英语人>词典>汉英 : 人造糖 的英文翻译,例句
人造糖 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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It is betting heavily on the industry's new divine ambrosia : a fake sugar that is natural.


Eg:The first artifical satellite was launched by the former Soviet Union.


The application of maizeyellow pigment in food showed that the colour of butterine and candy added pigment were bright and good. Absorency of pigment in butterine degraded slightly in natural light three months later. It illustrated that maizeyellow pigment was stable and can be used in food.


Too much sugar will make you fat, but too much artificial sweetener will ...


"We found that the rats that were getting artificially sweetened yogurt gained more weight and ate more food," said study author Susan Swithers, an associate professor of psychological sciences at the Ingestive Behavior Research Institute at Purdue University.


Typical lend-lease foods that would be OK for reenacting would be flour, dried peas and beans, sugar, canned meats, particularly Spam or a facsimile of Tushonka (a kind of stewed pork product in gelatin) butter, vegetable shortening, oil and margarine, canned or dried milk, dried eggs, grits, and coffee.

援助的食品物资包括面粉、干碗豆、豆类、糖和罐装肉类。其他的还有 Tushonka 黄油〔一种由凝胶沉淀捣碎制成的东西〕、蔬菜、油、人造黄油、罐装的或块状干牛奶、干鸡蛋、粗面粉和咖啡。

Other Ingredients: Date sugar, honey powder, natural and artificial flavors and cinnamon.


There are many different kinds of artificial sweeteners, and it is important to know the differences in each.


Artificial sweeteners are an important part of a diabetic diet.


更多网络解释与人造糖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Brilliant blue:亮蓝

●利物浦大学(英格兰)对四种普通食品添加剂做了长达两年的实验室研究,它们分别是人造增甜剂阿斯巴甜糖、味精(monosodium glutamate)、人工色素喹啉黄(quinoline yellow)和亮蓝(brilliant blue),结果发现,它们之间的协同作用会干扰正常的

Diet Oil weekdays,splurge on weekends:平日节食、周末大吃

37 Use artificial sweeteners.用人造代糖. | 38 Be sober about alcohol.清醒地面对含酒精饮料. | 39 Diet Oil weekdays,splurge on weekends.平日节食、周末大吃.


glutoscope 凝集检查镜 | glutose 人造糖 | glutthemarket 市场存货过多 市场过剩 使存货过剩

quinoline yellow:喹啉黄

●利物浦大学(英格兰)对四种普通食品添加剂做了长达两年的实验室研究,它们分别是人造增甜剂阿斯巴甜糖、味精(monosodium glutamate)、人工色素喹啉黄(quinoline yellow)和亮蓝(brilliant blue),结果发现,它们之间的协同作用会干扰正常的神经细胞发育.