- 更多网络例句与亚太地区相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
In addition, China has decided to accede to the Information Technology Agreement and started negotiations on relevant issues.
我们 的这些实际行动,相信将会推动亚太地区经济技术合作和贸易投资自由化的发展。
In recent years, China's merger and acquisition activity between enterprises become more frequent, China is becoming the Asia-Pacific region deal active countries.
The formation of APHA marks a historical milestone in the development of cardiovascular medicine. It heralds a new era in the growth of cardiovascular medicine in the Asia Pacific region.
APHA has brought together some of the best brains in cardiovascular medicine in the Asia Pacific region.. We have a membership base of close to 10, 000 members .
From July to August 2000, together with the OOSA of the UN and ESCAP, relevant departments of the Chinese government opened the Short-term Training Course for Asia-Pacific Multilateral Cooperation in Space Technology and Applications.
A.T. Kearney is one of the leading high-value management consulting firms in the world with over 50 offices in 37 countries.
THE GOLDMAN Sachs Group says the earnings outlook for the container shipping sector in the Asia Pacific region looks "less certain" than the bulker freight market which is expected to see earnings growth accelerate in the fourth quarter of the 2007 calendar year.
As a member of CIFAL Net under United Nations Institute for Training and Research, CIFAL Shanghai is an international training organization orientated to the authorities in the Asia Pacific Region which is in the cooperation between UNITAR and the Regional Cooperation Office for City Informatization
Compared to other regions, the Asia Pacific travel market is relatively stable right now," explains Ram Badrinathan, general manager, Asia Pacific."There is still a lot of opportunity in the online travel sector that is buoying the industry's performance.
To put economic globalization and trade liberalization in their right perspective is of overarching importance to a healthy development of the global economy.
- 更多网络解释与亚太地区相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
很快,"汉鼎亚太"又来到菲律宾,在"亚洲开发银行"(ADB)的协助下募集了第二个基金,专门用于投资菲律宾企业. 1988年,"汉鼎亚太"在新加坡募集基金,投资于新加坡和整个亚太地区. 在亚洲金融危机导致的市场开放和银行重组中,
advanced technology:高新技术
Allen曾在美国的11个州和加拿大负责管理高新技术(advanced technology)业务. 他于7年前随着思科收购Fibex System正式加盟思科. Allen在技术领域拥有16年的经验,并熟悉亚太地区市场. 他曾在宽带技术公司(Broadband Technologies)负责亚太区业务,
North America:北美
"我一直想在SNS上搞出点名堂来,毕竟Facebook上这么大的流量,哪怕我截..6月初,epsilon发布全球消费者邮件调查报告:PDA/智能手机和IM在亚太地区 (APAC)使用最多;59%的亚太地区消费者说会在阅读邮件之后进行线下购买,北美(North America)有53%,欧洲中东
ASAP AsianStandardAdvisoryCommittee:亚洲标准咨询委员会
APNIC 亚太地区网络-中文分组 | ASAP AsianStandardAdvisoryCommittee 亚洲标准咨询委员会 | ACI AspenComputerInc "白杨"计算机公司(美国,出品笔记本电脑)
旅客只需预订指定酒店三晚或以上,便可和家人或朋友享受阿联酋提供的套票优惠,不需另加住宿相关之税金及服务费. 有关套票优惠适用於阿联酋航空所有来回波斯湾、中东、印度次大陆、澳洲、澳大拉西亚(Australasia)、非洲以及亚太地区的航线.
Gold Reserve:金雀
拥有"麦卡伦"(Macallan)、"金雀"(Gold Reserve)和"高原骑士"(Highland Park)等威士忌品牌的英国爱丁顿集团最近已把亚太地区总部由香港迁至上海,集团亚太地区总裁马丁.雷曼表示:"爱丁顿集团亚太地区总部在上海的设立,
design methodology:设计方法
本公司以最完善的IC设计方法(Design Methodology)、最齐备的智慧财产权元件库(IP)及灵活的经营策略,服务的客户群遍及美国及亚太地区,本公司并於美国设有子公司,且於亚太地区与数个知名企业进行策略联盟,充份利用跨国资源以加速扩展业务.
P C:个人电脑
国际数据公司(IDC)和Gartner的统计数据都显示,除日本外的亚太地区个人电脑(P C)第一季销售较上年同期增长16%. 但两家研究公司对于哪家公司是亚太地区第一季度的个人电脑销售老大意见不一:IDC认为联想集团仍以10.9%份额稳居第一,
药物治疗的关键点是选择适宜的剂量和疗程,"剂量滴定"(titration)过程应根据每名患者的具体情况摸索. 您正在浏览的是新闻稿:全球戒烟领袖携手同心,领跑亚太地区控烟进程 --第三届亚太地区尼古丁依赖治疗联盟(ATND)年会纪要