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亚种 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
subspecies  ·  subgenre

更多网络例句与亚种相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to find the reason of population decline and assist conservation, the genetic diversity of great bustard was analyzed by microsatellite DNA and mtDNA control region markers. In study using microsatellite DNA markers, Three microsatellites from great bustard O.


Instead genotype of unbalance gametophyte iscomposed of diversified genes from distantly relatedparents and the gametogenesis would abort because ofcontradiction in the haploid cells.


Y. shanxianense. The reconstructed phylogenetic results indicate that Sinopotamon yangtsekiense diverge into two clades: one clade characterized by the straight terminal segment of male pleopod 1, the other one characterized by the terminal segment being curved towards dorso-innerly, i.e. tongbaiense curved slightly and shanxianense curved sharply.


This paper summarized the experiments which support or negate the existence of female sterility,analyzed the experimental ideas and inference methods of these experiments,especially Sano' s;and concluded that the conclusion that the hybrid sterility is only caused by male or female sterility is a one - sided view,therefore attention should be paid to the genetics of both female and male sterility.


Methods Genomic DNAs of 26 trypanosome isolates were amplified by a mobile genetic elements-PCR technique and cluster analysis was performed based on the molecular profiles with Neighbor-Joining method.


Lesser Whitethroat: nominate plus blythi , though I read that blythi may be synonymous with curruca anyway.

白喉林莺 Lesser Whithroat :指名亚种加上 blythi 亚种,虽然我读到 blythi 亚种可能就是白喉林莺的同义词(编按:意思是指名亚种和 blythi 亚种是同一个亚种?)。

This study has discussed that Lactic acid bacteria are isolated from 752 samples of milk and other dairy products, collected from 500 household in pastoral areas in Inner mongolia, and its biological properties are analyzed and studied.765 strains of lactic acid bacteria, including 28 species of Lactobacellus,2 species strains of Bifidobacterium, 9 species strains of Enterococcus, 3 species strains of Lactococcus, 1 specie of Streptococcus, 6 species of Leuconostoc,1 specie of Pediococcus , are identified.


They all contain 13 protein coding gene,2 rRNA gene,22 tRNA gene and 1 D-Loop.The base composition for the four nucleotides is A-32.0%,C-27.6%,G-14.7%,T-25.8%,And it is A-32.5%,C-26.9%,G-14.1%,T-26.5%for Yellow-throated Marten.But there are some definite differences in base composition,the using of Initiation codon and Stop codon,and the mode of repeat sequences in control region.The codon usages of Manes have bias,and the ttiird locations of codon of protein-coding genes have the higher frequency in using A and C.There may be some relativity with the content of A and C in D-loop,namely,it has relation with the mode of repeat sequences.The complete mitochondrial genome of the Sable and Yellow-throated Marten were submitted to GenBank,and the accession number are FJ429093 and FJ719367 respectively.3、The complete mitochondrial genome of 6 other species of Mustelidae from GenBank and some sequences of D-loop from the 6 species were aligned.

分析紫貂大兴安岭亚种、长白山亚种、阿尔泰亚种和北欧亚种间的基因流及进化历史得知:大兴安岭种群与新疆种群和长白山种群间的基因流水平最高(Nm=0.1260和0.1427),新疆与长白山种群间最低Nm=0.0053紫貂种群在进化过程中可能发生过种群膨胀,经历过种群增长过程。2、对紫貂和黄喉貂的线粒体全基因组结构进行分析发现:全长分别为16 523bp和16549bp,均包含13个蛋白质编码基因、2个rRNA基因、22个tRNA基因和1个非编码序列区(D-Loop区,紫貂全序列中碱基组成为A-32.0%,C-27.6%,G-14.7%,T-25.8%,黄喉貂为A-32.5%,C-26.9%,G-14.1%,T-26.5%;基因排列顺序与日本貂和貂熊的一致,但碱基组成、起始密码子和终止密码子的使用及控制区中串联重复序列模式等均存在一定差异。

In China white-waist swifts have two subspecies, namely, nominate subspecies and South China subspecies.


Silkies were the mutation type of nomal feather Wugu chicken for it had more haplotypes and shared the major haplotypes with silkies.4. The sub-species of G. g. spadcieus and G. g. jabouillee in China were at the same clade with the G. g. gallus in and around the Thailand area, but were in difference clade with G.


更多网络解释与亚种相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi:马赛亚种

Giraffa camelopardalis rothschildi 罗特希尔德亚种 | Giraffa camelopardalis thornicrofti 罗得西亚亚种 | Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi 马赛亚种

Giraffa camelopardalis peralta:尼日利亚亚种

Giraffa camelopardalis giraffa 南非亚种 | Giraffa camelopardalis peralta 尼日利亚亚种 | Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata 雷提库拉塔亚种

P.p. ciscaucasia:里海西部 亚种

P.p. adusta - 埃塞俄比亚 亚种 | P.p. ciscaucasia - 里海西部 亚种 | P.p. dathei - 伊朗(波斯)亚种

P.p. sindica:西南非 亚种

P.p. saxicolor - 伊朗、afghistanan亚种 | P.p. sindica - 西南非 亚种 | P.p. suahelica - 东非 亚种

P.p. melanotica:南非 亚种

P.p. leopardus - 西非 亚种 | P.p. melanotica - 南非 亚种 | P.p. melas - 爪哇 亚种

P.p. panthera:阿尔及利亚、埃及 亚种

P.p. orientalis 东北 亚种(远东豹Amur Leopard、朝鲜豹) | P.p. panthera - 阿尔及利亚、埃及 亚种 | P.p. pernigra - 尼泊尔、克什米尔 亚种

P.p. suahelica:东非 亚种

P.p. saxicolor - 伊朗、afghistanan亚种 | P.p. sindica - 西南非 亚种 | P.p. suahelica - 东非 亚种

P.p. adusta:埃塞俄比亚 亚种

P.p. adersi - 桑给巴尔(岛)亚种 | P.p. adusta - 埃塞俄比亚 亚种 | P.p. ciscaucasia - 里海西部 亚种

P.o. centrails:中美洲 亚种

P.o. arazonensis - 墨西哥 亚种 | P.o. centrails - 中美洲 亚种 | P.o. goldmani - 墨西哥、伯利兹 亚种

P.o. palustris:南巴西 亚种

P.o. onca Amazon - 雨林 亚种 | P.o. palustris - 南巴西 亚种 | P.o. paraguensis - 巴拉圭 亚种