英语人>词典>汉英 : 人力推进 的英文翻译,例句
人力推进 的英文翻译、例句


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Adjust agricultural construction, be on the move land access, advance industrialization, accelerate labour force move and town to change a course, raise manpower capital investment, simplify the administrative structure and reducing the act such as farmer burden is current main policy is oriented.


With the advance of the stage of economic development, human capital accumulation will play more and more significant role in economic development.


The development and management of human resource is getting very important. Then how to propel the work positively?


According to the research conclusion, proposing Countermeasures on three sides for making the labor market and the wage determination mechanism to be perfect: deepening the reform and governance of monopoly industry to maintain the fair and competitive market environment; respecting the property right of human capital and founding the marketization system of human capital pricing; impulse the reform of the system of social security and household register under the direction of the value viewpoint of fairness and justice.


Cultivating the rural human resources is not only the essential contents bult also the urgent demands and the most important prompting force in building new socialist countryside.But as for Sichuan Provinces cultivating the rural human resources,there are such problems as great in quality,poor in quatity,unreasonable in structure.


In the exploration of the west regions,the strategy of giving priority to human resources exploration must be carried out.According to the author,when carrying out the strategy,the following measures should be taken:(1)To free ourselves from old ideas and realize that it is the most important strategy to give priority to human resources exploration in west regions for the inevitability and the immi...

文章认为,实施该战略可采取如下措施:( 1 )转变观念,解放思想,充分认识人力资源开发战略成为西部开发的首要战略的必然性和紧迫性;( 2 )深化分配领域改革,构建人才资本投资与回报的合理机制;( 3 )采取新举措,培育和发展人才市场,完善人才市场体系,优化人才资源配置;( 4)加大西部地区企业人力资源的开发与管理,推进&知本经营&;最后,西部还应采取措施,加强西部地区高校人力资源的开发与管理,大力促进农村人力资源开发。

This article describes the implication of Human Resource Management and its important status in managing modern medium and small enterprise.


This article describes the implication of Human Resource Management and its important status in managing modern medium and small enterprise.


This article describes the implication of Human Resource Management and its important status in managing modern medium and small enterprise.


In addition,assisting related departments to exploit the youth human resources and ensuring the healthy and sustainable development of the youth human resources also fall into the obligation of CYL in an enterprise.


更多网络解释与人力推进相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Homo sapiens:智人

随后,现代人类祖先--"智人"(Homo Sapiens)也是首次出现在非洲后,经过西伯利亚和满洲进入了韩半岛. 他们还通过声明向韩国政府提出了以下要求:要求外交通商部立即表示抗议并要求修改;要求教育人力资源部推进设立"古代东北亚史研究中心";


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