 Next day in the morning, you will be driven to see the quartz Crystal Mountain, Black Desert, back to the hotel in Baharia Oasis, having lunch and relax for abit, 2,30 pm transfer to the bus station taking 3 pm bus to Cairo, 8pm transfer from the bus station to your hotel in Cairo.


Day 2 Early morning private jeep tour to the White Desert, in your way to their you will see the old White Desert, the new White Desert, Flower Stones, Salt Lack and Springs, in the evening you will have your tent in the White Desert, enjoying the most magic sunset you can imagine and discover the secrets of the desert at night, at night our Bedouin friends they will do for you food by fire and over night there in tent in the White Desert,Day 3 Next day in the morning, you will be driven to see the quartz Crystal Mountain, Black Desert, back to the hotel in Baharia Oasis, having lunch and relax for bit, 2,30 pm transfer to the bus station taking 3 pm bus to Cairo, 8pm transfer from the bus station to your hotel in Cairo.

第2天 清晨私人吉普车参观白沙漠,在你的方式来面对你会看到旧的白沙漠,沙漠的新白,花石,盐缺乏和温泉,晚上你有你自己的白帐篷沙漠,享受最神奇的夕阳你能想像和发现的秘密沙漠的夜晚,我们的贝都因人在晚上的朋友,他们会为你做的食品及以上火晚上在帐篷中有白沙漠,第3天第二天早晨,您将会看到驱动石英水晶山,黑沙漠,回到酒店Baharia绿洲,吃午饭,放宽一点,2,30下午转移到公共汽车站公共汽车到下午3时到开罗晚上八时转由汽车站到您的酒店在开罗举行。

A new method is presented for synthesis of organosilicon compounds directly from precipitated white carbon black by reduced pressure distillation.


Yet the cut of the mouth is stoic, not toylike, and the light-and-shadow coloring conveys the ambiguity of being neither white nor black but both, like sunshine falling through a forest—a camouflage therefore reverberant of grief, since the forests are mostly gone.


Delightfully fresh lemon, sweet melon and peach plus sweet Bo Luo with black grape and is young girl for this perfume annexation of fragrance, finally with white pine and ambergris joss-stick make keynote, cause dreamlike current of thought.


The synthesis process of silica using waterglass and sulpHuric acid as materials was studied systematicly. The results show that reacting temperature, reacting time, sulphuric acid concentration, reactive stiring rate, modulus of waterglass,adding salting agent,alkali concentration,the total volume of acid and alkali added , different methods of adding materials may have influence on the specific surface area or dibutylphthalate absorption number of silica in different degree.


更多网络解释与以白为黑相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Black Opal:黑欧泊

按其底色欧泊可分为黑欧泊(Black Opal)、白欧泊(White Opal)、火欧泊(Fire Opal)三种. 黑欧泊:是指黑色、深绿、深蓝、深灰和褐色基底色,具有强烈变彩的欧泊,其中以黑色基底为最好,价值也最为昂贵. 白欧泊:在白色或浅灰色基底上出现变彩的欧泊,

patent leather shoes:漆皮鞋

脚上穿黑丝袜与漆皮鞋(patent leather shoes). 这全套从头到脚的服装,要一一列举实在够麻烦,才以"白领结"为代表词,并非只指领结的颜色而已. 星期四晚,我在国家音乐厅聆听张正杰、诸大明演奏布拉姆斯的两首大提琴与钢琴奏鸣曲,


在蒸馏或萃取前均须水解榨饼,以使黑芥子硫苷酸钾(sinigrin)或白芥子硫苷(sinalbin)水解,释放出挥发油. 芥末油具有强烈的刺激味. 黑芥末油1.008~1.019,1.524~1.534. 主成分为异硫氰酸烯丙酯(90%以上). 用于调味料和调味汁等食品调料. []营养

Stormy Weather:暴风雨

一如山本耀司曾说"有什么比穿戴得规规矩矩更让人厌烦",他的珠宝之作,也同样不按规矩行事,以"暴风雨" (Stormy Weather)为题,巧妙运用白金、黄金、纯银等贵金属与宝石,结合深浅不同的黑、白珍珠,生动捕捉自然风暴云雨的流动样态,

Black and unruffled; there were white lilies:那里有以泉水为源的池塘,幽黑且平静

With buds and blossoms. There were pools that dreamed 有幼嫩的... | Black and unruffled; there were white lilies 那里有以泉水为源的池塘,幽黑且平静 | A few, and crocuses, and violets 那里有白百合,番红花...


凤头鹦鹉亚科(Cacatuinae)共有6属18种,其中就有12种属於凤头鹦鹉(Cacatua)属,这算是最大的一个属.澳洲当地通称此属的鹦鹉为白凤头鹦鹉(white cockatoos),其他属为黑凤头鹦鹉(black cockatoos).白凤头鹦鹉中当然是以巴旦鹦鹉数量最多,


鲈形目(Perciformes)旗鱼科(Istiophoridae)几种长吻的大型海产鱼类的统称. 体细长,背鳍长,吻延长呈长镖枪状. 漂游於全球海面. 肉食性,主要以其他鱼类为食. 其肉味美,极受游钓者欢迎. 称为枪鱼的鱼甚多,但公认的有4种,即蓝、黑、纹、白枪鱼

Parus major:大山雀

大山雀(Parus major)俗名仔仔黑、白脸山雀、仔伯. 为山雀科中体型最大的鸟类,背羽绿灰色,头黑且两侧白色,形成明显的白斑状,故名白脸山雀. 腹面白色,正中则纵贯以黑色宽纹,加以前胸黑缘,故形成丁形的黑襟. 大山雀在国内分布广泛而且数量较大,