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云室 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

cloud chamber
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In an updated version of a cloud chamber the researchers are recreating the Earth's atmosphere.


When scientists first turned their attention to subatomic particles, including cosmic rays, they used a device called a cloud chamber to study them.


C.T.R Wilson started as a student of meteorology, and his interest in cloud formation led him to invent the cloud chamber, which became a basic tool of nuclear physics.


The main evidence for the validity of nucleation theory rests on its ability to predict closely the critical supersaturation for most liquids in cloud chamber experiments.


Nuclear interactions induced by cosmic ray high energy particles have been studied by means of a multiplate cloud chamber at 3185 meters above sea level with liquid scintillator as target material.


The concentration of ice-nuclei active at temperatures of -15℃,-20℃,-25℃ and -30℃ was measured with an mixing cloud chamber, during the period from March 18th to April 30th in 1963 at Peking.


How ever, for radium-226 s ource of activ ity less that 750Bq to be used with diffusion cloud chamber, monitorin g instrument is not


Plus neutrons, in the nucleus cloud chamber photograph, an unknown nucleus collides with a 44He nucleus, and after the collision tHe nucleus, and after the collision the two he two particles nuclei nuclei travel in perpendicular directions relative to each other.travel in perpendicular directions relative


The methods based on dualism are: the argument of analogy, hypothesis-deduce, cloud chamber imprint analogy, etc; while the methods based on monism are: logical behaviorism,being of Strawson, methological behaviorism, physicalism, etc. Since the 20 century, concerning the other minds problem, certain important achievements and empirical material were offered along with the great development made by modern scientific technology (esp. the Neurobiology, cognitive neuroscience,and the measuring and testing techniques of brain), the knowledge combination and intersecting cooperation research done by philosophers and biological scientists.


In 1932, Chadwick made a fundamental discovery in the domain of nuclear science: he discovered the particle in the nucleus of an atom that became known as the neutron because it has no electric charge.


更多网络解释与云室相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bigg chamber:毕格云室

"Bigelow's evaporation formula","毕葛洛蒸发公式" | "Bigg chamber","毕格云室" | "bilinear interpolation","双线性内插法"

cloud chamber track:云室径迹

cloud chamber 云室 | cloud chamber track 云室径迹 | coaxial 共轴,同轴

cloud chamber:云室

太阳表面的光球层(photo-sphere)形成透明内部和由于局部温度下降至约4000K,太阳的光球层(chromo- sphere) 中就像在威尔逊的云室(cloud chamber)中那样.

cloud chamber:云室;云零室

cloud base,云底 | cloud chamber,云室;云零室 | cloud detection radar,测云雷达

diffusion cloud chamber:扩散云室

diffusion 扩散,漫射 | diffusion cloud chamber 扩散云室 | digital 数字的

Wilson cloud chamber:威尔逊云室

williamson's synthesis 威廉逊合成 | wilson cloud chamber 威尔逊云室 | wine vinegar 葡萄酒醋

Wilson cloud chamber:威爾森雲霧室= 威耳遜云室

Wigner lattice 維格納晶格 =維格納格[點] | Wilson cloud chamber 威爾森雲霧室= 威耳遜云室 | wire grating 線柵 =線[光]柵

high-pressure cloud chamber:高压云室

high-pressure chemistry 高压化学 | high-pressure cloud chamber 高压云室 | high-pressure coal hydrogenation 煤高压加氢

magnetic cloud chamber:带磁场的威尔逊云室

magnetic chamber 带磁场的威尔逊云室 | magnetic cloud chamber 带磁场的威尔逊云室 | magnetic confinement 磁约束


nephelopia 角膜翳性视力障碍 | nepheloscope 云室 | nepheloscope 成云器