英语人>词典>汉英 : 亲戚们 的英文翻译,例句
亲戚们 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与亲戚们相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She was hostess also to Clifford's occasional aristocratic relations.


Now,I think,my belongings will come back .


Relatives from towns around Pennsylvania and Ohio filled our living room and dining room, circling the table crowded with my mother's fabulous array of Arabic dishes: hummus, chick bean dip, baba ghanouj, eggplant with sesame, stuffed grape leaves, shish kebob, kibbee, raw or fried lamb and bulgur wheat patties, a leg of lamb, a turkey stuffed with rice and raisins and platter after platter of side dishes.


Mr. LaForte, who said he had no job and was staying with friends and relatives in East Harlem, said he picked up castoff food from supermarkets and fed it to the chickens each night.

LaForte 先生还说他没有工作,和他的朋友们和亲戚们一起住在东 Harlem ,他说他每天晚上从超市里拣那些被人扔掉的食物来喂养这些鸡。

From scant first-hand evidence, Linda Colley has mined the diaries of relatives to pull together a compelling portrait that sets her heroine against the rise of the British empire.


Since you are the computer scientist in the family, your relatives asked you to help them.


He then ensured his postcard was circulated to relatives all over the world – you may well sense them lurking just within eyeline of this computer screen, or dashing for the trees with a sheet of newspaper tucked under one arm – by causing Melissa Brandts, who owned the camera, to forward the image to National Geographic , where photo editor Susan Welchman chose it for her Daily Dozen gallery.


How to do right by our relatives in Africa without dishonoring the grandparents from Kansas who raised us?


ON HIS RETURN to Moscow from the army, Nikolay Rostov was received by his family as a hero, as the best of sons, their idolised Nikolenka; by his relations, as a charming, agreeable, and polite young man; by his acquaintances as a handsome lieutenant of hussars, a good dancer, and one of the best matches in Moscow.


CHAPTER II Chinese ON HIS RETURN to Moscow from the army, Nikolay Rostov was received by his family as a hero, as the best of sons, their idolised Nikolenka; by his relations, as a charming, agreeable, and polite young man; by his acquaintances as a handsome lieutenant of hussars, a good dancer, and one of the best matches in Moscow.

第二章 英文尼古拉·罗斯托夫从部队回到莫斯科以后,家里人把他看作是一个最优秀的儿子、英雄和最心爱的尼古卢什卡;亲戚们把他看作是一个可爱的、招人喜欢的、孝敬的青年;熟人们把他看作是一个俊美的骠骑兵中尉、熟练的舞蹈家、莫斯科的最优秀的未婚夫之一。

更多网络解释与亲戚们相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


cousin-in-law | 姻堂兄妹,姻表兄妹 | cousinly | 堂兄,弟,姊,妹(般)地 | cousinry | 堂兄弟姐妹们, 亲戚们

cousinry:堂兄弟姐妹们, 亲戚们

cousinly | 堂兄,弟,姊,妹(般)地 | cousinry | 堂兄弟姐妹们, 亲戚们 | coutain arch | 间壁拱

all those distantly related royals fucking each other:那些关系疏远的皇室亲戚们彼此通奸

No, actually that's not true. I love history.|不,不是的,我喜... | all those distantly related royals fucking each other...|那些关系疏远的皇室亲戚们彼此通奸 | ...ending up in tragic diseases...|死于可怜的...




门农(Memnon)是奥罗拉和提托诺斯的儿子. 他是埃塞俄比亚(Ethiopians)的国王,住在最东部大洋河海岸. 在特洛伊战争中他带著勇士们来为父亲的亲戚助战. 普里阿墨斯(Priam)国王以隆重的仪式接待他并以崇敬的心情聆听他讲述大洋海岸上的奇迹.


去年夏天回国的时候,爸爸妈妈已经成为众多亲戚们的众矢之的. 在他们眼里,一岁半的闹闹还穿着尿不湿,唯一的原因是父母太不称职,太不负责任了,当然妈妈更是在风口浪尖. 回来之后,妈妈终于下定决心,把那个早就看中,价格昂贵,一直不肯减价的小马桶(potty)搬回了家.

And he was on his way to England, to stay with the relatives:他去英格兰 和她的亲戚们住在一起

She said that the woman she takes care has brought a pla... | And he was on his way to England, to stay with the relatives.|他去英格兰 和她的亲戚们住在一起 | Any incident takes place when you were ther...