英语人>词典>汉英 : 亚种族 的英文翻译,例句
亚种族 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Zhaitan's undead armies surged from the sea, hungry for the destruction of the five races of Tyria: the charr, a ferocious race of feline warriors; the asura, magical inventors of small size and great intellect; the norn, towering shapeshifters from the frigid northern lands; the sylvari, a mysterious young race of visionary plant folk; and the humans, an embattled but resilient people.

Zhaitan 的不死族军队因此而浮现在了海面上,它们非常渴望吸食泰瑞亚大陆里的五个种族的生物。 charr ,一个凶猛的兽人战士种族;阿修罗,身形瘦小但是拥有大智慧神奇的发明者;norn ,从寒冷的北方高耸的 shapeshifters 土地上崛起;sylvari ,一个能够遇见未来的年轻的神秘种族;还有人类,一个在处境艰难的时还能绝地逢生的种族。

Three years after the meeting, and one year after the University of Georgia's violent integration,[21] Georgia Tech became the first university in the Deep South to desegregate without a court order.


Indeed, Assyrians were the first nation to accept Christianity, and the Assyrian Church was founded in 33 A.D. by Thomas, Bortholemew and Thaddeus.


The first Lemurian subraces allegedly were apelike, egg-laying hermaphrodites who communicated by mental telepathy through a third eye.


The first Lemurian subraces allegedly were apelike, egg-laying hermaphrodites who communicated by mental telepathy through a third eye.


In the 2002 midterm elections, even with Colin Powell, Condi Rice, and other minorities holding prominent positions in the Bush administration, Republicans were still winning elections on race, with white backlashes in Georgia and South Carolina over Democratic governors removing the Confederate flag from the Georgia State flag and from the South Carolina Capitol building.


One of the Duros' earliest colonization efforts was on Neimoidia, and over the millennia, the Neimoidians became a genetically distinct offshoot of the Duros race.


The exactions committed by Milosevic's regime cannot be qualified as criminal acts of genocide, since their purpose was not the destruction of the Albanian ethnic group...

but its forceful departure from Kosovo (米洛舍维奇政权犯下的暴行不能被定义为种族灭绝的犯罪行为,因为他们的目的并不是消灭阿尔巴尼亚种族……而是将其驱离科索沃

"They aren't Martians," he said, indicating the screen. We aren't like this, we're closer to Lemurians and Atlanteans.


Around 1998, some racialists instigated a trend of Asiatic Exclusion in Australia.


更多网络解释与亚种族相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


亚齐人(Achinese) 印度尼西亚穆斯林民族之一. 人口约256万(1985). 主要分布在苏门答腊岛的北部地区. 种族属蒙古人种的马来类型. 语言属南岛语系印度尼西亚语族. 公元初,亚齐人曾建立早期国家. 宋代>称为"蓝无理国",


据古老的文字记载 克兰提斯(Grentiss)大陆格局形成之前 也就是原亚德里恩(Adrian)灭亡之时 属于最强种族塞维尔(Xavier)的七大宝玉散落人间 那就是风地火水暗光心 散落





Mia Farrow:米亚.法罗

米亚 法罗(Mia Farrow)今年63岁, 这个美国老八婆, 原来是个小电影演员.一个标榜"人权"的伪民主垃圾,不仅号召抵制2008年在中国举行的奥运会,竟然声称北京奥运是一个"种族灭绝的奥运会".


minority 少数民族 | multiethnic 涉及不同种族的 | Albanian 阿尔巴尼亚的

The Nicomachean Ethcs of Aristotle:尼各马可伦理学 [古希腊]亚里士多德 中国社会科学出版社

Raca, Language and Culture 种族、语言、文化 [英]鲍... | The Nicomachean Ethcs of Aristotle 尼各马可伦理学 [古希腊]亚里士多德 中国社会科学出版社 99.12-1 | The Theory of Moral Sentiments 道德情操论 [英]亚当...

The Nicomachean Ethcs of Aristotle:尼各马可伦理学 [古希腊]亚里士多德 中国社会科学

Raca, Language and Culture 种族、语言、文化 [英]鲍斯... | The Nicomachean Ethcs of Aristotle 尼各马可伦理学 [古希腊]亚里士多德 中国社会科学 99.12-1 | The Theory of Moral Sentiments 道德情操论 [英]亚当.斯...

YAZID, M'hammed:穆罕默德.亚齐德

YAZDI, Mehdi DANESH-;迈赫迪.达内什-亚兹迪;; | YAZID, M'hammed;穆罕默德.亚齐德;; | Year against Apartheid;反对种族隔离年;;


复数形式是"女妖(succubi)". 萨亚德是否是一个种族无从得知,目前仅知她们对燃烧军团十分忠诚. 和鹰身人和希瓦拉一样,没有关于该种族男性的资料(甚至不知道萨亚德的男性是否存在). 如果存在,那他们很可能被称作incubi.