英语人>词典>汉英 : 亚洲人 的英文翻译,例句
亚洲人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Asian  ·  Asiatic  ·  oriental  ·  Oriental  ·  Asians

更多网络例句与亚洲人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Some degree of stenosis may develop in up to 90% of patients with endobronchial tuberculosis, despite appropriate antituberculous therapy .


Some degree of stenosis may deelop in up to 90% of patients with endobronchial tuberculosis, despite appropriate antituberculous therapy .


Asians who are a minority in a chiefly white area car-pool more than Asians who are a minority in a chiefly African-American area.

同样 是少数群体,住在白人聚居区的亚洲人就比住在非洲裔美国人聚居区的亚洲人更容易搭到车。

Have only been to Asia once, but the majority of my friends in Honolulu are Asians.


There 're many immigrants from Ascian countries,some of them was grown up in this country even born and being Ascians ,they are easygoing and understandble for you.


What the curl modelling with western fleeciness and natural star causes many domestic ladies is yearning, but Asian face because unlike Hesperian is so stereo, so big head is put on Asian head to be able to become very heavy, be about to be balanced through adjusting hair color and hair amount at this moment, catch hair look Cheng Zong look for instance, reduce the amount of the hair appropriately, very can good-looking on visual effect.


Asians are often blamed for saving too much and spending too little, but Mr Redward argues that the main reason for their plight was that manufacturing accounts for a much larger share of GDP than elsewhere.


Asians are often blamed for saving too much and spending too little, but Mr Redward argues that the main reason for their plight was that manufacturing accounts for a much larger share of GDP than elsewhere.


They will supposedly solve our problems with the Asians, who do not come from the Judeo-Christian tradition; the Communists, who do not even believe in God; the blacks, who have been shafted so often by God-fearing white men that there is hardly any common ground left between them; and the kids, who have heard those same song-and-dance sermons sung false so many times they may prefer dope to the audacious self-delusion of their elders.


You claim yourself as Asian, but real Asians think you're whitewashed and non-Asians see you as a foreigner.


更多网络解释与亚洲人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Asian Business:亚洲人开的店铺

50Asiana. 亚洲的; n. 亚洲人 | 52Asian business亚洲人开的店铺 | 53ask him round请他到我们这儿来


城市座落在玛纳瓦图地区广阔的海岸平原上,面积32,594平方公里,人口近10万,其中,欧洲人(European)占76%,毛利人(Maori)占13%,太平洋岛屿国家的人占(Pacific Island)2%,亚洲人(Asian)占5%,其他(Other)占3%,北帕米尔顿的人口年龄结构非常年轻,


Asiatic cholera 亚细亚霍乱 | Asiatic 亚洲人 | aside from 除


ashtray 烟灰缸 | asiatic 亚洲人的 | aside 在旁边

Gook,Asian:<贬>东方人,亚洲人 原意是污垢,淤泥,粘性物质

Good Samaritan 行善的人 | Gook,Asian 东方人,亚洲人 原意是污垢,淤泥,粘性物质 | Goth 无知的人,野蛮人(尤指破坏艺术的)

foreign-born Asian:外国出生的亚洲人

22.native-born American 本土出生的美国人 | 23.foreign-born Asian 外国出生的亚洲人 | 24.rate of intermarriage 通婚率


印度中国这二个现代世界移民大民族,在西方人数最多,在英国,"亚洲人"(Asians)指的是印巴人,中国人朝鲜人称"远东人". 中国人绝对不自认为"亚洲人",真是很滑稽. 这两个民族都很聪明,在大学里,占的比例很大,但是很奇怪,

57 Asians:57人是亚洲人

There would be:这个村子里有: | 57 Asians 57人是亚洲人 | 21 Europeans 21人是欧洲人

cool Asians:优秀的亚洲人

Asian nerds,|亚洲的蠢货们、 | cool Asians,|优秀的亚洲人、 | varsity jocks,|大学代表队的小伙子们、

Asians 4:{亚洲人4

Young Asian P.O.V. {亚洲青年过氧化值} | Asians 4 {亚洲人4} | Young Asian Cuties 4 {亚洲青年美眉4}