英语人>词典>汉英 : 亚硝化 的英文翻译,例句
亚硝化 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
nitrosification  ·  nitrosation

更多网络例句与亚硝化相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The activated sludge in nitrous nitrifying process and autotrophic denitrifying process are fully studied, and the characteristics of these processes in stable and acclimation stage have been drawed.


After comparison of various process, a optimum process—ANIS process can be drawn; A autotrophic denitrifying process is successfully started up and stable operated; ANIS nitrous nitrifying process and autotrophic denitrifying process are joining-up in series to operate, and sound nitrogen removal effect can be achieved.


6Mm, width is about 0.15mm; When the sludge begin to acclimate to the nitrous nitrifying conditions, bacillar flocculation gradually dwindle and decomposition, still disperse into little flocculation.


In this study,under laboratory conditions,using traditional microbiological culture method,select the Pb2+ stress training of Pistia stratiote and Myriophyllum spicatum L. under water culture, through the changs of root- microbial of Pistia stratiote and Myriophyllum spicatum L.,the results show that bacteria,fungi,actinomycetes have different concentrations under Pb2+ stress. It is specificity of ammonification, nitrification,andanti-Nitrosation after Pb2+ stress.


Raise bacterium from different, inferior nitrify bacterium and nitrify bacterium 3 person in light of the value of SOUR, different raises bacterium active to be compared in the lower level of filter strong, and inferior nitrify bacterium, nitrify bacterium raise bacterium to be in oneself medium, upper levels of the system is more active.


Stable nitritation is realized because the nitrobacter is sensitive to the changing environment. When the dissolved oxygen and pH values in SBRⅠ and SBRⅡ are 2. 4-3. 0mg/L, 7. 0-8. 5, 1. 5-2. 0mg/L and 7. 0-8. 5 respectively, a lot of nitrate isn't found during operation in two months, and nitrosation rate is over 80% in two aerobic reactors.


Nitrobacter can gradually acclimate to nitrous nitrifying conditions and refreshed, so the sludge should acclimation and the nitrite accumulation disappear.


In this paper, adopted augmenting culture in nitrite bacteria culture media and the method of silica gel plate isolation,31 strains of bacteria were isolated from vegetable garden soil of our school. The color reaction test was carried out with Griess reagent and culture fluid, which was regarded as the index to determine producing NO2- or not. 13 strains which color were deep were obtained and they were further rescreened by doing nitrite test. A strain N4(coded N4,the same to the following)with higher rate of nitrosification was picked up after rescreened; A strain B08( coded B08 ,the same to the following) with higher rate of denitrification was obtained after isolated and rejuvenated from our lab conserving mixed denitrifying bacteria culture.


But the effluent ammonium in the anoxic reactor, where enough NO2 were present, was equal to the blank system, and no ammonium was converted to such nitrogen compounds as NO2- and N2 by Nitrosomonas eutropha using NO2 as electron acceptor, which maybe caused by lack of the function bacteria. There were two ANAMMOX reaction pathways in the one-stage autotrophic nitrogen removal system. One way was that after part of NH4+ was oxidized to NH2OH under aerobic conditions, NH2OH and NO2- were converted to N2O under anaerobic conditions, at last N2O was further converted to N2 which realized the nitrogen removal; Another way was that at first NO2- was reduced to NH2OH, NH2OH reacted with NH4+ to form N2H4, which was further converted to N2 subsequently, realizing the nitrogen removal.


Ammonifying rate, nitrosifying rate,nitrifying rate and denitrifying rate were determined by measurement of conversion efficiency and accumulating rate of nitrogenous matter by ammonifying bacteria, nitrobacteria, nitrifying bacteria and denitrifying bacteria in the surface 0-1.5 cm of pond sediment from the intensive fish culture ponds.


更多网络解释与亚硝化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Amyl nitrite poisoning:亚硝化醣中毒

Amyl alcohol poisoning; Amylism 戊醇中毒 | Amyl nitrite poisoning 亚硝化醣中毒 | Amylene poisoning 戊烯中毒


nitrosamines 亚硝胺类 | nitrosification 亚硝化 | nitroso 亚硝基


硝化作用 nitrification | 亚硝化作用 nitrosification | 反硝化作用 denitrification


nitrosoaniline 亚硝基苯胺 | nitrosobacteria 亚硝化菌 | nitrosobenzene 亚硝基苯


参与这个阶段活动的亚硝酸细菌主要有 5个属:亚硝化毛杆菌属(Nitrosomonas) ;亚硝化囊杆菌属(Nitrosocystis);亚硝化球菌属(Nitrosococcus);亚硝化螺菌属(Nitrosospira)和亚硝化肢杆菌属(Nitrosogloea).

Nitrosococcus H. Winogradsky:亚硝化球菌属

nitrosation 亚硝化(作用) | Nitrosococcus H. Winogradsky 亚硝化球菌属 | Nitrosocystis H.Winogradsky 亚硝化囊菌属


水族界向来认定亚硝化单胞菌(Nitrosomonas)将 NH4 转变成 NO2,而硝化杆菌(Nitrobacter)则将 NO2 转变成 NO3,亚硝化单胞菌(Nitrosomonas)和硝化杆菌(Nitrobacter)在水族缸内所扮演的角色其实不如预期!


氨氧化菌种群多样性受溶解氧的影响非常大,而亚硝酸氧化菌的种群多样性比较单一,且不受溶解氧的影响.结合FISH (全细胞荧光原位杂交) 分析结果表明,在OLAND限氧稳定运行后期,亚硝化单胞菌属(Nitrosomonas)是主要的氨氧化菌,


Nitrobacterieae 硝化菌亚科 | Nitrosomonas 亚硝化胞菌属 | Nitscheina 泥苔虫属

Nitrosomonas H.Winogradsky:亚硝化单胞菌属

Nitrosogloca H.Winogradsky 亚硝化胶团菌属 | Nitrosomonas H.Winogradsky 亚硝化单胞菌属 | Nitrosospira H.Winogradsky 亚硝化螺菌属