英语人>词典>汉英 : 亚交换群 的英文翻译,例句
亚交换群 的英文翻译、例句


metabelian group
更多网络例句与亚交换群相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Not every subgroup of a D-group is also a D-group. If a subgroup is a D-group we call the subgroup "sub- D -group." The "commutator ideal" of G is the smallest sub-D-group containing its commutator subgroup. We found that the commutator ideal can be viewed as a finitely generated module over a ring when G is a finitely generated metabelian D-group.

并非每个子群都是一个可除群,若一个子群是可除群,我们称之为子可除群(sub-D-group),而G 的交换子理想则是在G中包含其导出群的最小子可除群,我们发现当G是一个有限生成亚交换可除群时,其交换子理想是一个有限生成模。

Holomorphic vectors and holomorphic automorphism groups of a sort of three-dimensional Hopf manifold


Ni6 cluster is an octahedron belonging to Oh point group. Its 3Eg orbital presents strong negative exchange coupling and has a trend of antiferromagnetic couplings. Ni5 cluster is of three-side pyramidal structure belonging to point group C3v. The magnetic moment direction of Ni atom lying on vertex of the pyramid is antiparallel to the moment direction of the Ni atoms lying on underside of the pyramid, which present the characteristic of ferrimagnetic couplings.


更多网络解释与亚交换群相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Noahs Ark:诺亚方舟

对一个网络系统来说,要表现真正的HA,必须像诺亚方舟(Noahs ark)一样每种东西提供两件,包括Web servers,网关路由器,交换结构等.相反,共享存储集群公用一个存储设备,每个application servers从那里获得运行的application.更新只在一个文件系统中进行,

meta axiom of choice:亚选择公理

mesokurtic distribution 常峰态分布 | meta axiom of choice 亚选择公理 | metabelian group 亚交换群

kappa curve K:曲线

峰态;峭度 kurtosis | k-step metabelian group K步亚阿贝耳群;K步亚交换群 | kappa curve K曲线


Kristof) 报导了他的一桩奇遇:在东非[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenya 肯亚] (Kenya) 外海的一座岛上,一群老人告诉他,他们是中国人的后代. 好几个世纪以前,他们的祖先在非洲做贸易,用中国的瓷器与丝绸交换当地像长颈鹿等特产.

metabelian group:亚交换群

meta axiom of choice 亚选择公理 | metabelian group 亚交换群 | metacompact space 亚紧空间

metabelian group:亚交换群亚Abel群

元理论 meta theory | 亚交换群亚Abel群 metabelian group | 亚可换积 metabelian product

k-step metabelian group K:步亚阿贝耳群;K步亚交换群

峰态;峭度 kurtosis | k-step metabelian group K步亚阿贝耳群;K步亚交换群 | kappa curve K曲线

metacompact space:亚紧空间

metabelian group 亚交换群 | metacompact space 亚紧空间 | metaharmonic function 亚低函数