英语人>词典>汉英 : 亚种的 的英文翻译,例句
亚种的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与亚种的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to find the reason of population decline and assist conservation, the genetic diversity of great bustard was analyzed by microsatellite DNA and mtDNA control region markers. In study using microsatellite DNA markers, Three microsatellites from great bustard O.


Instead genotype of unbalance gametophyte iscomposed of diversified genes from distantly relatedparents and the gametogenesis would abort because ofcontradiction in the haploid cells.


We proposed this SNP site correlated with IMP content in chickens. A neighbour-joining dendrogram was constructed based on the Nei's genentic distance. The genetic relationship between Chinese red jungle fowl and Tibetan chickens was the nearest, whereas Baier chickens were more closer to Silkies chickens. The Chinese red jungle fowls were relatively closer to the domestic fowls, whereas Thailand red jungle fowls were relatively diverging to the Chi-nese native breeds. These results supported the theory concerning the independent origins of Chinese native fowl breeds.


I forget where I got the information from now, but it led me to believe that fully adult males of atrocaudata and illex might be tentatively separable in the field in spring


We've just lost part of a subspecies as opposed to a whole subspecies.


The resistance of 20 Vitis vinifera varieties, 18 V. vinifera- V. labrusca varieties, 11 hybrides producteurs direct, 6 grape rootstocks, 3 wild grapes and 1 hybrid of wild grape and V. vinifera to grape phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae Fitch ) were evaluated. The survival ratio, number of eggs,phylloxera and the tuberosity were evaluated.

采用离体根接种法对葡萄20个欧亚种、18个欧美杂种、11个种间杂种直接生产者HPD、6种砧木、3个野生种和1个野生种与欧亚种的杂交后代接种葡萄根瘤蚜 Daktulosphaira vitifoliae ,测定根瘤蚜生长发育相关指标及根瘤比例。

Results of bioassay shows: Pieris papae larvae can be infected with 3 strains. But the toxicity is different.


The combination of a generic name, a specific name, and a subspecific name, that together constitute a scientific name of a subspecies Art.


The association of a generic name and a specific name to form the name of a species; or of a generic name with a specific name and a subspecific name to form the name of a subspecies.


Silkies were the mutation type of nomal feather Wugu chicken for it had more haplotypes and shared the major haplotypes with silkies.4. The sub-species of G. g. spadcieus and G. g. jabouillee in China were at the same clade with the G. g. gallus in and around the Thailand area, but were in difference clade with G.


更多网络解释与亚种的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Drow:卓尔精灵 黑暗精灵,精灵地底的亚种

Drizzt Do'Urden 崔斯特.杜垩登 叛逆黑暗精灵,游侠 | Drow 卓尔精灵 黑暗精灵,精灵地底的亚种 | East Haven 东流亡地 十镇之一

quercus robur:夏栎

譬如夏栎(Quercus robur),有二十八个变种,其中除去六个变种以外,其他变种都环绕在有梗栎(Q. pedunctulata)、无梗栎(sessiliflora)及毛栎(pubescens)这三个亚种的周围. 连接于这三个亚种之间的类型是比较稀少的;又如阿萨.格雷所说的,


南美的花生"属"(Arachis) 共有70 多个"种"(species) ,大部分没有被研究,已知的花生栽培种经过人们的驯化选择,共有两个"亚种"(subspecies) ,和四个"变种"(variety) ,巴西亚玛逊河多雨地带还有一种多年生的花生,专作饲料栽培.

subspecies:种 Species 亚种


subspecies name:亚种名

也可用其拉丁名的第一个大写字母表示,种名(species name)在后,有的种名之后还有亚种名(subspecies name).种名或亚种名之后是命名者的姓与命名年份(论文正式发表的年份).例如:溶组织内阿米巴(Entamoeba histolytica Schaudinn,


分子生物学以及声谱分析等技术的应用,为分辨亲缘种(sibling species)、超种(superspecies)或种组(species group)提供了新的手段. 近年来亚种被提升为种以及新种的发现犹如雨后春笋,在鸟类分类学本书种和亚种的厘定是在参考国内外最新发表文献的基础上所做出的审慎判断.

monotypic species:单型种

未有亚种分化的种称为单型种(monotypic species);反之则为多型种 (polytypic species). 5.亚种的依据:现代亚种的分类是在本世纪30年代、随著 "新系统学" 的兴起及居群 观点的确立而发展起来的. 亚种的存在意义主要是把种内之居群分化 与物种分化结合起来,

Phylloscopus borealis:极北柳莺

另一些具有"潜在"可能的鸟类,如极北柳莺(Phylloscopus borealis)和普通(Sitta europaea)等,本书也尽可能地展现出东亚地区的亚种. 这些努力和安排,实在有益于提高读者观察亚种的兴趣,增加野外辨识的知识. 有兴趣的读者亦可以比较本书分类处理和我们目前使用的分类系统的差异.

phylogenetic tree:系统发育树

变换类型包括:转换(G→A、A→G、T→C、C→T)、颠换(G→T、A→T、T→A、C→A)、插入(CA)和缺失(TGTTTT).东方田鼠长江亚种和指名亚种两个种群之间存在明显差别,尤其是在146、192、223、224、235位,但两种群间同源性仍高达98%.同时采用系统发育树(phylogenetic tree)分析方法,对两个亚种的亲缘关系进行了分析和比较,

Sitta europaea:普通

另一些具有"潜在"可能的鸟类,如极北柳莺(Phylloscopus borealis)和普通(Sitta europaea)等,本书也尽可能地展现出东亚地区的亚种. 这些努力和安排,实在有益于提高读者观察亚种的兴趣,增加野外辨识的知识.