英语人>词典>汉英 : 交好运 的英文翻译,例句
交好运 的英文翻译、例句


luck up · turn up trumps
更多网络例句与交好运相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I hope 2008 is a better year for her, Blackwell said.


The June rise used to be always luck for me; because as soon as that rise begins here comes cordwood floating down, and pieces of log rafts -- sometimes a dozen logs together; so all you have to do is to catch them and sell them to the wood-yards and the sawmill.


Good luck with your fool's errand.


John has a four-leaf clover in his pocket. He thinks he will have good luck now.


Yeah, I'm gonna getcha baby,I'm gonna knock on wood


My last word is that I wish you all the best of luck.


Dream nosegay, mean to have to get, the ability on good terms luck.


Carrying a rabbit's foot brings good luck.


The" public" spanking highlights the specialness of the child and invites the child back into the fold by offering him or her luck and congratulations.


The "public" spanking highlights the specialness of the child and invites the child back into the fold by offering him or her luck and congratulations.


更多网络解释与交好运相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


祝...交好运well-wish | 祝辞felicitation | 祝祷benison

get a break:交好运,时来运转

work with sb. 与某人共事,与某人协作 | get a break 交好运,时来运转 | on sb.'s side 对某人有利;赞同某人的意见

move the goalpost:突然改变目标

1 move the goalpost突然改变目标 | 2 Strike gold交好运, 发大财, 找到丰富的消息、财源、幸福源泉等;找到成功/致富之门 | 3 live in a goldfish bowl在众目睽睽之下

live in a goldfish bowl:在众目睽睽之下

2 Strike gold交好运, 发大财, 找到丰富的消息、财源、幸福源泉等;找到成功/致富之门 | 3 live in a goldfish bowl在众目睽睽之下 | 4 as good as几乎, 实际上

on one's mind:记住

393 push one's luck 莽撞冒险以期再交好运 | 394 on one's mind 记住 | 395 one step at a time 一步步来

turn up trumps:令人满意, 交好运

turn up 出现; 发生 | turn up trumps 令人满意, 交好运 | turn upon 突然攻击; 取决于; 依...而定


well-weighed 经斟酌的 | well-wish 祝...交好运 | well-wisher 祝福者


well-weighed /经斟酌的/ | well-wish /良好的祝愿/祝...交好运/ | well-wisher /祝福者/

luck up:交好运; 获得成功

luck in a bag [废]罕有的好运, 意外的好运 | luck out 运气特好; 侥幸成功; 逢凶化吉 倒透了霉, 遭到不幸 | luck up 交好运; 获得成功

John Whishing you lots or luck:希望你交上好运

Kim I really hope so. I hope that you will have everything you ever wished for! 我... | John Whishing you lots or luck! 希望你交上好运! | Sally. Oh., thanks. I heard you just opened your own company. 哦...