英语人>词典>汉英 : 亚硝基化 的英文翻译,例句
亚硝基化 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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It can greatly promote carcinogenesis. DNA diluted alkali firer proves N-nitroso compounds induce the crosslinking between complementary DNA base pairs and initiate cell cancerization.


Despite its importance, the study of S-nitrosylation remains methodologically challenges because of the lability of S-NO bond and low-abundant level of endogenously S-nitrosylated proteins.


In HCl medium, iodate oxidizes hydroxylammonium chloride to form nitrite, which can produce a red azo dye with the reaction of p nitroaniline and α naphthylamine.


Besides,through Arbuzov reaction,Vilsmer-Haack Hydroformylation,Wittig-Horner reaction,nitryl hydrogenation deoxidize,and imidization five steps synthesized another compound which included hole-transporting,electron-transporting and luminescence materials.


Furthermore, through molecular structural design, we have also synthesized stable dual functional diphenylether polymer intermediates of ABB' types possessing ortho-dicarboxylic at one aromatic ring and diamine groups at another beginning from Xylenol and 1-Chloro-3,4-dinitrobenzene as the raw materials.


The synthetic route starts from penicillin G, peroxyacetic acid(8.5%) as Oxidizing Agent to get penicillin G sulfoxide; esterifided with p-nitrobenzyl bromine to synthesize penicillin G sulfoxide ester; we synthesize 3-exomethylenecepham sulfoxide ester with phthalimide potassium and 4A molecular sieve as acid scavenger to open the ring, SnCl_4 as catalyzation to close the ring. The yield is over 60%.


Methods: 2ethyl aniline was used as starting material of the synthesis and was processed by acetic anhydride acylation, strong nitric acid nitraction at low temperature, and desacyl synthesis to produce 2ethyl5nitro aniline. The product was then synthesized to 3methyl6nitro1Hindazole by using ringclosing reaction in the presence of NaNO2, and then ethylated to obtain 2,3diethyl6 nitro2Hindazole. The latter compound was then reduced by SnCl2/Hcl to get target compound 2,3diethyl6nitro2Hindazole.

以2乙基苯胺为原料经醋酐酰化、浓硝酸低温硝化及去酰基保护合成2乙基5硝基苯胺,后用亚硝酸钠关环得3甲基6硝基1H吲唑,经硫酸二甲酯甲基化得2,3二甲基6硝基2H吲唑,最后用氯化亚锡将其还原得到目标产物,通过1H NMR确定结构与目标产物一致。

Methods: 2-ethyl aniline was used as starting material of the synthesis and was processed by acetic anhydride acylation, strong nitric acid nitraction at low temperature, and desacyl synthesis to produce 2-ethyl-5-nitro aniline. The product was then synthesized to 3-methyl-6-nitro-lH-indazole by using ring-closing reaction in the presence of NaNO2, and then ethylated to obtain 2, 3-diethyl-6- nitro-2H-indazole. The latter compound was then reduced by SnC12/Hcl to get target compound 2, 3-diethyl-6-nitro-2H-indazole.


These facts showed that there exists a typical nitrosation reaction, because the reduction peaks in the I-V curves of green product and its acidified solution could be ascribed to typical nitroso aromatic compound.


In an acetate buffer of pH 6.0,and in the presence of CTMAB,a stable complex,having the mole ratio of 1 to 3,was formed between cobalt ion and nitroso R salt,which was concentrated on C18 solid phase extraction column,achieving a concentration multiplication of 100 times.

研究了用亚硝基R盐离子对固相萃取光度法测定钴,在pH 6.0的HOAc-NH4OAc缓冲介质中,溴化十六烷基三甲基铵存在下,亚硝基R盐与钴反应生成3∶1稳定络合物,该络合物可用C18固相萃取小柱富集,富集倍数达100倍,小柱上富集的络合物用乙醇洗脱后用光度法测定,钴的质量浓度在0.05~5.0 mg.L-1内符合比耳定律。

更多网络解释与亚硝基化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cyclic N-nitroso compound:环状N-亚硝基化台钧

cyclamate 环己氨基磺酸盐 | cyclic N-nitroso compound 环状N-亚硝基化台钧 | cyclochlorotine 环氯素

ethylene diamine:乙二胺

L.Willer混合乙二胺(ethylene diamine)与乙二醛(glyoxal)进行反应制取TNAD前置体1,4,5,8-tetraazadecalin,随後使用亚硝酸钠及盐酸混合硝化试剂初步硝化制成亚硝基化TNAD,最後利用100%硝酸在低温(0°C)下硝化获得TNAD,产物为白色细小结晶,


用于制备重氮甲烷(diazomethane)的前体物质. 用于转移金属复合物、氨基、负碳离子等的亚硝基化试剂.

diazotization titration:重氮化滴定法

重氮化反应:diazotization reaction | 重氮化滴定法:diazotization titration | 亚硝基化反应:nitrozation reaction

nitrosamine rearrangement:亚硝胺重排,亚硝胺重排作用

nitrosalicylic acid 硝基水杨酸 | nitrosamine rearrangement 亚硝胺重排,亚硝胺重排作用 | nitrosation agent 亚硝化剂,亚硝基化


nitrostarch 硝化淀粉 | nitrosyl 亚硝酰基 | nitrosylation 亚硝基化

potassium nitroprusside:亚硝基铁氰有化钾,硝普酸钾

potassium nitroferricyanide 亚硝基铁氰有化钾 | potassium nitroprusside 亚硝基铁氰有化钾,硝普酸钾 | potassium nitrosylpentacyanoferrate 硝普酸钾


nitrosomyoglobin亚硝基肌红蛋白 | nitrostarch砂化淀粉 | nitrous亚硝的


verrucate 具疣的 | nitrosylsulphuric [化]亚硝基硫酸的 | Funafuti 富纳富提[西太平洋岛国图瓦卢首都]


cycasin 苏铁素 | cyclamate 环己氨基磺酸盐 | cyclic N-nitroso compound 环状N-亚硝基化台钧