英语人>词典>汉英 : 令名 的英文翻译,例句
令名 的英文翻译、例句


good name
更多网络例句与令名相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This does not happen easily. As every author knows, even a single volume requires a great deal of careful organization and hard work. All the more must we appreciate the clear view and the patience and energy which Knuth must have had to plan seven volumes and to set about implementing his plan so carefully and thoroughly.


Benitez would still desperately like to sign a quality wide player and a versatile defender to cover all along the back line, but he insisted he is happy to go into the season with what he has got - and he believes his squad is good enough to do well.


General Provision","Arbitration Proceedings","Arbitrament"and"Supplementary Provisions.


The 38-year-old man pleaded not guilty to assault and battery with a dangerous weapon in Falmouth District Court on Tuesday and was ordered to stay away from the other man.


Every will shall be signed at the foot or end thereof by the testator, or by some other person in his presence and by his direction, and the signature shall be made or acknowledged by the testator as the signature to his will or codicil in the presence of two or more witnesses present at the same time, and those witnesses shall subscribe the will in the presence of the testator, but no form of attestation shall be necessary.

遗嘱应当由或遗嘱应当立遗嘱人签署,由其他人在立遗嘱人面前并依其指示签署,看来立遗嘱人是欲以其签署而令该遗嘱生效的;立遗嘱人是在 2 名或 2 名以上同时在场的见证人面前作出该签署或承认该签署;及每名见证人在立遗嘱人面前作见证并签署该遗嘱;或承认其所作的签署,但无须符合任何见证的格式。

Inquests of novel disseisin , of mort d'ancestor , and of darrein presentment shall not be held elsewhere than in their own county courts, and that in manner following; We, or, if we should be out of the realm, our chief justiciar, will send two justiciaries through every county four times a year, who shall alone with four knights of the county chosen by the county, hold the said assizes in the county court, on the day and in the place of meeting of that court.


When the National Convention, by the decree of 13 February, 1790, secularized all the religious houses of France, the Order of Cteaux had in France 228 monasteries, with 1875 religious; 61 of these houses, with 532 religious, were in the filiation of Cteaux; 3, with 33 religious, in that of La Ferté; 33, with 171 religious, in that of Pontigny; 92, with 864 religious, in that of Clairvaux; and 37, with 251 religious, in that of Morimond.

当全国代表大会通过的法令1790年2月13号,所有世俗的宗教房屋法国,令Cteaux已在法国228个寺院,与1875年的宗教; 61这些房屋,与532名宗教,是在亲子关系的Cteaux ; 3 , 33宗教,在这中堡; 33岁,宗教自由与171 ,在这的Pontigny ; 92 ,与864的宗教,在这对伯尔纳;和37个,与251名宗教,在这的

However, as it turned out, she was one of the last two members of David Whitmer's church, the other being a woman of similar age, and, to Jerald's disappointment, showed no interest whatever in seeing her church survive.


By tossing him blind animals for sacrifice and perpetrating injustice in their communities, the people had dragged God's name in the dirt.


FINAL HOME as a concept began with Tumura Kosuke's drive as a fashion designer to create a piece of clothing that will serve to protect and comfort our bodies once we are deprived of shelter and dwellings; a coat that will comfort us the same as our homes.

FINAL HOME作为一个概念起源于津村耕祐对成为一名时尚设计师的向往,他希望创造一种衣服,在我们被剥夺遮蔽物和住所的时候保护我们并且令身体感觉舒适,这是一种令我们感觉像家一样舒适的衣服。

更多网络解释与令名相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

elegit:执行令状 (名)

elegiac 哀歌体的; 挽歌的 (形) | elegit 执行令状 (名) | elegy 哀歌, 挽歌 (名)

Erin Brockvich:(永不当协,又名:爱琳.布洛科维奇或者亿万控告)

336) Home Alone (零丁在家,又名:小鬼当家或者宝物智多星) | 231) Erin Brockvich (永不当协,又名:爱琳.布洛科维奇或者亿万控告) | 208) Double Jeopardy (流亡追凶,又名:致命追缉令)

Habeas Corpus Act:人身保護令法律犯罪

5801人身保護令文化書名書類habeas corpus | 5802人身保護令法律犯罪habeas corpus act | 5803人事不知人類喪亡insensibility

Soldiers must be treated in the first instance by iron discipline:令之以文,齐之以武

13,因粮于敌------Make up for provisio... | 14,令之以文,齐之以武------Soldiers must be treated in the first instance by iron discipline. | 15,进不求名,退不避罪------A general should advance without cove...

Kent had just been maimed:肯特刚被令名为

then severed his own head with a chainsaw.|# 之后用链锯割下了自己的头 # | Kent had just been maimed--|# 肯特刚被令名为 # | Sorry - just been named|# 抱歉,被命名为 #

Rumble Fish:斗鱼/雷鸣小子 外文名

爱的召集令/情场新丁 外文名: Racing with the Moon | 斗鱼/雷鸣小子 外文名: Rumble Fish | 月色撩人/发晕 外文名: Moonstruck

supersedeas:中止执行令状 (名)

supersede 代替, 接替, 取代 (动) | supersedeas 中止执行令状 (名) | supersedure 代替 (名)

supersedure:代替 (名)

supersedeas 中止执行令状 (名) | supersedure 代替 (名) | supersensitive 过敏的 (形)

Names of tunes and lings (ditties):(六)词牌与令名

(五)韵与韵式/Rhyming and forms | (六)词牌与令名/Names of tunes and lings (ditties) | (七)并非结论/Tentative summary

Charing Cross:查令十字街

朴茨茅斯造船厂(Portsmouth)每增加一名工长或者电工,位于查令十字街(Charing Cross)的海军总部必然再配备两名以上的行政人员. 通过以上分析,我们暂且做出结论,即当海军真正的战斗力量--士兵的人数下降31.5%时,行政人员的增长速度却几乎是技术人员的一倍.