英语人>词典>汉英 : 从旁边的 的英文翻译,例句
从旁边的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Steiner and Mignon had come in behind Rose. The banker turned back and reappeared with the fan while Mignon embraced Nana fraternally and forced Rose to do so also.


People ran from the side streets cheering and climbing over the wreckage, enjoying the giddiness of the moment.


Dürer painted himself half-length and slightly turned, beside a window that opens onto a mountainous landscape.

释文 丢勒画了自己的半身,身体微微侧转,从旁边的窗口可见一幅群山景色。

Suddenly, he saw a hare from the adjacent grass sprang a panic, the one hit the child on Tanabe's stump, then down there in a motionless.


Looking around, he saw sleepy-eyed Taelan emerging from the adjoining sitting room.


Each felt the impulse in himself, and, in the same breath, caught it from his neighbour.


My brother was giving me a lift to school, when another scooter came barreling out of a side lane without stopping first.


My brother was giving me a lift to school, when another scooter came barreling out of a side lane without stopping first.


Before long I heard snores of contentment coming from the bed beside me.


We took the side aisle to our seat.


更多网络解释与从旁边的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By the Almshouse Window:救济院窗子旁边,从瓦托的窗子所见

45. 1847 The Sunbeam and the Captive 日光和俘虏 | 46. 1847 By the Almshouse Window 救济院窗子旁边,从瓦托的窗子所见 | 47. 1847 The Old Street Lamp 老街灯


The murderer run away below the police's eyes. 杀人犯从警察眼皮底下跑了. | beside 在...的旁边,在...之外,与...相比. | He found the body by the river. 他在河边发现了尸体.

come between:离间;干预......间的事;妨碍

come by 从旁边走过;(偶然)获得 | come between离间;干预......间的事;妨碍 | come down 倒下,(温度,价格)下降,病倒;传下来;

blowing snow:高吹雪

当时,强烈的高吹雪(blowing snow)天气把雪刮得漫天飞舞,能见度大大降低,飞行员根本看不见蓝色的滑行道边线灯(Taxiway edge light),飞机一下子从沥青道面滑进了滑行道旁边的草坪,所有起落架全都陷进了松软的泥土里.


住在地上的洞穴(Burrow)里,每天日出之前出海,在海里猎食(也被猎食)一整天,等日落之后才上岸. 上岸时会结成一队一队,这样比较有安全感吧!我们的观景台就搭在海岸,稍微架高让企鹅可以从底下通过,抢滩的企鹅就这样咚隆咚隆地从旁边颠步而过,

in its own right:凭自己的能力或资格,独自的

1. to make more of the event 制造更多事端(本文指造势,造噱头) | 2. in its own right 凭自己的能力或资格,独自的 | 3. to walk away from 从...旁边走开,轻易的胜过

From here till UnderVerse come:从这里直到暗黑星际

My place is at your side, dear husband.|我的位置就在你旁边,亲爱的 | From here till UnderVerse come.|从这里直到暗黑星际 | In this 'verse,|在这个宇宙

to walk away from:从...旁边走开,轻易的胜过

2. in its own right 凭自己的能力或资格,独自的 | 3. to walk away from 从...旁边走开,轻易的胜过 | 4. to be true to 忠实于...

He dodged past me:他躲躲闪闪地从我旁边走过

4531. He dodged the falling rock and escaped unhurt. 他闪身躲过了滚落的岩石,安然脱... | 4532. He dodged past me. 他躲躲闪闪地从我旁边走过. | 4533. He is a doer, not a talker. 他是一个实干家,不是一个空谈...

cap bolt:盖螺栓

当气缸体(Cylinder Block)侧和轴承帽侧由于盖螺栓(Cap bolt)的紧固误差沿左右错位时,为避免伤及曲轴颈部,使接合面局部鼓起,从而总体上呈柠檬状. 换句话说,轴承旁边的间隙在接合面旁边增大. 当然润滑油容易从这里泄漏.