英语人>词典>汉英 : 产热 的英文翻译,例句
产热 的英文翻译、例句


heat production
更多网络例句与产热相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results 72 patients were eutrophy,5 patients were innutrition,41 patients were overweight and 7 patients were adiposity by BMI method;the absorption of diversified nutriment were lower than recommended nutrient intake;the percent of the caloric produce by fat was 32.71%,produce by protein was 18.07%,produce by carbohydrate was 49.22%.

结果 采用BMI法认定体重正常者72例,低体重者5例,超重41例,肥胖7例;各营养素的摄入均低于推荐量;三营养物质中脂肪产热占32.71%,蛋白质产热占18.07%,碳水化合物产热占49.22%。

Three represetive small mammals from tropical and subtropical regions of Yunnan Prov were used to ecophysiological study on adaptative thermogenesis and its regulation from different levels: individual, cell mitochondria, protein content, thyroxine hormones and regulation They are Pere David vole from geographically higher latidude and evleation, tree shrew , from intermidiate geograhpical position, lesser slow loris from lower latidude and lower elevation.


Ectotherms are organisms such as plants, reptiles and protista which are largely reliant on external sources of heat to raise their body temperature.endotherms are organisms capable of generating heat internally in order to raise their body temperature.


Ectotherms and endotherms Ectotherms are organisms such as plants, reptiles and protista which are largely reliant on external sources of heat to raise their body temperature.endotherms are organisms capable of generating heat internally in order to raise their body temperature.


To understand metabolic adaptations,the basal metabolic rate of four small birds in China were investigated.Metabolic rate,body temperature and thermal conductance were determined in yellow-browed bunting Emberiza chrysophrys at a temperature range of 5-35° C,chestnut-flanked white-eye Zosterops erythropleura and hwamei Garrulax canorus at 10-30° C,and red-billed leiothrix Leiothrix lutea at 10-35° C.Oxygen consumption was measured by using a closed circuit respirometer.

采用封闭式流体压力呼吸计,分别在5-35° C、10-30° C和10-35° C的环境温度范围内测定了黄眉NFDA2、红胁绣眼鸟、画眉和红嘴相思鸟的耗氧量、热传导、体温等指标,探讨了其代谢产热特征。

The main sources of heat are trig of vehicle, third rail losses, air conditioning in vehicle, metastasis of passengers and stuff, station lighting, electrical equipment, etc.


The level of BMR and the thermogenic capacity of liver played a very important role in the regutation of adaptative thermogenesis for the tropicel and subtropiced small mammals.


The temperature can transmit between the operate and the quizzee through the manipulation. But maybe the vibrating manipulation has the thermal effect because this manipulation not only transmit the heat but also excitated the febrific mechanism. Maybe the appropriate time for vibrating manipulation is 3minutes at least.


In this thesis, we chose two wild rodents inhibiting in the north of China Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus and Brandt's vole . The effects of short photoperiod and cold exposure to thermogenesis, and the mechanism of thermogenic regulation were studied. The new genes participating in cold adaptation were also screened by DDRT-PCR.


Golden-crowned kinglets tolerated colder temperatures in helox than ruby-crowned kinglets, and this difference was not a function of mass or thermal conductance, as these did not vary significantly between species. Msum in golden-crowned kinglets (2.51 ml±0.32 ml O2min-1, n=11) was significantly greater than that in both male (2.27 ml±0.25 ml O2min-1, n=13) and female (2.05 ml±0.18 ml O2min-1, n=13) ruby-crowned kinglets, suggesting that metabolic differences may account for differences in cold tolerance.

结果显示:金冠戴菊对低温的耐受能力高于红玉冠戴菊,由于金冠戴菊和红玉冠戴菊的体重和热传导差异不显著,表明对低温的耐受能力的差异不是体重和热传导引起的;而金冠戴菊的最大代谢产热(2.51 ml±0.32 ml O2min-1, n=11)明显高于雄性(2.27 ml±0.25 ml O2min-1, n=13)和雌性(2.05 ml±0.18 ml O2min-1, n=13)的红玉冠戴菊,表明最大代谢的差异可能导致对寒冷的耐受能力不同。

更多网络解释与产热相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

febrifacient:引起发热的病原, 产热剂 <单词词性>产热的

photoheliograph [天]太阳( 全色) 照相仪 | febrifacient 引起发热的病原, 产热产热的 | althiomycin 异硫霉素

febrifacient:产热的 (形)

febricula 轻热病; 小热 (名) | febrifacient 产热的 (形) | febrific 产热的; 发烧的 (形)

heat product center:产热中枢

heat loss through radiation 辐射散热 | heat product center 产热中枢 | heat production 产热

heat producing center:产热中枢

heat process 热加工 | heat producing center 产热中枢 | heat production organ 产热器官

shivering thermogenesis:战栗产热

2.机体的产热形式有两种:战栗产热(shivering thermogenesis)和非战栗产热(non-shivering thermogenesis). ...散热量显著增加,机体便通过战栗产热(shivering thermogenesis)和非战栗产热(non-shivering thermogenesis)两种形式来增加产热量以维持体温. ...

shivering thermogenesis:寒战产热

产热 heat production, or thermogenesis | 寒战产热 shivering thermogenesis | 辐射散热 therm al radiation

non-shivering thermogenesis:无颤抖产热,非战慄产热

nonseparation 不分离 | non-shivering thermogenesis无颤抖产热,非战慄产热 | nonsolrent volume 非水相


febriferous 产热的 | febrific 产热的 | febrifugal 止热的

febrific:产热的; 发烧的 (形)

febrifacient 产热的 (形) | febrific 产热的; 发烧的 (形) | febrifugal 止热的; 退烧的 (形)

thermogenic:热源的 产热的 生热的

thermogenetic 热产生的 | thermogenic 热源的 产热的 生热的 | thermogenicaction 致热作用