英语人>词典>汉英 : 互补分布 的英文翻译,例句
互补分布 的英文翻译、例句


complementary distribution
更多网络例句与互补分布相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We find in form, the surface parts which are put in front of the time marks of the two structures are antithetic of affirmation and negation; in content, these two structures fully show their complementary distributions with their process meaning and critical meaning. And the essence of the complementary distributions is the contradiction of one-way dimension of objective time and inverse subjective thought.


Discovered that the verb mark and the verb infill words' semantic characteristic has the supplementary distribution complementary.


Complementary distribution refers to the relationship between phonological variation, the same ...


Mr. Huang said in the article: Chinese verb phrase have / be repeated structure of the verb complement structure and distribution of the phenomenon,...


What are phonemic contrast, complementary distribution, and minimal pair?


In English, clear unaspirated stops only in the s-word after the first, and Qing aspirated stops in word-initial, two consonants in a complementary distribution : s-after there is no aspirated stops,...


Complementary distribution: If two allophones of the same phoneme occur in the different environment and distinguish meaningare, they said to be in complementary distribution.


The latter is called complementary distribution; they are two allophones of the same phoneme. They only occur in different environments.

互补分布是指音位变体之间的关系,同一个音位的不同变体在语音组合中永远不会出现在相同的位置上,它们没有区别意义的作用,如 top 中的送气的和 stop 中不送气的。

Help me, what is the complementary distribution Category: Linguistics complementary distribution profile in linguistics, when the two language elements consonants, vowels, morpheme, etc.


Cool English dictionary with n word search in English how to say complementary distribution complementary distribution in English translation, spelling, usage, idioms, listen, etc..

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更多网络解释与互补分布相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

complementary antonymy:互补反义关系

complementary antonym 互补反义词 | complementary antonymy 互补反义关系 | complementary distribution 互补分布

Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function:互补累积分布函数

投资与贸易互补:Mutual complementary relationship of Investment and trade | 互补累积分布函数:Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function | 严格互补松弛条件:Strict complementary assumption


标准约束理论预测照应语与代词在其最小(minimal)管辖域内应处于一种互补分布,而实际上来自各种语言的例证都显示,这种互补分布并不存在. 就是在英语中,代词也可以在局部区域(local domain)内受约束,如下所示:而在弗里斯兰语(Frisian)中,

complex predicate:复合谓语

complementary distribution 互补分布 | complex predicate 复合谓语 | component 成分

complementary antonyms:互补反义词

communicative competence 交际能力 | complementary antonyms 互补反义词 | complementary distribution 互补分布

closing diphthongs:合口双元音

clipping 截短法 | closing diphthongs 合口双元音 | comphementary distribution 互补分布

complementary distribution:互补分布

一个音位有些音不能出现在同一位置上,而各有各的特殊位置,这叫互补分布(complementary distribution). 实现一个音位的不同音叫音位变体(allophone). 要注意,学习英语发音时要弄清每个音位有哪些音位变体,各用在什么地方. 第二节讲音标和标音.

Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF):互补累积分布函数

渐进累计破坏过程:successive cumulative damage processes of structure | 互补累积分布函数:Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) | 模型:LNCaP model