英语人>词典>汉英 : 交差 的英文翻译,例句
更多网络例句与交差相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Geographic South Pole is where Earth's axis of rotation intersects its surface.


Use of the C language arbitrary polygon and complex Boolean operation perfunctory process and dynamic show.


Multiple classes may appear, resulting in a cartesian product or "cross" join.


Design and implementation, and have a, perfunctory function of the coll...


If I didn''t finish my project in time, I would not complete the class.


The second hat took me 6 days, well, with couple hours of crocheting each day!


Some cross-connect designs allow all traffic interfaces to be in PDH form for compatibility with existing equipment.


Explicitly, they are consist of three classes: If H is semisimple, then H k* for some finite group; If H is not semisimple and the characteristic of k is zero, then H is isomorphic the dual of the cross product between one so called Andruskiewitsch-Schneider algebra and a group algebra; If H is not semisimple and the characteristic of k is not zero, then H is isomorphic the dual of the cross product between one special algebra and a group algebra.


Design and implementation, and have a, perfunctory function of the collection cl...


Explicitly, they are consist of three classes: If H is semisimple, then H k* for some finite group; If H is not semisimple and the characteristic of k is zero, then H is isomorphic the dual of the cross product between one so called Andruskiewitsch-Schneider algebra and a group algebra; If H is not semisimple and the characteristic of k is not zero, then H is isomorphic the dual of the cross product between one special algebra and a group algebra.


更多网络解释与交差相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


cross-immunity (交差免疫) | cross-immunization (交差免疫化) | cryoanesthesia (冷凍麻酔)

Cross-Reference Directory:交差引用表

调用图:Call Graph | 交差引用表:Cross-Reference Directory | 数据封装技术:Data Encapsulation

transverse differential circuit:交差回路(継電器)

transverse diameter of pelvic inlet 入口横径 | transverse diameter of pelvic outlet 骨盆出口横径 | transverse differential circuit 交差回路(継電器)

dimensional tolerance:寸法交差

数値制御旋盘 numerically controlled lathe | 寸法交差 dimensional tolerance | 切削温度 cutting temperature

CrossSection Modifier:交差截面修改器

CrossSection交差截面;截面 | CrossSection Modifier交差截面修改器 | Crowd群体;群集

transposition insulator:交差

transposed matrix 転置行列 | transposition insulator 交差がいし | transposition section 交差空間

transposition insulator:交叉绝缘子,换位绝缘子=>交差

transposition index 交叉指数 | transposition insulator 交叉绝缘子,换位绝缘子=>交差がいし | transposition limit 移置限制

intersystem crossing:系统间交差

interstitial compound 间隙化合物 | intersystem crossing 系统间交差 | intoxication 中毒

This piece will put us in good standing with Quint:这东西能让我们向昆特交差

I don't know, but I'm glad they did.|我不知道,我很高兴他们这么做了 | This piece will put us in good standing with Quint.|这东西能让我们向昆特交差 | Pull it out.|把它拔出来


Crossing Selection横跨选择 | CrossSection交差截面;截面 | CrossSection Modifier交差截面修改器