英语人>词典>汉英 : 亚碳化物 的英文翻译,例句
亚碳化物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The results show that upper bainite of 9Cr2Mo Steel and GCr15 steel is feathery and the upper bainite carbide is lamellar or claviform. The upper bainite carbide distributes between the subunits of bainite ferrites by and large parallelly to the axis of bainite ferrites. Lower bainite of 9Cr2Mo Steel and GCr15 steel is in bamboo leaf shape and the lower bainite carbide is in shred or fibre shape. The lower bainite carbide distributes between the bainite ferrites, furthermore, the angles between lower bainite carbonide and the principal axis of the lower bainite ferrites are unequal.


Addition of minor alloying elements can fine the structure of bainitic ferrite markedly. The bainitic ferrite is composed of subunits or subchunks. The carbides with different morphologies are distributed between the laths. inside the plates and at the boundaries of subunits. There are abundant fine structures in bainitic ferrite. In the primary bainite of Cu-Zn-Al alloy there are interfacial structure ledges.


These include: a natural rubber liner with brush electrodes for highly abrasive rocky slurry, a polyurethane liner with tungsten carbide-coated electrodes for fine slurries, a high-temperature PFA lining with duplex electrodes for concentrated black liquors, and a hygienic PFA liner with bow electrodes for fruit mashes and pulps.


Bainitie carbide nucleates at the phase interface of γ/αand grows towards austenite and the subunits of bainite ferrites, which is a diffusion transformation of carbon atom along the phase interface of γ/.


The microsturcture characteristics of M2 cast-strip were studied with such experimental methods as metallographic analysis, SEM, XRD and TEM[0]. The effect of sub-rapid solidification on the size, type and distribution of eutectic carbides in M2 cast-strip was analyzed. The effect of heat treatment temperature and its holding time on the eutectic carbides in M2 cast-strip was explored. The eveolution of metastable phase of M2C eutectic carbide during the heat treatment period and the decomposition dynamics concerned were researched. The M2 cast-strips were rolled into thin strips and the effect of deformation ratio on carbides in M2 cast-strip was examined. Then these thin strips were comparied with those that were produced by conventional technology on carbide, hardness, red-hardness and bend strength. At last the rolled M2 cast-strips were made into saw blades and their cutting performance was experimented on in tools factories and then compared with that of similar products produced by conventional technology.


The influence of secondary carbides precipitation and transformation on hardening behavior of a 14Cr-1Mo-1.5V cast iron in sub-critical treatment was studied using optical microscope, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction.


更多网络解释与亚碳化物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

network structure:网状组织

火网状组织 (network structure) 钢材内部缺陷之一,表现为热加工的钢材冷却后沿奥氏体晶界析出的过剩碳化物(指过共析钢等)或铁素体(指亚共析钢)形成的网络结构.