英语人>词典>汉英 : 人为地 的英文翻译,例句
人为地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
artificially  ·  factitiously

更多网络例句与人为地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Department of Scientific History and Archaeometry; Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049;4.Institute of Archaeology; Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Beijing 100710; China;The fabrication technologies in terms of phase composition,structure,firing temperature,porosity,density and water permeability of ceramic water pipes and contrastive ceramic tilesexcavated from Anyang Yin Ruins of Shang dynasty were studied by X-ray fluorescence,X-ray diffraction and dilatometer,respectively.It was found that the contents of CaO,K2O,MgO and P2O5 in CWP were relatively higher than those in contrastive CT.The difference was further confirmed by the mass ratio of flux...

采用X射线荧光、X射线衍射、热膨胀等分析手段对比研究了安阳商代陶水管的制作工艺,发现陶水管化学成分中各类熔剂的质量分数均略高于对比陶片中熔剂的质量分数,CaO、K2O、MgO等助熔剂与A l2O3的质量比进一步证实该现象,而这种差异性则外在地表现为陶水管的气孔度低于对比陶片以及陶水管热膨胀曲线中出现玻璃化现象,该结果表明陶水管原料应为一种易熔粘土,或者在沉淀粘土中人为地掺和了草木灰类掺和料,这有利于陶水管烧制与成型,有助于熔剂在熔融状态下,较好地进入陶水管中的空隙,使陶水管变得更加致密,一定程度上有利于防止陶水管的渗水,显示出陶水管制作工艺的特殊性。

Furthermore, it is not worth to transmit reactive power for long distance. Control provided "on the way" in transmission line, connation nodes, distribution station and other points requires installation of capacitors or\and reactors.

此外, 远距离地传输无功功率是没有必要的,无功功率在传输线路,各个节点,配电站和其他需要安装电容或者电抗器的地方被人为地控制着。

In the influence the kid the language the development of four sow the cause the vegetable, heredity, sex this two sow the cause vegetable is an inborn decision of, but language environment, personal ability development of the time factor can be factitiously appropriate then change to promote speech betterly development.


The farcical face of Israel shall be obliterated, not by my hands but by their own contrived, affected and erroneous belief that they are chosen and supreme.


Its improperness lies in its parochial categorization of science as "positivism" and "utilitarianism" on the one hand, and its ex parte emphasis of human beings as the root as well as its oversimplified identification of humanistic spirit with artistic spirit on the other, which inevitably result in a more drastic separation an...


In the actual application systems of measurement, a transient process is created in a RL circuit, and then the frequency and time constant of RL circuits can be accurately estimated using numerical differentiation methods.


Therefore, it will be helpful for us to focus on these periodicals as the point of contact in order to have a concrete and detailed investigation of the development of the popular fictions in those days, thus casting off the commonly accepted severe study pattern in which the revolution of New Literature after May 4th, 1919 is regarded as the dividing line between Modern Literature and Contemporary Literature.


Steven landsburg, author of the armchair economist , secured notoriety four years ago by labelling the vice-presidential candidate john edwards a "xenophobe", arguing that his protectionism arbitrarily privileged americans over foreigners and was no better than arbitrarily privileging whites over blacks.


One of the most noteworthy features of classical and traditional Chinese thought was "anthropogenic constructivism."


Its improperness lies in its parochial categorization of science as "positivism" and "utilitarianism" on the one hand, and its ex parte emphasis of human beings as the root as well as its oversimplified identification of humanistic spirit with artistic spirit on the other, which inevitably result in a more drastic separation an...


更多网络解释与人为地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


水势 (water potential) 是指水分子通过选透膜往外逃的趋势,纯水 (pure water) 在摄氏25度及一个大气压力下的水势被人为地或武断地 (arbitrarily) 界定为 0, 如果水中含有任何溶剂 (solute),溶剂会把水势降低,即把水势从0降至负数,




artificially /人工地/人为地/不自然地/ | artificialness /人为之事/不自然/装作/ | artillerist /炮术家/炮手/炮兵/


这个世界可能是虚构的(fictitious)、人为的(factitious),或者魔鬼的创造(你怎么能够确切地知道呢?),这一点揭示了梦的世界为教堂权威所拥有这一深层的困惑. 像>或者>这样预言性的、经典性的书籍就是教堂权威的源泉.


factitious 人为的 | factitiously 人为地 | factitive 作为的


factitious /人为的/不自然的/人工的/ | factitiously /人为地/捏造地/ | factitiousness /人为/捏造/

factitiously:人为地; 虚构地

thiazide 噻嗪(类) | factitiously 人为地; 虚构地 | modest 谦逊的, 羞怯的, 适度的


factitiously 捏造地 | factitiousness 人为 | factitive 使役的


factitiously /人为地/捏造地/ | factitiousness /人为/捏造/ | factitive /作为的/使役的/


在反垄断法中有一个确定的原则,那就是,买主垄断(monopsony)和购买者卡特尔跟垄断(monopoly)及卖主卡特尔对竞争一样有害. 这种风险跟卖主卡特尔的风险是一样的--价格将被人为地压低,而不是人为地抬高. 对买主垄断的法律处理跟对垄断的处理是一样的.