英语人>词典>汉英 : 五年间 的英文翻译,例句
五年间 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与五年间相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Over the past five years, 55 percent of the 151 people who passed the highly competitive test — the main passageway into the country's diplomatic corps — were women.


In addition, according to Qing Dynasty Gongbu archives, the author clarifies the construction of the Qintianjian yashu which possessed one hundred and ten rooms, including the 协政堂 xiezhengtang,主薄厅 zhuboting,五官厅 wuguanting,宪书房 xianshufang,司书厅 sishufang,时宪科 shixianke,天文科 tianwenke,漏刻科 loukeke for routine,板库; banku for storing the book boards and 斋戒房 zhaijiefang,土地庙 tudimiao, etc., for sacrifice and enshrinement.


In addition, according to Qing Dynasty Gongbu archives, the author clarifies the construction of the Qintianjian yashu which possessed one hundred and ten rooms, including the 协政堂 xiezhengtang ,主薄厅 zhuboting ,五官厅 wuguanting ,宪书房 xianshufang ,司书厅 sishuting ,时宪科 shixianke ,天文科 tianwenke ,漏刻科 loukeke for routine;板库 banku for storing the book boards and 斋戒房 zhaijiefang ,土地庙 tudimiao , etc., for sacrifice and enshrinement.


The result shows that desertification is serious in the study area. Various types of desertification land add up to 370000hm~2, accounting for 39% of the total land. From l995 to 2000,the serious desertification land, where vegetation cover is below 30%, extends with the speed of 61hm~2 per year. The increasing landscape fragment reflects the intense intervene that human activities act on landscape. Shape index changes indicate the growing ratio of interior -edge, which is disadvantageous to natural recover of land.

结果表明,研究地区沙漠化现象严重,各种类型沙漠化土地总面积37万hm~2占总土地面积的39%;植被盖度小于 30%的较严重的沙漠化土地从1995年到2000年的五年间以61hm~2/年的速度扩展;景观破碎度变大,反映出人类活动对景观的干预作用不断增强;沙漠化景观要素的形状指数变化表现出内、缘比变大,不利于沙漠化土地的自然恢复。

We suggest that program should adjust the payment on some indicators, Urinalysis and Ophthalmoscopic examination, which didn't make progress to the standard over years. The program can be revised on providing incentives to promote the implement of Diabetes Self-management Education.

包裹给付之尿液及眼底检查率,五年间仍持续未达标准,未来计画在修订时应考虑对於未持续进步的指标,在支付上修正或订立惩罚办法,同时应加强糖尿病自主管理教育(Diabetes Self-management Education)落实和奖励。

A lynchpin of the plan is transforming the province into an internationally renowned destination for travelers to learn about the Qiang and Dayu ethnic minorities' cultures within three to five years.


I have been Assistant to the Chief Buyer for Lenidormi of Milan for the last five years .

过去五年间,我一直是米兰 Lenidonni 的首席进货员助理。

A:1.I have been Assistant to the Chief Buyer for Lenidormi of Milan for the last five years.


Drawing was an act in solitude, and those days were long until she stepped into the fanzine circle around the handover time in 1997. In five years' time, she and her fanzine friends published several collected works.


To the Qing道光年间, Lotus Peak tea from a small number of monks, the development of many tea farmers in general, and lotus as the central peak, Wushishan,西坑, stone Mashan, France Huashan, five and so on dozens of Huashan Mountain shiting are developed between the production of tea.


更多网络解释与五年间相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这一门研究美索不达米亚的历史与文化的学问,就是十九世纪后期和二十世纪前期的著名的亚述学(Assyriology). 亚述学除研究文物古迹外,也研究历史语言文字. 自1843年以来,迄今的一百五十馀年间,近东的考古学以1927年美国的考古队重回豪尔萨巴德为分界线,

Marcus Aurelius:(马可奥利流

在第二个时期的逼迫也是有地区性的,公元九一至九五年杜米仙(Domitian)在位时,约公元一一一年他雅努(Trajan)在位时,约公元一六四年哈德连(Hadrian)在位时都有逼迫,然而公元一六五至一六八年间,马可奥利流(Marcus Aurelius)在位时逼迫尤其严重.

George Berkeley:柏克萊

柏克莱"柏克莱(George Berkeley)是爱尔兰的一位天主教的主教,生于一六八五到一七五三年间. "艾伯特开始说,然后便沉默了很长一段时间.

bubonic plague:淋巴腺鼠疫

例如:1347-1351年间,淋巴腺鼠疫(Bubonic Plague)曾杀死了七千五百万人;1971年,旋风在东巴基斯坦曾夺去了至少二十万人的生命,并使一百万人无家可归;1908年意大利南部大地震,活埋了八万五千人;1846年爱尔兰全国的马铃薯(薯仔)由于染上枯萎病而失收,

Chinese white:中国白

背景介绍:氧化锌(zincoxide)也叫作〝锌白〞(zinc white)(中国白)(Chinese white). 是首先在一七三九年为德国人Cramer制成. 但发展成商业用原料,约在一八三五年间在法国制成. 制造氧化锌有两个主要方法,即法国法(French process)和美国法(American process).

Exeter University:埃克塞特大学

去年,[[埃克塞特大学]](Exeter University)对进行跨国收购的英国企业进行了一场调查,发现收购后企业[[股东]]的[[平均收益率]]竟为负值. 尤其是在英国企业收购美国企业的案例中,股东的损失最大,收购完成后五年间的[[平均收益率]]为-27%.

SuZhou Industrial Park:苏州工业园区

新华社援引文件中的一个例子报导称,位于苏州工业园区(Suzhou Industrial Park)的服务型企业将在截至2013年的五年间享受15%的企业所得税税率,中国其他地方的企业所得税税率为25%.


"12年级的蔓蒂(Mandy)目睹了父辈那代人面临的高失业率,她更为关注的是工作. "我想成为一名律师,"她说,"而这是需要花钱的. "在学校,捷因茨把一群11年级和12年级的学生介绍给我. 我询问他们的生活在过去五年间发生了怎样的变化.


"美国新闻署"(USIA)是世联合会(AMCHAM)一家,1998 年就出版了十本著作和六十多篇报告"(见本书,第 页). 布氏还例举了法国>(Preuve)杂志:"这本由美国中央情报局(CIA)出资的杂志,由一些法国大知识分子扶助,在二十至二十五年间,

Venus Williams:大威廉姆斯

奥运官方网站7月18日讯 当地时间7月17日宣布,大威廉姆斯(Venus Williams),小威廉姆斯(Serena Williams)和莎拉波娃(Maria Sharapova)在过去五年间都曾是美国网球公开赛中女子组的冠军.