英语人>词典>汉英 : 云英岩 的英文翻译,例句
云英岩 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
greisen  ·  zwither

更多网络例句与云英岩相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Many kinds of gem-grade minerals such as beryl, scheelite, cassiterite and tourmaline, and sub-products such as K-feldspar, galenite, tabular quartz, tabular calcite and mica were found in beryl-scheelite vein deposit of Huya, Pingwu County, Sichuan Province .


Seven wolframite separates from both topaz-quartz vein type and greisen block type tungsten ores were selected for Sm-Nd analysis.


In recent years, a number of tungsten polymetallic ore deposits were discovered in Guidong—Rucheng area, resulting in a remarkable breakthrough in the expansion of ore deposit type and ore deposit size. The ore deposits are of skarn type, altered granite type, structural alteration belt type, quartz vein type, greisen type, bedded type etc.


Quartz - vein type and greisen - type associated with tungsten, and porphyry - type are major types of Sn deposits, In recent few years, a new type of tin deposit- clastic altered rock type has been discovered, which made new development in tin - probing.


Data of major andminor elements in magnetite, cassiterite, galena and sphalerite from oredeposits within this ore belt suggest that these ore deposits are of skarn,hydrothermal, porphyry and greisen types related to Yanshanian magmaticactivity and that iron in ores came from regional Permian marine interme-diate-basic volcanic rocks whereas partial lead and zinc from Permian geo-synclinic sediments.


The Maoping tungsten-tin deposit is located in the eastern section of Nanling metallogenic belt, the Chongyi-Dayu-Shangyou tungsten polymetallic ore concentration area and at the front part of the Tianmenshan rock mass extension with a north trend. Greisen and the quartz vein are the main tungsten-tin mineralization types in the mine area.


Tin deposit types include the structural alteration zone type,altered rock body type,greisen type,porphyry type,quartz-vein type and alluvial type.


L the normal zonning in order of greisen type tin deposit 〓tourmalite type tin deposit 〓 cassiterite quartz type tin deposit 〓cassiterite sulfide tin deposit copper-lead-zinc 〓 sulfide deposit 〓lead-zinc sulfide deposit 〓antimony deposit, which may be related to the high-level em placement of the intrusions;2 the reversed zoning in order of lead-zinc deposit 〓copper-lead-zinc deposit 〓tin polymetallic deposit, which may be result from the descending of heat centre of the intrusions with their cold and solidification.


Seven molybdenite samples from greisen ore body and quartz vein tungsten ore body associated with black tungsten ore were chosen for Re-Os isotopic dating and model age of (141.4±2.2) Ma~(158.2±2.2) Ma were obtained. The isochrone age of molybdenites from greisen type tungsten-tin ore body is (156.8±3.9) Ma, which indicates that its mineralogenetic epoch is at the Middle Jurassic, corresponds to the second stage of early Yanshanian period. And the model age for the samples from greisen ore body and from quartz vein ore body are (150.7±2.4) Ma~(158.2±2.2) Ma and (141.4±2.2) Ma~(151.0±2.4) Ma respectively, which indicates that the mineralization time of the quartz vein ore body is slightly earlier than that of greisen ore body.

文章选取云英岩型矿体及上部石英脉型钨矿体中与黑钨矿共生的辉钼矿7件,进行Re-Os等时线年龄测定,得到其模式年龄为(141.4±2.2) Ma~(158.2±2.2)Ma,其中云英型钨锡矿体中辉钼矿等时线年龄为(156.8±3.9)Ma,成矿时代为中侏罗世,对应于燕山早期第二阶段;从云英岩矿体中样品模式年龄为(150.7±2.4)Ma~(158.2±2.2)Ma,石英脉型矿体中样品模式年龄为(141.4±2.2)Ma~(151.0±2.4)Ma。

The ore-near hydrothermal alteration rocks in Pangushan tungsten deposit s incluted;silicification,greisenization muscovization,phyllitealteration,sericitization,biotization,chloritization, carbonatization and so on.


更多网络解释与云英岩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

biotite dacite:黑云英安岩

黑云碳酸岩 biotite carbonatite | 黑云英安岩 biotite dacite | 黑云闪长岩 biotite diorite


云英斜煌岩 aschaffite | 云英岩 greisen | 云英岩化(作用) greisenization


jerribag 可折叠桶 | jerseyite 英云煌岩 | jet acidizing 射流酸化


云英苏斜岩 biotite quartzklausenite | 云英斜煌岩 aschaffite | 云英岩 greisen

pyroxene minette:辉石云煌岩

辉石英辉正长岩 augite akerite | 辉石云煌岩 pyroxene minette | 辉石云斜岩 aiounite

nordmarkite minette:英碱正长云煌岩

英碱正长细晶岩 nordmarkite aplite | 英碱正长云煌岩 nordmarkite minette | 英碱正长斑岩 nordmarkite porphyry

nordmarkite minette:英硷正长云煌岩

英硷正长细晶岩 nordmarkite aplite | 英硷正长云煌岩 nordmarkite minette | 英榴细斜长石岩 routivarite


正长英云细晶岩 brandbergite | 正长云煌岩 prowersite | 正常波痕 normal ripples


"zwieselite","铁磷灰石" | "zwitter","锡石云英岩" | "zygadite","双晶钠长石"

biotite quartz porphyry:云英斑岩

云形虫 Sigmoidella | 云英斑岩 biotite quartz porphyry | 云英苏斜岩 biotite quartzklausenite