英语人>词典>汉英 : 产妇的 的英文翻译,例句
产妇的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与产妇的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Your body needs time to heal, and you need time to adjust to your new role and to care for and bond with your baby.


While nowadays, uterine contraction of many primipara is good, the colour and quantity of lochia is normal. Drinking tablespoon grenadine for a long time will produce more lochia, cause chronic blood loss anemia as well as make bad influence on uterine recovery and health of delivery woman.


Methods choose 520 lying-in women in our hospital(july 2003~january 2005)to make the whole process accompanies delivering into practice,as observation group.at the same time,choose 178 lying-in women received our service from january to june in 2003,as control group.then observe and compare the two groups in psychology status of the lying-in women,delivery mode,as well as the syndrome during and after vaginal delivery.


Methods: The randomly selected primiparae giving birth in our hospital 80 patients as experimental group, the psychological care throughout their implementation, taking another 80 cases of primipara as a control group, using a conventional model of care were observed maternal dystocia rate, of labor time and the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage.


Layout is domestic type in order to protect the puerpera's privacy, make puerpera and family member have the friendly feeling like be in the home, reflected it is with the person this service concept. The 1.2.2 services that begin characteristic actively to serve to provide satisfaction to give a lying-in woman...


The way of perineal cut,amount of bleeding,ache degree of wound,the level of wound healing,compliance of puerpera and average stay were compared between two groups.


Methods Two hundred and fifty women during delivery were randomly divided into 5 groups, PCEA group, nitrous oxide group, analgesic drug group, acupuncture site water injection group, and placebo served as blank control group. The analgetic effect, delivery procedure, postpartum hemorrhage, childbirth way, and the newborns Apgar scores were compared and statistically analyzed.


Methods: Thirty ASA I nulliparous women were administered 10 ml bolus of epidural ropivacaine in the first stage of labor. A concentration of 0.5% ropivacaine was applied to the first woman, and the dosage to the next one was up-regulated or down-regulated one level in accordance to the previous woman's response to the concentration.


The low involvement of family members the hospitals mandate forestalls the possibilities of anti-surveillance.


Objective: To study the mentality character of the primiparae ,so as to bring mentality care into effect and improve their life quality.

目的 了解产妇分娩期心理特点,做好产时产妇心理保健,提高产妇的生活质量。

更多网络解释与产妇的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

maternity bridesmaid dress:产妇的伴娘服

maid of honor dress 女式 连衣裙 | maternity bridesmaid dress 产妇的伴娘服 | mother of the bride dress 就是指 妈妈装, 新娘母亲穿的衣服


一个未产妇(nullipara)是还没有生过孩子的女性. 很奇怪的是,我们都知道"处女"这个词,却很少有人知道"未产妇"这个词. 以上我们解释了进化出存在于不分泌乳汁时的乳房是如何成为可能的,但是这距离解释为什么它们最终被进化出来还有很远的距离.

nullipara:从未生育过的人, 未产妇

sea anemone [动]海葵 | nullipara 从未生育过的人, 未产妇 | letterweight 镇纸, 纸压

nullipara:从未生育过的人; 未产妇 (名)

nullify 使无效, 取消, 废弃 (动) | nullipara 从未生育过的人; 未产妇 (名) | nulliparous 从未生育过者的; 未产妇的 (形)


她们的态度都是鼓励大家尽量不要剖腹,也尽量不要施打无痛分娩(epidural). 其中一大理由是:无痛分娩在第一产程的中期施打,它会减轻产妇的疼痛没错,但到了第二产程需要用力,产妇常常会因为麻醉的关系而感受不到强烈的「推」感,

nulliparous:从未生育过者的; 未产妇的 (形)

nullipara 从未生育过的人; 未产妇 (名) | nulliparous 从未生育过者的; 未产妇的 (形) | nullity 无效, 无效的证书, 无效的行为 (名)


plurigravida 经产孕妇 经产孕妇 | plurilocular 复室的 | pluripara 经产妇 经产妇


plurinuclear 多核的 | pluripara 经产妇 | pneodynamics 呼吸动力学

pluripara:经产妇 经产妇

plurilocular 复室的 | pluripara 经产妇 经产妇 | pluriparity 经产 经产

Supervision of elderly primigravida:高龄初产妇的临护

大网膜良性肿瘤 Supernumerary teeth | 高龄初产妇的临护 Supervision of elderly primigravida | 社会问题引起的高危妊娠监督 Supervision of high-risk pregnancy due to social problems