英语人>词典>汉英 : 交叉分类 的英文翻译,例句
交叉分类 的英文翻译、例句


cross division
更多网络例句与交叉分类相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Let L and P be Lie color algebras and let M be a graded module over P, the crossed modules which make M as their kernal and P as their cokernal are considered. It is shown that under a suitable equivalent relation, there is a bijection between the set of the equivalent classes CML and the homogeneous components of degree zero of H~3.

从交叉模的定义出发,对于给定的Lie color代数L,P以及阶化P模M,考虑所有以M为核、以P为余核的L的交叉模,在这些交叉模之间定义了一个等价关系,由此得到交叉模的等价类集CML,证明了CML与三维上同调群H~3的零次齐次部分之间存在一一对应,从而可以利用三维上同调群对Lie color代数的交叉模进行分类。

In this dissertation, based on the extraction of meaningful polarization information, the polarimetric speckle reduction, polarimetric contrast enhancement, polarimetric classification and ship detection in polarimetric SAR images are systemically studied. During the study, some new concepts and methods are introduced, which are supported by the application to measured Pol-SAR data. The innovations of this dissertation are as follows: 1 A simplified schem is proposed to reduce the complexity of scattering-model-based speckle filtering. 2 Extend the expression of polarimetric correlation coefficient to help distinguishing targets. In addition, introduce the quantized parameters of polarimetric signature so as to show the differentiae in quantity in co-polar power, cross-polar power and shapes of polarization signatures among targets. 3 Define a new parameter of difference degree between targets, which can be used for express the difference between both coherent and distributed scatters.

论文在较系统的研究目标特征量提取方法和特征量所包含的物理意义的基础上,对极化SAR图像降斑、极化对比增强、极化SAR图像分类以及极化SAR图像中海上舰船目标检测等方面进行了研究,并提出了一些新的概念和方法,对实测数据的处理结果表明,这些新的概念和方法对于极化SAR信息处理是有效的,本文的主要创新成果包括以下方面: 1)针对基于预分类的MMSE极化降斑方法实现过程非常复杂的问题,提出了简化方案,并验证了方案的有效性; 2)扩展了极化相关系数的表示方法,这种扩展增强了极化相关系数对目标的区分效果;另外还提出了极化特征图量化参数,可以从量上表征不同目标间相同极化和交叉极化的回波功率差异和极化特征图形状差异; 3)定义了目标间的差异度参数,它不仅可以用于描述相干目标,还可以用于描述分布目标的差别程度。

Four studies examined processing of in-group and out-group information with stimuli that are more complex than those used in previous crossed categorization studies.


The writer emphasized that the macroscopic classification and submicroscopic one had still been the main part in that classification system, both of them were the most important method as well as the classification opinions.


When processing the restrained conditions, we convert the restrained conditions into punish function and add it to fitness function which profits from the conventional method. We introduce the support vector machine to the selection operator, which increases the multiplicity of selection and increases the probability of the algorithm getting the overall optimal solution. Also, we use the adaptive probabilities of crossover and mutation in mixed GAs which enhances the efficiency of the algorithm. The result of tests about the system indicates that the improved genetic algorithm has more high convergence speed and better solution quality.


Firstly, the target vector is transformed to the state with minimization of cross-polarization; then the parameters u/v/H are used to characterized scattering mechanism, and the fuzzy membership is adopted instead of "hard" division of parameter plan; finally, characterizing the coherency matrix as multivariable complex Wishart distribution, the polarimetric SAR image is classified based on Bayes maximum likelihood criteria.


Chapter 1 The nomological summarization of the cross shareholdingConfirm the concept of cross shareholding, classify it according to variousstandards, discuss the nomological intension in the process of cross shareholding'sengendering and development, and analyze the nomological essence of crossshareholding further.


BACKGROUND: This is a systematic review of studies on the prevalence of osteoarthritis in the tibiofemoral joint more than 10 years after an anterior cruciate ligament injury, the radiologic classification methods used, and risk factors for development of knee osteoarthritis.


The system categorizes and recognizes the visible urine sediment components based on the technology of image processing and support vector machine.


We consider suburban areas in terms of population density and of apparent spectral reflectance using Landsat data and quantify the relationship between the two variables. We also compare these results with the USGS National Land Cover Dataset (National Land Cover Characterization, 2001). We selected the Low Intensity Residential, High Intensity Residential and Commercial/Industrial/Transportation classes and crossreferenced the areal extents for these classes with vegetation fractions and urban classification estimates for the six cities included in this study.


更多网络解释与交叉分类相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

believe in:信任

很显然,由于我们可以信任(believe in)现在的东西和未来的东西并且对它们加以评估,所以在图表中,我们可以忽略这个维度. 从形态处罚进行交叉分类的结果可以在图4.4中反映出来. 数学的加减号分别代表正面和负面的形式,而中性的形式用一个零表示.

crowding:拥挤 擁擠

crossed classification 交叉分类 交叉分類 Y | crowding 拥挤 擁擠 Y | crowding effect 拥挤效果 擁擠效應 Y

stable convergence:稳定收敛

联(二元结果).带有便利Windows界面的适用于线性模型和非线性关联函数(link function)处理的交叉分类(Cross-classified)随机因子模型在二层分层的广义线性模型(HGLM)中的带EM演算法的适用于稳定收敛(stable convergence)和精确评估的高阶L


黑尾苦恶鸟最初根据印度大吉岭的标本,定名为黑尾田鸡 Porzana-bicolor Walden,国内一直沿用至今;但由于苦恶鸟属和田鸡属(Porzana)的分类不够充分,因此在这两个属之间常有交叉.


ARA系统性硬化(硬皮病)分类标准如下:2.本病应与硬肿病(scleredema)、嗜酸性筋膜炎(eosinophilic fasciitis)及硬粘液水肿病(scleromyedema)相鉴别. (2)青霉胺(D-penicillamine):在原胶原转变成胶原的过程中,需要单胺氧化酶(MAO)参与聚合和交叉联结.

chromosome chiasmata:染色体交叉

chromosome bridge ==> 染色体桥 | chromosome chiasmata ==> 染色体交叉 | chromosome classification analysis computer ==> 染色体分类分析计算机

track classification:航跡分类

track ball 跟蹤球 | track classification 航跡分類 | track crossing angle 航向交叉角

cross education:交叉教育

cross classification 交叉分类 | cross education 交叉教育 | cross examination 严诘考试