英语人>词典>汉英 : 以激光照射 的英文翻译,例句
以激光照射 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
lase  ·  lased  ·  lases

更多网络例句与以激光照射相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When hit with a laser they can fluoresce for hours afterwards, thanks to defects in the diamond that absorb the laser energy and emit light of their own at a different wavelength.


A series of reactions may occur when the nitrous acid and naphthalene inside the atmospheric aqueous phases is exposed to sunlight. This article devotes to investigating from a microscopic angle the reaction mechanism and kinetics of this system using laser flash photolysis technique with an excitation wavelength of 355nm. The main research results are listed as below:(1) The OH quantum yield FOH for the photolysis of HNO2 in the aqueous phase was determined to be 0.234 and the absorption spectrum of OH radical was recorded as well.


1 The fundi of the New Zealand's rabbits were irradiated by 532nm consecutive laser, the irradiation of the size were 1.5~2.5mm, the power density was 500~2400mW/ cm2 and the duration of irradiation

1 以新西兰兔为实验对象,532nm连续激光照射眼底,眼底光斑直径1.5~2.5mm,功率密度从500~2400mW/cm~2,照射时间100~300s,每组参数10个光斑。

The photosensitizer hematoporphyrin derivative was given by two different ways: intraperitoneal injection and intratumoral injection. 630 nm He-Ne laser was used to irradiate the tumor after injection.

以血卟啉衍生物作光敏剂,采用腹腔内和瘤内注射2种不同给药方式,后以波长630 nm的激光照射肿瘤组织,观察PDT后肿瘤体积变化和病理改变。

Laser was used in anther set of experiments to irradiate the cathode in order to touch off the excess heat.


The results indicated that:1. The temperature of dry and wet seeds rosed to different extent after irradiated by He-Ne laser with power density 3.5mW·mm~(-2) or CO_2 laser with power density 6.62mW·mm~(-2) correspondingly.

结果如下: 1。以功率密度为3.05mW·mm~(-2)的He-Ne激光和6.62mW·mm~(-2)的CO_2激光分别照射不同时间后,小麦种子都有不同程度的温度升高。

A mouse was chosen and moulted, and then irradiated by the IPL system in vivo under certain wavelengths with different energy densities. The morphologic changes of mouse skin were observed before and after (1 day, 3 days, 7dys) irradiated respectively. The results were compared and analyzed. The function of dermal collagen during the renovating of the tissue was studied and the key factors were presented.


A mouse was chosen and moulted, and then irradiated by the IPL system in vivo under certain wavelengths with different energy densities. The morphologic changes of mouse skin were observed before and after (1d, 3d, 7d) irradiated respectively. The results were compared and analyzed. The function of dermal collagen during the renovating of the tissue was studied and the key factors were presented.

以小白鼠作为研究对象,先去毛,用IPL在一定波长不同的能量密度照射活体小白鼠皮肤,分别在照射前、照射后,以及之后的1 d,3 d,7 d应用激光共聚焦显微镜观察皮肤内部的结构,并对其不同的能量密度与照射前相比进行分析,讨论了真皮胶原蛋白在组织的修复过程的作用及其中的关键因素。

One week later, each tooth was irradiated by Nd﹕YAG laser with three parameters. And the one of the four dogs was killed immediately and the teeth were extracted, immediately transected in lased areas and fixed in 10% formaldehyde solution.

一周后对不同的牙位以三种参数的激光照射牙齿,并在即刻、3 d、7 d、30 d四个时间段将犬处死,立刻取下所有的实验牙,并从激光照射区横断牙齿,分别将牙齿的冠根置入不同的固定液中。

After irradiation of Ti-sapphire femtosecond laser followed by a thermo development which is photo-thermo-refractiveprocess,Li2O · Al2O3 · 3SiO2 micro crystalline phase structure is observed and confirmed in the glass matrix with the help of optical microscope and X-ray diffraction.


更多网络解释与以激光照射相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


该方法用激光照射(irradiation)并在有被激光照射的半导体薄膜的基板上由非晶或多晶薄膜在希望的位置以希望的尺寸进行. 本发明的单晶硅膜制造方法包括:在透明或半透明基板上形成半导体层或金属薄膜的阶段;


lascivious /淫荡的/ | lasciviously /淫荡地/好色地/ | lase /发出激光/以激光照射/


lase 发出激光 | lase 以激光照射 | lasecon 激射光转换器