英语人>词典>汉英 : 以全速 的英文翻译,例句
以全速 的英文翻译、例句


in full career
更多网络例句与以全速相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The single-phase induction motor that traditional freezer place deploys only with working amain, when when internal temperature rises to the temperature of expectation, compress electric machinery to be started accordingly; When the temperature that reachs expectation, electromotor quits the job.


I rushed at him at full speed.


A squad car went by at full speed.


Runners sprinted for 1 stade (192 m.), or the length of the stadium.


Then you go over the two bascule bridges passing the swinging pendulums push the stone ball aside and run down the wooden ramp with full speed (lower right-hand corner of the picture).


The train was going at full throttle.


The track places low demands on brakes and engines (only 61 percent of the lap is at full throttle), but a premium on aerodynamic efficiency and good handling balance.


The work sped on till breakfast-time, when the thresher was stopped for half an hour; and on starting again after the meal the whole supplementary strength of the farm was thrown into the labour of constructing the straw-rick, which began to grow beside the stack of corn.


The ship, at its maximum speed, raced through icy still waters littered with small bergs and pieces of ice.


His car ran full tilt against the tree.


更多网络解释与以全速相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at a premium:以高价

a multitude of 大批的,众多的 | at a premium 以高价 | at full tilt 全速地,全力以赴地

run at a speed of sth:以......的速度前进

run around 到处跑 | run at a speed of sth. 以......的速度前进 | run at top speed 全速前进

at a speed of:以......速度

speed up 加快速度 | at a speed of 以...速度 | with all speed 以全速

at a speed of:以...之速度

speak up / / 大声说 | at a speed of / / 以...之速度 | at full speed / / 以全速

at full speed:以全速

at first 最初,首先,开始时候 | at full speed 以全速 | at hand 在手边;在附近

at full tilt:全速地,全力以赴地

at a premium 以高价 | at full tilt 全速地,全力以赴地 | at random 随意地,随机地

run at top speed:全速前进

run at a speed of sth. 以......的速度前进 | run at top speed 全速前进 | run in 追捕

in the full career:以全速地,开足马力的

in the full career 以全速地,开足马力的 | make a career 在事业上有成就,出人头地 | stop someone in middle career 使某人在中途停住

with all speed:以全速

at a speed of 以...速度 | with all speed 以全速 | be starved of 极需,没有

at full throttle:以最高速度

at full stretch 非常紧张 | at full throttle 以最高速度 | at full tilt 全速地