英语人>词典>汉英 : 令人作呕地 的英文翻译,例句
令人作呕地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
revoltingly  ·  rancidly

ad nauseam
更多网络例句与令人作呕地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She talks ad nauseam about her family's importance.


Ad nauseam over the years, I am coming round to the belief that an annual plan based almost exclusively on numbers is insufficient.


Ad'.'' nauseam about her family's importance.


Everybody believe it to be odious and abominable because everybody says so: and so the dog, and most deservedly, gets a bad name, but he is not hanged; he is simple avoided. Because he is such a mangy, ill-looking cur, offensive alike to the nose and to the touch, all decent people shrink away from him.


The sickening spectacle of those responsible walking off with millions of pounds of other people's money in bonuses has rightly put bankers akin to mafia racketeers in public esteem.


Did he not lie in bed, the gross boar, gloating over a nauseous fragment of wellused toilet paper presented to him by a nasty harlot, stimulated by gingerbread and a postal order?


更多网络解释与令人作呕地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ad infinitum to infinity:无限地

ad hominem to the man 从个人偏好出发 | ad infinitum to infinity 无限地 | ad nauseam to sea sickness 令人作呕地

ad nauseam:令人作呕地

ad litem 指定 | ad nauseam 令人作呕地 | ad referendum 待进一步审核

ad nauseam to sea sickness:令人作呕地

ad infinitum to infinity 无限地 | ad nauseam to sea sickness 令人作呕地 | anno Domini A.D. in the year of our Lord 公元

ad referendum:待进一步审核

ad nauseam 令人作呕地 | ad referendum 待进一步审核 | ad rem 中肯

nauseatingly:使人恶心地, 令人憎恶地 (副)

nauseant 引起呕吐的 (形) | nauseatingly 使人恶心地, 令人憎恶地 (副) | nauseous 令人作呕的, 厌恶的 (形)


nauseous /令人作呕的/ | nauseously /令人作呕地/厌恶地/ | nautch /舞蹈/


rancidly 令人作呕地 | rancidness 腐臭 | rancor 敌意


adnauseamnauseously 令人作呕地 | adnexauteri 子宫附件 | adnexitis 子宫附件炎


rancidity 恶臭 | rancidly 令人作呕地 | rancidness 腐臭

ad litem:指定

ad libitum 随意 | ad litem 指定 | ad nauseam 令人作呕地