英语人>词典>汉英 : 人群恐怖 的英文翻译,例句
人群恐怖 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
anthropophobia  ·  ochlophobia

更多网络例句与人群恐怖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Two years ago, I found out I have Agoraphobia. This is a general fear of people and places.


Some of these potential uses include dealing with terrorist groups, crowd control, controlling breaches of security at military installations, and antipersonnel techniques in tactical warfare.


It was indeed as a change from Hell to Heaven, to have escaped from the jostling of the crowd, the dreadful spectacle of mimicked torments, the unearthly crash that bellowed like thunder along the sky, and the shrieks of the dying-to the silence of the empty church, the faint smell of incense, and the few quiet lights that burned on the high altar.


Apollo, of the silver bow, had bred them in Perea- both of them mares, and terrible as Mars in battle.


A report the government commissioned in 2006 found Muslims across the country faring, on average, worse than the Hindu majority in education, jobs and income. And Muslims have occasionally been subject to hideous communal slaughter. More than 2,000 died in a pogrom in the state of Gujarat in 2002, for which the perpetrators have never been brought to justice.


According to performance degree of the positive symptom as the below: compulsion, physical symptom, human sensibility, antagonism, depression, bigot, anxiety, terror, and psychoneurosis; the mental health state of the primary school teachers is better than the middle school teachers; the senior middle school teachers have the worst mental health state; the mental health level of male teachers are equal to the female teachers; the mental health level of the teachers in charge of classes are equal to the teachers not in charge of classes, there is not notable difference; the teachers mental health level in each age-phase almost the same; the factors of the primary and middle school teachers divorced are higher than the single teachers and the teachers married, there is not notable difference.


Second, we can see many violent,porn,extremly fantastic and mispresented informatin from mass media and that bring male effects to people and society orders, lured unmoral activities.


He stopped and there went up a great cry of horror.


In both groups, about 8 percent had phobias and 7 percent had depression.


更多网络解释与人群恐怖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


2.广场恐怖(agoraphobia)不仅指对公开场所发生的恐怖,而且感到在人群聚集的地方,担心不易很快离去,或无法求援的焦虑. 这种地方包括公共汽车站、火车站、书店和超级市场,以及理发室的坐椅上、剧院和电影院当中的一排的坐位上和任何不能迅速离开的地方.

Hannah Arendt:阿伦特

正如德国历史学家莫森(Hans Mommsen)在1986年出版的阿伦 特(Hannah Arendt)的>德文本序言中所说,"极权以它的暴力和恐怖塑造社会中所有的人群,无论是充当加害者还是受害者, 他们都同样适宜.


在每天只能收到5个粗鲁(rude)动作表情的限制下,你仍能获得200个粗鲁表情,这不光将使你获得奖励,同时还显示了在你周围的人群中间你是多么的不受欢迎. 你的奖励就是这个称号恐怖之人(The Intimidating):这个称号将被给予那些总是在周围的人群中制造恐怖的人.

strategic model:战略模式

在目前对恐怖主义的研究中占主导地位的战略模式(Strategic Model)学说认为,恐怖分子是利用攻击平民以达到其政治目的的一群理性人群;他们是政治上的效用最大化者--当恐怖手段为他们取得的政治利益大于其他手段所能够带来的政治利益时,


ocellus 单眼 | ochlophobia 人群恐怖症 | ochlophobia 拥挤恐怖症


ochlophobia 人群恐怖症 | ochlophobia 拥挤恐怖症 | octave 八度音阶