英语人>词典>汉英 : 代数几何的 的英文翻译,例句
代数几何的 的英文翻译、例句


algebro geometric
更多网络例句与代数几何的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Linear Algebra is mainly a subject which studies the linear structure of finite dimensional linear space and its linear transformation while linear concept is in itself from the old Euclid Geometry. The concept of "Linear Space" is a kind of algebraic abstract. In many fields of modern engineering project and technology, because of the influence of computer and graph showing, the algebraic disposal of geometric questions, the visual disposal of algebraic questions, algebra and geometry are tightly combined.


This paper first summarizes recent researches on this topic, and then proposes some methods for curve modeling with cubic algebraic curve based on pure geometric constraints that involve control points, tangent directions and curvatures.

然后提出了一种基于几何约束的三次代数曲线的插值方法,该方法完全通过几何量如控制顶点、切线和曲率来控制三次代数曲线的形状,使得对三次代数曲线的编辑与对三次 B-样条曲线的编辑一样灵活方便。

The paper applies algebraic geometry, computational geometry, approximation theory to study the following problems: the Nother type theory and the Riemann-Roch type theory of the piecewise algebraic curve; the number of real intersection points of piecewise algebraic curves; the real piecewise algebraic variety and the B-net resultant of polynomials.


Algebraic K-theory is an important branch of algebra which has deep relationships with other branches of mathematics such as algebraic number theory, algebraic geometry and algebraic topology.


The vector has the rich actual background and the widespread application function, it has the algebra and the geometry dual statuses, causes the algebra geometrization, the geometry algebra, has communicated the algebra, the geometry and the trigonometric function, has the good analysis method and the complete structure.


The multivariate polynomial interpolation problem is a classical mathematical problem that is widely used in many fields, such as multivariate function list, surface design and finite element method. In recent years, multivariate polynomial interpolation has been focused by many people, of which the geometric topological struction of sets of interpolation nodes is also much concerned by us.

多元多项式插值问题是一个十分具有研究意义和实际应用价值的数学问题,它广泛应用于多元函数列表,以及曲面的外形设计和有限元法等诸多领域,近年来多元多项式插值越来越受到人们的广泛关注,其中有关插值结点组的几何拓扑结构问题也是人们十分关注的内容。1998年,梁学章和吕春梅在文献[2]中借助代数几何中的有关理论,进一步讨论了沿无重复分量平面代数曲线上的Lagrange插值问题,并应用Cayley ?

The questions covering pre-algebra and elementary algebra make up the Pre-Algebra/Elementary Algebra Sub score. The questions covering intermediate algebra and coordinate geometry make up the Intermediate Algebra/Coordinate Geometry sub score. The questions covering plane geometry and trigonometry make up the Plane Geometry/Trigonometry sub score.


Its main goal is to explore information in the K-theory groups of the index C*-algebras, the Roe algebras C*, by using the large-scale geometrical structure of proper metric spaces, including noncompact complete Riemannian manifolds, finitely generated groups, etc., so as to establish connections among geometry, topology and analysis of the geometric spaces, and furthermore, to solve other relating problems, say, the Novikov conjecture, the Gromov-Lawson-Rosenberg conjecture on positive scalar curvature, the idempotent problem in the theory of C*-algebras.

粗几何上的指标理论是"非交换几何"领域九十年代以来发展起来的重要研究方向,它孕育于非紧流形上的指标理论,其主要目标是通过几何空间(如非紧完备黎曼流形、有限生成群等)的大尺度几何结构探索指标代数,即 Roe代数,的K-理论群的信息,从而建立几何空间的几何、拓扑与分析之间的联系,并应用于解决其他重要问题,如Novikov猜测、Gromov-Lawson-Rosenberg正标量曲率猜测、群C*-代数幂等元问题等。

By utilizing the concepts and methods developed in Algebra Topology,Algebra Geometry and Algebra Representations,we first depicted the concepts and results of Incidence Algebra which reflects the linear structure of underlying posets and Sheaf theory which reflects the topological structure of underlying poset in the framework of Category Theory.


The author deals with algebraic varieties, the corresponding morphisms,the theory of coherent sheaves and, finally, The theory of schemes.


更多网络解释与代数几何的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Algebraic Geometry:代数几何

数量和空间在解析几何(analytic geometry)、微分几何(differential geometry)和代数几何(algebraic geometry)中非常重要. 理解和描述(understanding and describing)变化是自然科学的主题. 微积分是这方面的一个重要工具.


algebraically independent elements 代数无关元 | algebraization 代数化 | algebro geometric 代数几何的

algebro geometric:代数几何的

algebraization 代数化 | algebro geometric 代数几何的 | algebroid function 代数体函数

algebroid function:代数体函数

algebro geometric 代数几何的 | algebroid function 代数体函数 | algebroidal function 代数体函数

class field theory:类域论

代数数论 引申代数数的话题,关于代数整数的研究,主要的研究目标是为了更一般地解决不定方程的问题,而为了达到此目的,这个领域与代数几何之间有相当关联, 比如类域论(class field theory) 就是此间的颠峰之作..

Computational Geometry:计算几何

它的主要数学理论基础即为计算几何(Computational Geometry),由函数逼近论,微分几何、代数几何、计算数学、计算机图形学等形成的. 与UG、I-DEAS、EUCLID、PRO/ENGNEERING等现在流行软件相比,该软件在曲面造型方面具有其独到的数学准确性的特点.

Lie Algebra:代数

李的主要贡献在以他的名字命名的李群(Lie Group)和李代数(Lie Algebra)方面. 1870年 他从求解微分方程入手 依靠微分几何方法和射影几何方法建立起一种变换 将空间直缐簇和球面一一对应. 不久他发现 这种对应是连续的 能将微分方程的解表示出来并加以分类.


曲线束...曲线束(pencil)是经典代数几何的常用术语. 我们举例说明其含义. 曲线束(Pencil)是经典代数几何的常用术语. 我们举例说明其含义. 设X是代数曲面,C是X上的代数曲线, |C| 是它的完全线性系. 由该线性系定义的有理映射是 Φ:X→P^n.


这是Springer出版社"研究生数学教材"(GTM)丛书的第229卷,是交换代数与代数几何方面的一本更专业的教材,讲述了合冲(syzygy)在代数几何中的应用,书中也包括了从插值到标准曲线(canonical curves)中的许多几何特例.全书共九章,

tensor field:张量场

在数学,物理和工程上,张量场(tensor field)是一个的非常一般化的几何变量的概念. 它被用在微分几何和流形的理论中,在代数几何中,在广义相对论中,在材料的应力和应变的分析中,和在物理科学和工程的无数应用中. 它是向量场的想法的一般化,